The Film Daily (1943)

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;M Thursday, July 8, 1943 DAILY Vol. 84, No. 5 Thurs., July 8, 1943 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : : : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable addressFilmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, CalifRalph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 520 Third St. N.W., Phone District 1253. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. PARIS— P. A. Harle, Le Film, 29 Rue Marsoulan (12). HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU — Eileen O'Brien. BUENOS AIRES— Dr. Walter P. Schuck, Casillo de Correo 1929. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Apartado 8817, Mexico, D. F. cominG URD G0IHG RICHARD F. WALSH, IATSE head, returned to town yesterday from a Western trip. LOUIS NIZER leaves tomorrow for a vacation. DON CARLE CILETTE, WB trade press contact, is in Chicago. DEWEY D. BLOOM, M-C-M exploitation representative in Canada, pulls into town next week for conferences with William R. Ferguson, the company's exploitation manager. MONROE GOODMAN, former assistant to Oscar Morgan at Paramount, is in town on leave from his Air Force duties at Kelly Field, Tex. GEORGE FREEMAN, manager of Loew's Poli, Springfield, Mass., is in Hampton Beach, N. H., for his vacation. E. C. GRAINGER is on a swing around the Shea circuit. WILLIAM RESNICK, writer for the Emerson Yorke studio, is back from a research trip through Indiana on the documentary film "Education for Living." SIDNEY SHELDON and BEN ROBERTS, screen writers, are here from the Coast. TED O'SHEA, M-G-M Eastern division manager; HAROLD POSTMAN, assistant to William F. iRodgers, distribution head of the company, and EDWIN W. AARON, circuit sales manager, leave for Cincinnati today to participate in the firm's sales analysis session there. They'll be away for a few days. ANITA LOUISE was at Camp Campbell, Clarksville, Tenn., yesterday in her voluntary USO-Camps Shows tour which ends at Camp Lee, Va., on July 14. ANNE ROONEY today starts an engagement at Fort Riley, Abilene, Kan., on the second leg of her USO-Camp Shows tour which closes on July 23 at Camp Campbell, Clarksville, Tenn. JULES FIELDS of the 20th-Fox exploitation department is back from a 10-day trip to St. Louis. JEANNE HESS of the 20th-Fox publicity and exploitation department has returned from a vacation in Chicago. ERNIE CROUCH, who has been helping out at Schine's Dixie in Rochester, N. Y., returns this week to his post at the Schine house in Auburn. Canadian Service Shots For Dominion Newsreels Montreal — Canadian men and women in the services at home and abroad will be featured in Dominion news reels, after July 22, according to plans just completed by Oscar Hanson, president of Pioneer Films. Pioneer is launching a fast transAtlantic film service which, it is/ pected, will eliminate further C\^ adian criticism that newsreels exhibited here stress U. S. military operations. Briggs, Greenblatt and Lefton to Coast Tomorrow FINANCIAL (Wednesday, July 7) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 16% 16i/4 163/8 + Vs Col. Picts. vtc. (2'/2%> 17V4 171/s 17'/8 — 3/s Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 17l/2 17ft 17ft + V4 East. Kodak 165 165 165 ..... do pfd 180 1793/4 17934 — 1/4 Gen Prec. Eq 22l/4 22 22 — 1/4 Loew's, Inc 60ft 60 60ft — H/4 Paramount 283/4 277/8 283/8 RKO 9 8% 9 RKO $6 pfd 943/4 941/4 94ft— 1/4 20th Century-Fox .. 