The Film Daily (1945)

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: W*^ DAILY Monday, January 29, 19 Republic Plans More Foreign Expansion (Ccntinued from Page 1) turn to New York at the beginning of the week from Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Included in the blueprinting are branches for several of the European countries, but that steps in that direction are awaiting, are contingent upon war developments, as well as stabilization of liberated lands. Before the European distribution channels are established. Republic will make a general survey of those markets. Goodman said that the recently instituted branch setups in Colombia and Peru will be operating full tilt in February. In Colombia, Ricardo Canals, former Panama assistant manager, is in charge, and Mario Feraboli, former manager of the company's sub-branch at Rosario, Argentina, heads up the branch in Peru. James A. FitzPatrick finished shooting "Cancion de Mexico" ("Song of Mexico") at the suburban Mexico City studio on Jan. 6, and has taken the footage to the North Hollywood lot of Republic to put finishing touches on the production. Four additional features will follow from FitzPatrick this year under the prevailing pact, and each of the aggregate of five will be marketed world-wide. Cast of "Song of Mexico" was selected, he said, for the bi-lingual talents of the cast, hence the picture was made in two distinct versions, — English and Spanish. Success of this arrangement has decided Republic on having the other four of its Mexican lineup made on the same basis. Goodman asserted that the overall increase in Republic's world-wide business in 1944 was between 25 and 30 per cent, and added that the company "expects great things" from "Brazil" and "Lake Placid Serenade," both of which will be given the same type of intensive promo IN NEW POSTS OSCAR BERNSTE(N, salesman, United Artists, Chicago. EMERSON MARKHAM, CE manager of television. STANLEY REDMOND, manager, M & P's Merrimac, Lowell, Mass. R. A. NAVARRO, Warner checking assistant supervisor, Pittsburgh. W. O. LOVE, Warner checking assistant supervisor, Cincinnati. THEO. ROUTT, booker, Dallas Associated Theaters. |. P. PRICE, manager. Peak, Dallas. ft. |. YOWELL, manager, A'rway, Dallas. ALBERT CAMERON, manager. Grove, Dallas. MILTON KRESS, Ross Federal branch manager, Washington. C. H. DO BBS, Ross Federal branch manager, Charlotte. REVIEWS Of neuj fiims "On Approval" with Beatrice Lillie, Clive Brool( Googie Withers English Films, Inc. 80 Mins. REFRESHING ENGLISH COMEDY IMPORT BOASTING NOVEL DIRECTION; SOr'HISTICATED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Fun runs rampant throughout the Frederick Lonsdale comedy which gives Clive Brook a droll comedy role to toy with liberally. Apparently adapted for the screen as well as directed by himself to exploit his versatility, Brook also allows Beatrice Lillie free rein to her delivery of the Lonsdale wit. Googie Withers adds her charm and beauty, while Roland Culver helps round out the foursome in the plot's situations. Here is an example of an English film that should be acceptable to the American market for its light English accent. With the "Gay Nineties" for atmospheric background, Brook, 10th Duke of Bristol, broke but happy, attempts to win Withers, an American heiress. Culver, also broke, gets a prop:sition to spend a month at Bea Lillie's Scottish home "on approval" of their forthcoming marriage. Brook and Withers tag along and the action gets under way when the servants walk out on this clandestine arrangement. This results in the discovery that both women are destined to switch lovers for future happiness. CAST: Clive Brook, Beatrice Lillie, Googie Withers, Roland Culver, O. B. Clarence, Lawrence Hanray, Elliot Mason, Hay Petrie, Mariorie Rhodes, Molly Munks. CREDITS: Produced and Directed by Clive Brook; Executive producer, Sydney Box; Commentary, E. V. H. Emmett; Story, Frederick Lonsdale; Adaptation, Clive Brook; Music, William Allwin; Cameraman, C. Frlese-Creene Art Director Tom Morahan; Sound, A. W. Watkins; Ass't Directors, W. Boyle, P. Rigal; Costumes, Cecil Beaton; Ed tor, Fergus McDonnel; Musical Director, Muir Mathieson. DIRECTION: Interesting. PHOTOGRAPHY: Good. Martin Replaces Pavone For "U" in New Haven (Continued from Page 1) assumes the New Haven post as manager as af Feb. 1. Pavone served with First National here many years ago, and has since been Warner salesman and manager, and for the past five years. Universal manager. tional treatment that they received here in the U. S. The entire film industry in Latin America, he said, is progressing rapidly, and a tremendous upsurge of theater construction is anticipated when materials become available after the war. At present, construction in Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina, is chiefly devoted, aside from several new theaters in the last-named country, to essential commercial and public buildings, plus highways. Rank N. Y.