The Film Daily (1944)

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: $^^\ DAILY Monday July 3, 1 Court Weighs 20th-Fox Love Girl' Re-opening Plea Vol. 86. No. 1 Mon., )u iy 3 1944 10 Cents XHN W. A JCOATE Publishsr DONALD M. MERSEREAU and Associate General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published dailv except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidavs at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, X. V., by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary Treasurer ; Al Steen. Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) I'nited Slates outside of Greater New Yorl. $10 00 one vear ; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months S3. 00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communication to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway. N'ew York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117. 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday. Xew York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calil —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phon. Hranite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phon. Ordwav 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler. "6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briar rate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fred pan The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardoin St W I HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco. Firtudes 214. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Aurelir, Ralindo. Apartado 8817, Mexico, D. F. SYD VEY — Allan White. SAN JUAN— E. San thez Ortiz. MOXTREAL— Roy Carmichael FinnnciflL {June 30) St. Louis — The application of Twentieth-Fox for a re-opening of the suit brought by Mrs. Marie Cooper Oehler Dieckhaus Swanson, formerly of St. Louis, in which she charged plagiarism in the making of "Alexander's Ragtime Band" because of its similarities to her unpublished novel "Love Girl" was taken under advisement Friday by Federal Judge George H. Moore who also asked counsel for both sides to submit briefs prior to July 12. John F. Caskey and John R. McCullough, of New York joined with Samuel W. Fordyce and Thomas W. White, local attorneys in presenting a mass of documentary evidence to support their contention that the plaintiff presented false testimony to perpetrate a fraud on the court. J. Porter Henry, Mrs. Swanson's counsel also presented documents to support his original charges and to deny the new statements. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Col. Ficrs. vtc. (2'/2%> Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd . East. Kodak 1 Cen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO S6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . . . 2Cfh Century-Fcx pfd. Warner Bros NEW YO Par. B'way 3s55 NEW YORK Monogram Picts Radio-Keith cvs Sonofone Corp. Technicolor Trans-Lux Universal Pictures Universal Picts. vtc . High Low Close 175/s 17'/z 171/2 + 461/2 46vi 46 1/2 + 5% 2434 7034 2234 67 5 8 2834 IOV4 91% 26' ... 234 1838 434 5% 24 — 170 — 223,8 — 671/2 — 283,4 + 10 — 913J 26 Vi 5% 24 170 223 8 671/2 28V2 10 91 Is 2574 32% 323/4 32% + 14 133,4 133'4 — RK MARKET 95'/4 95V4 951-4 CURB MARKET 3% 35/s 33/4 + 13/4 1% 1% 4 2% 18 1/4 4% 22i/4 21 1/2 221/4 2H/2 213/8 21% + Net Chg. Va, "1/2 Vs 2% 183/g 4 434 4 Shaindlin to Direct Musicals for Soundies Will Bradley and his band, Jerry Wayne and Roberta Hollywood have been placerl under contract by Jack Shaindlin, to be featured in a serif three-minute musical Soundies to be produced by Shaindlin at the Filmcraft studio in the Bronx. Shaindlin, who as musical director handling the March of Time and Universal Pictures in the East, has now taken over straight directorial ?nrae ts and plans to place under contract radio and stage talent which will be released by Soundies Distributing Corp. of Amei Youngstown Test Case To Fix Bingo's Status Youngstown, O. — Test case of interest to all Ohio theater managers in cities where Bingo flourishes will be tried here, as a result of a ruling by Judge David G. Jenkins of the Mahoning County Common Pleas Court, stating, in an informal opinion, that Ohio's amended gambling law, which does not prohibit Bingo games for profit, is in conflict with the State constitution, which says, 'Lotteries and sale of lottery tickets for any purpose whatever shall forever be prohibited in this state." The hearing involved a temporary injunction restraining city police from halting