The Film Daily (1944)

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16 • EQUIPMENT NEWS 31 DAILY Friday, September 8, IS* Exhibs. Must Plan Stands Now— Cole (Continued from Page 13) ress at Bretton Woods, N. H., said that a backlog of capital from war loan saving's, plus the accumulation of other surpluses, makes funds for investments and promotions readily accessible and easy to handle, and consequently the realtors will be casting their eyes at the exhibition field. In several Texas situations where exhibitors are established, outside interests are going into the theater field, he said, and added that this is likewise the case in many U. S. communities from coast to coast. 'Any town of some promise," Cole said, "is subject to the dangers of this type of invasion, and the only way to stop it is for the local exhibitor to be ahead of the development. It is incumbent upon every exhibitor, therefore, to plan new houses and remodelings on a broad scope, even to the extent of overseating his town, since it is through adequate local plants that outsiders may be discouraged from making these illadvised constructions." He disclosed that in addition to the Cole Bros, main house in Bonham undergoing remodeling operations, they will build a fourth house in the 7,000 population town. Kodah Hand-ln-Glove With Mr. Efficiency Rochester — Unusual and unheralded are some aspects of Eastman K. dak's manufacturing. Each year the company makes some 400,000 pairs of white cotton gloves in five sizes and 12 "styles." They're worn throughout the plant wherever hands touch f.lm or photographic paper. uE to Consolidate Electronics Plants (Continued from Page 13) park, which will make Syracuse GE's television hub, may get under way in the Spring, but progress of the war will be the governing factor. The site spans 155 acres. Plant cost is expected to approximate between $7,000,000 and $8,000,000. When completed, the plant will employ about 5,000, it is understood. Prendergast Leaves Eastman Rochester — M. V. Prendergast, veteran Eastman Kodak employe, has resigned after 30 years' service. He helped perfect Eastman raw stock, doing much work on film and in the installation of tube machines for processing film. Blowers • Colls • Cooling Systems • Fans Exhausters • Heaters • Washers • Wheels TODAY'S PRODUCTION... All America can look forward to products of superior quality when the war effort is no longer the major customer of U. S. industry. For in meeting the exacting specifications of Army, Navy and Maritime Commission, men are designing and building better Here at usAIRco, while taking the daily task in stride, we're planning to serve American Retailers better by developing greater values in low-cost comfort cooling. Right now is a good time to get complete information on Kooler-aire Evaporative Cooling, and Refrigerated Kooleraire. Data promptly furnished on request. UNITED STATES AIR CONDITIONING CORPORATION NORTHWESTERN TERMINAL • MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA "/Continuous" performance means something different these V>4 days, when equipment is hard to get and replacement parts are at a premium. For with the long hours and record audiences that are coming the way of most theatres, equipment must continue to operate. So we suggest, Mr. Manager, that you make sure you are backing your projectionists to the limit in setting up a preventive maintenance program — a program of equipment care that will assure you of continuous performances. Your projectionists are doing a swell job today under difficult conditions ; do all you can to help them. A good way to start your preventive maintenance program is to send for the RCA Projectionists' Handbook — 76 pages of helpful information prepared by our experts in theatre equipment care. It's free. Just send the coupon. RCA Service Company, Inc., Box 70-75F. Camden, N. J. RCA SERVICE COMPANY, INC. A Radio Corporation of America Subsidiary This 76-page manual "RCA Photophone Handbook for Projectionists" ■ — chock-full of good preventive maintenance suggestions. No obligation. RCA SERVICE CO., Inc., Box 70-75F Camden, N. J. Name Theatre. Address. City .State.