-Coast Publicity Offices Under Lawrence London (By Cable) — J. Arthur Rank will establish New York and Hollywood publicity offices to function under Col. Jock Lawrence, who goes on the Army's inactive list. "The Adventures of Kitty O'Day" with Jean Parker, Peter Cookson Monogram 63 Mins. STRONG INJECTION OF COMEDY MAKES MURDER MYSTERY GOOD ATTRACTION FOR DUALS. A murder mystery that relies heavily on comedy in working out its plot, "The Adventures of Kitty O'Day" is a fast-paced picture well suited for double bills. The film tells its story breezily, thanks no little to a skillful script by Tim Ryan, George Callahan and Victor Hammond derived from a sound story by the last-mentioned. The entertaining yarn has Jean Parker and Peter Cookson as a ccuple of amateur sleuths who try to solve a case involving several murders. The two fall under suspicion themselves and land in the toils of the law, but they enjoy the last laugh when the police solicit their help in breaking the case. The cast as a whole performs acceptably. Miss Parker and Ccokson are well teamed. Tim Ryan, Ralph Sanford and Lorna Grey are among the players who assist capably. Produced by Lindsley Parsons, the production was directed with speed and dispatch by William Beaudine. CAST: Jean Parker, Peter Ccokson, Tim Ryan, Ralph Santord, Lorna Grey, Jan Wiley, Dick Elliott, Bill Ruhl, Shelton Brooks, Hugh Prosser, Byron Foulger. CREDITS: Producer, Lindsley Parsons; Director, William Beaudine; Screenplay, Tim Ryan, George Callahan, Victor Hammond; Based on story by Victor Hammond; Cameraman, Mack Stengier; Sound, John Carter; Musical Director. Edward Kay; Film Editor, Richard Pike. DIRECTION, Okay. PHOTOGRAPHY, Okay. * SHORTS ^ "White Treasurer" Universal 9 mins. Worthy Short How important salt is in times of war as well as peace is told in a short that adds much to a person's knowledge. The action is confined largely to scenes of activity in a salt mine on Canada's Eastern Coast that is the largest in the British empire. Set this down as a highly creditable item. "Unusual Occupations" (L4-2) Paramount 10 Mins. Highly Entertaining Plenty of good materiel is in the latest of the series. The five sequences deal with a Sioux practicing an old Indian art, an Argentine sculptor whose materials are tree roots and the like, a barber who employs an ax instead of a razor, a specialist in the creation of miniatures of old vehicles and WACS training for photographic work at Lowry Field, Colo. U. S. Clearance Plan Gels MIxedReadion (Continued from Page 1) earlier runs for their theaters. 0 of the principal objections, even '.< those who liked the idea, was th. such a step might not be to the pu lie's interest, inasmuch as the would be a general increase in^ mission prices among subsequent . houses. V^ It was pointed out that any th ater charging the highest admissi* price in a city or community cou be the first-run house. Under tl plan, a small theater could pk product ahead of Radio City Musi Hall if it raised its admission sea above that of the Music Hall. Allied had planned, it was repot; ed, to adopt an official policy (■ Wright's proposal but action on was tabled for the time being or . least until the recommendation cou be studied further. SkouraS'Connors Parley With Allied Successful Attendance of Spyros Skour^i president of 20th Century-Fox, ali Tom Connors, vice-president charge of distribution, at the Alli( board meeting in Columbus last wet was described as being so constru tive that the hope was expresse by both Allied leaders and the 20t Fox executives that such affai should be held more frequently . the promotion of friendship and be ter understanding in the industry Trade problems in general we] discussed at a post-dinner parle, which included a question and ai swer period. Wright Completes Brief, Getting Set for Decree Trial * Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAlL Washington — The special Goveri ment brief on unreasonable clea: ance is now under intensive prepars tion by Robert L. Wright, special ai sistant to the Attorney General, fc' submission to the New York Dii trict Court on Feb. 5, date set by tl: court last month. Wright refuses 1 discuss the brief in detail, merel affirming that it will be ready. In the meantime, the Departmei continues investigating numeroi; complaints from exhibitors with a eye to situations which might be eJ plored fully for use in trial of th anti-trust suit. It is apparent ths the Government is getting all set fo trial. Square Club Honors Rodner Harold Rodner, Warners executivt has been made an honorary life mem ber of Projectionists Square CIu 784 of Greater New York. Organi zation is composed of Masonic mem bers among motion picture opera tors. Nine New Pix Starting I Columbia After "Snafu," Too? iVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DATLy} Columbia is reported discussin; Hollywood — Nine new pictures go the acquisition of the film rights t into production this week, making "Snafu," the George Abbott produc total of 41 shooting. |tion. •q.sia tiOTi),onpoj:<j *d 'M