The Film Daily (1944)

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Cf*^ DAILY Monday, September 11, 1944 Vol. 86. NO. 49 Mon., Sept. 11, 1944 10 Cents comma mid gomg Mass. Safety Hearing to Call Theater Operators JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher SPYROS SKOURAS, TOM CONNORS. W. ). KUPPER, HAL HORNE. A. W. SMITH. JR.. JULES FIELDS. EARL WINGART and JERRY PICKMAN were among 20th-Fox representatives who returned on Friday after attending i the premieres of "Wilson" in Washington and CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Philadelphia. WILLIAM F. RODCERS left Chicago at the week-end for Hollywood. DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen. Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, »-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St, W. I. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudee 214. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY— Marco-Aurelio Galindo, Apartado 8817, Mexico, D. F. SYDNEY—Allan White. SAN JUAN— E. Sanchez Ortiz. MONTREAL — Roy Carmichael. L. J. SCHLAIFER, 20th-Fox's Central sales manager; his assistant, JACK BLOOM, and MARTIN MOSKOWITZ, assistant to General Sales Manager W. J. Kupper, have gone to Boston. MARY PICKFORD got in town this morning. E. M. SAUNDERS, assistant general sales manager for M-C-M, and WILLiAM D. KELLY, in charge of prints, returned from Washington at the week-end. SGT. ALBERT COHEN, formerly of the M-C-M publicity department, arrived in Atlantic City I over the week-end, reporting to the Army replacement center. He flew in from Casa 1 blanca and within the next few days is expecting a 21 -day furlough, which he will spend in New York. LOU MILLER, manager of RKO's Western dii vision sales approval department, is on a twoweek vacation at Buck Hills Falls, Pa. JOAN CAULFIELD, accompanied by her mother, has arrived in Hollywood from New York to report to Paramount. HATTIE ELBORN of Loew's home office has | returned from a Maine vacation. E. K. O'SHEA, M-G-M's Eastern sales mana ( ger, returns today from Chicago. HERB MORGAN, Eastern M-C-M shorts repI resentative, is back from the Coast. RUSSELL HOLMAN and RICHARD NEALAND leave for Hollywood Friday. AL STEEN returned over the week-end from Bretton Woods, N. H. CUS EYSSELL, president and managing director of the Music Hall, leaves for the Coast today on a business trip. JACK GOLDSTEIN, resigned as 20th-Fox's publicity manager, leaves on a California vacation tomorrow. JACK MEHLER, M-G-M talent scout, returns today from Atlantic City where he witnessed the "Miss America" bathing beauty contest. KAY KYSER arrived in New York for a twoweek vacation on Friday accompanied by his bride, CEORCIA CARROLL. LT. COM. EUGENE ZUKOR, now in charge of all entertainment for the Navy, was here ! Friday and Saturday from Washington for a meeting of Army and Navy officers. nnflnciiu (September 8) Rep.'s Goodman to Coast With Latin-America Next Mono. Franchise in Oklahoma Reacquired NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. <2'/2%> Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd East. Kodak 1 do pfd Gen. Prec. fq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO S6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . . 20th Century-Fox pfd 20th-Fox ppf 1 Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram Picts Radio-Keith cvs Sonotone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux Universal Pictures Universal Picts. vtc. . High Low Close 163/4 16% 1634 + 18 V8 18i/g 181/s — 43 43 43 4% 45/g 45/8 . 22i/2 22i/2 221/2 + 65 165 165 + Net Chg. 1/8 Va 21% 6234 25% 8% 89i/4 243,4 3034 04% 1 12% CURB 33/4 H/4 23/4 22% 21% 21% + 61 1/2 623/4 + 253.8 253/8 — 8% 8 1/2 + 88 1/2 89 + 24V4 243/4 + 30% 30% . 04% 104% — 12% 12% 4 MARKET 33A 33/4 — 1 y4 1 v* 23/4 2% + 213/4 213/4 — V2 % With production of Republic features in Mexico and a general survey of Latin-American sales conditions as objectives, Morris Goodman, I company's vice-president in charge ; of foreign sales leaves New York next Saturday for the Coast to con| fer with Herbert J. Yates, board I 2'nairman, and James A. FitzPatrick, j recently signed to make a series of 1 features in Mexico and South America. Goodman will then leave Hollywood for Mexico, continuing his three months' itinerary to include Panama, Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Cuba. He is slated to arrive in Rio on Oct. 24 to arrange campaign to herald initial showing of firm's forthcoming inter-American musical, "Brazil," which will probably have day-anddate premiere there and in Sao Paulo. First of Republic's features to be made by FitzPatrick in Mexico, "Song of Mexico," will go before cameras Nov. 9. 