Bingo games at the Disabled American Veterans Hall. Judge Jenkins refused to issue a restraining order, and as a result, all Bingo games in the city were cancelled, pending move for a permanent writ barring police interference. Bachelor Luncheon for Max Stein, Irv Ticktin Their associates at the 20th-Fox home office on Friday tendered a bachelor luncheon to Max Stein and Irvina' Ticktin of the company's advertising department at Rogers Corner. Charles Schlaifer, advertising manager, was toastmaster. Stein and Ida Rabinowitz of Forest Hills, Queens, were married on Saturday. Ticktin took the leap with Minna Bister of New Rochelle, N. Y., yesterday. D of J. Shifts Britt From Chi. to Capital CM-ar-o— Daniel Britt, chief of •"he D of J anti-trust division here, is transferred to Washington for special work. Britt handled the Government's film cases here. George B. Hancock from the Denver office succeeds Britt. Hubby of RKO Lass Writes Real Drama RKO Radio's home office was thrilled on Friday, and even more thrilled was Helen Felix, secretary to Al Adams of the company's publicity department. For many weeks she had not heard from her husband. Navy Flight Lt. D. T. Felix, Jr. But the evening newspapers on Friday cleared up the mystery of his whereabouts in a way which was as dramatic as any movie. A dispatch datelined Saipan told that it was he, aboard a PBM flying boat, who was the first to spot the Jap fleet which our Navy subsequently defeated in the big aerial battle recently. The hero's home is on Sunny Brae Place, Bronxville, N. Y. S. S. Benjamin Warner Launched at Richmond Para. Withdrawing FWTBT Aug. 1 Until Next February In keeping with its promise to the industry, Paramount will withdraw "For Whom the Bell Tolls" from release as a roadshow attraction on Aug. 1, not showing it again until February, 1945, when the film will be released for exhibition at regular prices, according to an announcement Friday by Charles M. Reagan, the company's distribution head. Reagan disclosed that since its world premiere at the Rivoli here on July 14 of last year the picture has been booked by approximately 750 nouses, assertedly establishing a box-office record topped by only one picture on a roadshow basis in the history of the business. By Aug. 1 the film will have played only about 800 engagements out of a possible total df more than 12,000. According to Reagan, "Bell" will be shown in Canada at regular prices, its engagement starting there in 1945. Where the film will have its Canadian premiere is still to be decided. Richmond, Calif — The S. S. E jamin Warner, named in honor the father of the Warner broth e was launched on Saturday at Henry Kaiser yards here. Amo the speakers were Harry M. s Jack L. Warner, who paid tribute the builders of the American m chant marine and the persoii manning the ships that are carry;' men and supplies to the fighti fronts. Other speakers were Kaiser z Rear Admiral Howard L. Vickerv Guild Mulls Sale of Pic Rights Before Production A plan bearing on the sale of film rights to shows before production is under study by the Dramatists Guild. Submitted by H. William Fitelson, theatrical lawyer, the proposal is designed to protect the lesser known playwrights. It calls for a down payment for the film rights and other sums depending upon the length of a show's engagement. With rare exception the present practice requires the film companies to bid for rights to shows in the open market. Polio Outbreak Cuts Charlotte Attendance Charlotte, N. C— Health authorities have recommended that children be kept away from theaters as 107 cases of infantile paralysis, the largest number ever reported in North Carolina, are reported. With 40 cases reported in Charlotte, attendance, particularly at matinees, has fallen off. NEW YORK THEATERS RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Showplace of the Nation-Rockefeller Cente CARY GRANT in "Once Upon A Time" \ with Janet Blair Directed by Alexander Hall A Columbia Picture Spectacular Stage Presentation 1st Mezz. Seats Reserved. Circle 6-4600 RADIO CITY MUSIC HAL See Stilwell in the War's Most Incredible Venti THE LATEST IVIARbn OF Released by 20th Century-Fox PARAMOUNT'S "GOING MY WAY" With BING CROSBY In Persen Charlie Spivak and his orchestra p4#AMOMr E23Z B'WAY 47th St. STARTS TOMORROW AT 8:30 P.M. 'MARINE RAIDERS' PAT ROBERT RUTH O'BRIEN • RYAN • HUSSEY *f? ON SCREEN M-G-M's Comedy Hit 'SEE HERE, PRIVATE HARGROVE' will) ROBERT WALKER as Private Hargrove IN PERSOt BENNY FIELDS WILLIE HOWARt