The Film Daily (1944)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope (Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Six Years Old FDAILY' 'OL. 86. NO. 41 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST, 29. 1944 TEN CENTS LEVY SEES PRICE INDUCEMENT AN ISSUE Burrows Allays Rumor of Color Film Shortage No Change in Technical•r's Rate of Operation," 1e Tells Film Daily Rep. By HOWARD O. HOSMER FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Rochester, N. Y. — Lincoln V. Burows, chief of the photographic secion of the War Production Board, .ere yesterday to consult with Eastnan Kodak officials on the raw stock ituation, stated that he wished to .Hay rumors in the trade that there s a shortage of Technicolor film. Burrows said, "There is no change (Continued on Page 8) 17 Metro Pix Based On "Best Sellers" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — M-G-M has a total of 17 productions based on best-selling Dooks in release, ready for release, aefore the cameras or soon to go in;o production. List is topped by the :urrent record-breaker, "Dragon Seed," based on the Pearl Buck novel. Soon to be released are "The Seventh Cross," by Anna Seghers; (Continued on Page 3) Geo. Soulat to Manage New UA Algiers Office George Soulat has been appointed manager of United Artists' recently opened office in Algiers which will ;over North Africa, Walter Gould, foreign manager, announced yesterday. Gould also announced that Al Lowe, general manager in South Africa, had arrived in Egypt to sur(Continued on Page 8) Nicaragua Ticket Tax For Kid Free Lunches Managua, Nicaragua (By Cable) — A 10 per cent tax on motion picture theater tickets has been leviedby Congress with the proceeds to be used to provide luncheons for poor children attending public schools. Wolcott Sees No Loss in Distributors9 Revenue If Theater Divorcement Comes Eldora la. — Leo Wolcott, president of the Allied-Independent theater owners of Iowa-Neb. claims the Government modification of the New York consent decree will not result in less revenue for distributors. Wolcott in a bulletin to the members of the Iowa and Nebraska association stated that some of the trade papers were worried lest theater divorcement should result in less revenue and a consequent drop in picture quality. Disagreeing he asserted "the audiences will still be there and so will the theaters, playing the best pictures they can get." "Is anyone so naive as to seriously believe they'll be buying pictures for less than the non-competitive affiliates are now paying?" Wolcott asked, offering "phooey" as his answer. Hart Succeeds May As CMPE's Director Gardner Hart, recently released from the U. S. Navy in which he held the rank of lieutenant, has be&n appointed director of the Commission on Motion Pictures in Education. He succeeds Dr. Mark A. May, who currently is in England on a Government mission. Hart will be associated with Yale (Continued on Page 3) Polio May Delay School Re-opening in Buffalo Buffalo — Health authorities will meet today to determine whether school re-openings will be delayed because of the infantile paralysis epidemic, and if children will be (Continued on Page 8) 150 Gift Features For Troops in France While there is no regular pattern of film distribution to troops in the liberated areas, Army Special Services personnel manager to deliver the industry's 16 mm. gift films to every possible point and movies keep up with the rapid advance of the soldiers in France, Lt. Col. Sidney Lund reported to Col. E. L. Munson, (Continued on Page 3) Agreement Reported Near On Rank U. S. Distribution An announcement as to whether J. Arthur Rank's production will be distributed through United Artists or 20th Century-Fox or both may be made tomorrow. Barrington Gain, (Continued on Page 8) Sees Demand tor Theater Tele Broadcasters Must be Ready, Warns Craven "Going My Way" Sets New Records for First-Runs More than 2,420 theater records have been set by Paramount's "Going My Way" in the early first-run phases, the company reported yesterday. Paramount estimates that before the film has completed its big theater engagements, it will have (Continued on Page 8) Chicago — If television receivers in the post-war market are too costly for the average pocketbook, it will be almost inevitable that television theaters will become a reality, .T. A. M. Craven, vice-president of Iowa Broadcasting System and recently resigned FCC commissioner, told the National Association of Broadcasters this morning. Craven believes that the cost of (Continued on Page 3) MPTOA Counsel Believes Distribs. Can Sell Singly But Deals Pose a Problem The general counsels of the film national exhibitors' associations appear to be at opposite poles insofar as their interpretations of the blockbooking provisions of the Government's proposals for a modified New York consent decree are concerned. While Abram F. Myers of Allied sees any attempt on the part of the distributors to sell pictures one at a time as being illegal, Herman M. (Continued on Page 8) Depinet Again Heads Distribs. Division Ned E. Depinet has agreed to serve as chairman of the distributors division of the WAC for the Sixth War Loan, having served in the same capacity during the fourth and fifth campaigns. Leon J. Bam( Continued on Page 8) Jack Goldstein Resigns; Leaves 20th-Fox Oct. 1 Resignation of Jack Goldstein as 20th-Fox publicity manager, a spot he has filled for the last two years, (Continued on Page 8) Industry's 16 mm. Gift Causes Helmet Fatigue "Helmet fatigue" a new and strange malady which threatens to victimize the American servicemen on the French fighting fronts, is reported by Lt. Col. Sidney Lund, just returned from an Army Pictorial Service mission in France. Colonel Lund notes that the malady was first reported in a French town several miles from the front, during the showing of motion pictures. The ground was "wet" (about six inches of mud) and the men had nothing to sit on. One Gl sat on his helmet. The show ran two hours. The Gl had helmet fatigue.