21ft 20% 21 ft 20th Century-Fox pfd. 32ft 3 2 1/4 32ft + ft Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros 15 14% 15 do pfd 893/8 891/4 893/8 + ft NEW YORK BONO MARKET Para. B'way 3s55 Para. Picts. deb. 4s56 Warner Bros.' dbs. 6s48 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 35/8 3ft 3% + ft Radio-Keith cvs 1% 1% 1% ..... Sonotone Corp 33,4 3ft 3% + 1/4 Technicolor 13 12% 13 Trans-Lux Universal Corp. vtc Universal Picts N. Y. OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES Bid Asked Met. Playhouse, Inc. 2nd deb. '45 Roxy Thea. Bldg. 4s 1st '57 763,4 79ft O. Henry Briggs, president of PRC, Arthur Greenblatt, vice-president in charge of sales, and Nat Lefton, Cleveland and Cincinnati franchise holder and recently appointed district manager for Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cincinnati and Cleveland, leave tomorrow for Hollywood, where they will confer with Leon Fromkess, production chief, and PRC producers on production of the 1943-44 program. From Hollywood, Greenblatt will make a swing through the entire Western and Southwestern territories. The sales chief of PRC will return to New York about Aug. 15. Briggs will remain in Hollywood for several weeks, returning to New York about Aug. 1. Predicts FM Television Advance After the War What the television industry expects as a post-war development, according to Paul Chamberlain of GE's electronics department, is the rapid advancement of FM broadcasting stations which he believes will replace many low-powered AM stations now handicapped by interfer Gov't Shorts at Each Show Or No Waiving Overtime Syracuse— IATSE Local 376, operators, has served notice on all houses here that the practice of waiving overtime resulting from the screening of Government shorts has been eliminated except in instances where the programs are made up in strict compliance with the policy of showing the shorts as part of each show. The union charges that some houses have been "chiseling" time bv eliminating the Government shorts from all except the last show at night, thereby getting more film run and avoiding payment of overtime by blaming the shorts with taking up the extra running time. Republic Takes 200 Chi. Billboards to Boost Rogers Chicago — Republic has taken 200 billboard stands in the Chicago territory boosting Roy Rogers film drive and his personal appearance next week with his "Song of Texas" film at the Oriental Theater. Three radio stations will be used. NEW YORK THEATERS Nathan Rosen $85,854 Estate Goes to Widow 1600 , BROADWAY """»»*' \ %a^ / N.T.C MUVHt M«VI« \^ y {J,,,, 0-00ll-2-)-4 tfOtAOI I C A. nOJICttOH HOOM RIM EXCHANGE OlSKIIUIION StfVICE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Theater Manager — Steady Age 47 — Married Excellent References Prefer Times Sq. or Midtown Area Please State Minimum Salary Box 166— Film Daily 1501 Broadway— New York City Miami Beach, Fla. — An inventory filed in probate court revealed that Nathan Rosen, retired Pittsburgh theater owner, left an estate of $85,854.02 when he died a little over a vear ago. Of this amount 1511,126.62 was in the Iron City Amusement Co. of Pittsburgh, and his interests in the Granada and Model Theaters in Pittsburgh was listed at $55,103.42. Entire estate was left to his wife. Mrs. Anna Rosen, who has aualified as executrix and who resides at the family home in Miami Beach. Margaret M. Bleakley Named Joe Shea Aide RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL ROCKEFELLER CENTER THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION' with VIRGINIA WEIDLER, EDWARD ARNOLD and Five Important Guest Stars AN M-G-M PICTURE NEW MARCH OF TIME Gala Stage Revue • Symphony Orchestra First Mezzanine Seats Reserved. Circle 6-4600 J^C BETTY GRABLE -fc GEORGE MONTGOMERY* CESAR ROMERO Come? isiand A JOTH CENTURr-FOX fICTURE in TECHNICOLOR * PLUS A BIG STAGE SHOW * BUY |J ^\ ■%#• W 7ihAVE. BONDS K V A I 50th ST. "DIXIE" * In Person with ~k ANDREWS SISTERS BING CROSBY "k TIM HERBERT DOROTHY LAMOUR -fc MITCHELL AYRES A Paramount Picture -»V and his orchestra Cool PARAMOUNT Times Square B'WAY & 47th St. Humphrey Bogart • Raymond Massey "ACTION IN NORTH ATLANTIC" and "PRAIRIE CHICKENS" JIMMY ROGERS . NOAH BEERY, JR. Margaret M. Bleaklev has joined William Cagney Productions in New York as assistant to Joseph Shea, Eastern -publicity representative and story editor. Miss Bleakley was formerly associated with the storv departments of David O. Selznick and Hunt Stromberg Productions. ££& STATE ON SCREEN JEAN ARTHUR JOEL McCREA "THE MORE THE MERRIER'