The Film Daily (1944)

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* r. . . infinitely ippealing and lero/c... Edward 7. Robinsonj at ong last, has imself a pic jrel39 -WASHINGTON POST a ( WASHINGTON (Earle & Ambassador) LOS ANGELES (Hill St. & Pantages) Go For MR. WINKLE but BIG! Tremendous openings greet a great new escapist picture! SdmndG. ROBINSON in COLUMBIA PICTURES' \0%\ Mr. WIATKLE GOES to WAR PRESOLD TO MILLIONS.,. as a best-selling book . . . and syndicated newspaper serial! with RUTH WARRICK • TED DONALDSON • BOB HAYMES Screen Play by Waldo Salt, George Corey, Louis Solomon From the best-selling novel by THEODORE PRATT Produced by JACK MOSS • Directed by ALFRED E. GREEN