20 19% 20 West Coast Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Hollywood — Monogram Pictures Corp. Friday reacquired its franchise for the state of Oklahoma from Can* Scott, according to an announcement by W. Ray Johnston, and will set up a company-owned branch there. Sol Francis, Mid-West district manager, has been placed in charge temporarily. The corporation now owns its own offices in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Omaha, Oklahoma City and also owns a half interest in the Seattle and Portland offices. With the new acquisition, Monogram now distributes through company owned branches in about 37% per cent of the revenue-producing centers. No additional acquisitions are contemplated at this time by the company. Springfield, Mass. — Theater owners are expected to form the bulk o. those in attendance at tomorrow'public hearing of the legislative recess committee on safety of persons in buildings. Talk will center on fire safety laws which grew out of the Boston Cocoanut Grove disaster of December, 1942 and the recent gun cus fire in Hartford, Conn. Equity Council Meets on Merger The proposed merger of the groups belonging to the Associated Actors and Artistes of America will be diseused tomorrow at a meeting of the council of Actors Equity, a member of the AAAA family. 75 to Attend Second NSS Regional in Chi. Bronston and Milestone Get Steinbeck "Red Pony' Metro's New Sales Pact Ready for Legal Okay John Steinbeck's "The Red Pony" has been acquired by Lewis Milestone and Samuel Bronston in a deal which called for a down payment against percentage. SITUATION WANTED Adaptable college graduate, keen on cinema values and all phases of industry, seeks opportunity for advancement. Already experienced with independent and major producers in sales and control. Draft deferred. Write Box 208, Film Daily. 1501 Broadway, New York City. Metro's new one-page streamlined sales contract is expected to get the i final legal okay today when J. Robert Rubin, Loew's vice prexy and general counsel, returns from Sarai toga. It is expected to go into use I on Sept. 28 when Metro salesmen start out with the ninth block. Second National Screen Service I regional meeting will open in Chi■ cago, Sept. 16 with some 75 members ' of the sales staff in attendance. Scheduled as a highlight of the George Dembow tribute and to spark the opening of new movie season, sessions will be attended bv salesmen and branch managers from Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and Oklahoma City. Dembow will head the three-day meetings. RKO Signs Odets West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— RKO has signed Clifford Odets, playwright, to a term writer-director contract, it was announced by Charles W. Koerner in charge of production. WANTED: Experienced booker for large independent circuit with offices located in New York City. State experience and salary wanted. Write Box 211, Film Daily, 1501 Broadway, New York City. NEW YORK THEATERS RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Showplace of the Nation-Rockefeller Center M-G-M's Production "Dragon Seed" KATHARINE HEPBURN WALTER HUSTON ALINE MacMAHON AKIM TAMIROfF TURHAN BEY Spectacular Stage Presentation 1st Mezz. Seats Reserved. Circle 6-4600 PARAMOUNT presents Fred MacMURRAY Barbara STANWYCK Edward G. ROBINSON "Double Indemnity" IN PERSON THE ANDREWS SISTERS MITCHELL AYRES AND HIS BAND PA*AMoa#r s; ;:*. eieg Bonita Granville Jean Brooks YOUTH RUNS WILD' ON SCREEN M-G-M's New Musical MEET THE PEOPLE' LUCILLE BALL C DICK POWELL IN PERSON ED SULLIVAN & HARVEST MOON DANCE WINNERS TOMMY DIX Wing And a Prayer 20th Century-Fox Picture at Brandt's Brandt's GLOBE GOTHAM B'way & 47th St. j DOORS OPEN 8:30 A.M.— Midnight Shows B'way & 46th St.