The Film Daily (1944)

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b COPPER IS I •k BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONOS * still critical! V-rfOPPER is still on the critical shortage list of essential war materials. It was never more necessary that every last possible ounce of it be saved. The copper that drops from your Victory and "Orotip" Carbons to the bottom of your lamp housings, and that which you strip from stubs, quickly finds its way back into essential products of war when you turn it in to your distributor or local salvage headquarters. Your cooperation has been most effective. Your Government urges you to keep it up! And for further saving of copper . . . and for efficient use of carbons ... a bulletin describing completely the operation of Victory High Intensity Carbons . . ."National," "Suprex," and "Orotip". . . has been in general distribution. If you have not received your copy, write today. National Carbon Company, Inc., Cleveland 1, Ohio, Dept. 7-1. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation General Offices: 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Division Sales Offices: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco The registered trade-marks "National," "Suprex," and "Orotip," distinguish products of National Carbon Company, Inc.