The Film Daily (1945)

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DAILY Tuesday, March 20, 194 Vol. 87, No. 54 Tues., March 20, 1945 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher •DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturday!, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen. Associate Editor. Entered li second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the ;iost-office at New York, N. Y., under the net of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York flO.OO one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD. 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, S516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Eiler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtude* 214. HONOLULU — Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL— Ray Carmicbael. Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. cominG nno goirg MnnnciAL (Monday, March 19) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (21/2%) Columbia Ficts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak do pfd Cen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc faramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox 20fh Century-Fox pfd. Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram PIcts Radio-Keith cvs Sonotcne Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux Universal Picts High Low Close 223/4 223/4 223/4 23 23 23 Net Chg. :'i/4 291/4 29 29 — % 180 1791/2 1791/2 — 1/2 285/8 281/4 28 1/2 777/8 771/4 777/8 295/8 29 29 83/8 8 1/4 8 1/4 951/4 941/2 95 271/2 257/8 271/4 343/4 343/8 343/4 141/8 14 14 CURB MARKET 1 1/2 1 % 1 1/2 31/4 31/8 31/8 225/8 211/2 215/8 43/4 45/8 45/8 24 237/8 24 — 'A — % — 1/4 — Give to the Red Cross — Harry Blair Leaves PRC Ad-Publicity Spot Here Harry Blair, for the past year Eastern advertising and publicity director for PRC, resigned yesterday, effective immediately, and will announce his future plans shortly. PRC, it is understood, will concentrate its advertising and publicity activities at the Coast studio, employing only an exploitation man in New York. "Mickey" Onie Missing Cincinnati — Milton "Mickey" Onie, son of William Onie, franchise holder for Monogram, is reported missing in action, over Germany. JAMES R. GRAINGER, presdent of Republic Pictures, will leave with FRANCIS BATEMAN from Hollywood today for a four-day sales conference in San Francisco. He is scheduled to leave for New York on March 29. CARL LESERMAN, United Artists general salesmanager, will leave today for the Coast. PHIL REISMAN, RKO Radio foreign sales chief, has returned from England and France. LEONARD H. GOLDENSON, Paramount vicepresident in charge of theater operations, has returned from Florida and Cuba business conferences. MONTY BANKS is at the Waldorf-Astoria from the Coast. DICK POWELL returned to the Coast at the week-end after a six-week personal appearance tour in the East with his film, "Murder My Sweet." WALTER L. TITUS, JR., head of Republic branch operations, arrived in Boston at the week-end and will return here Thursday. ADA SIEGEL, editor of This Month magazine, left today on a week's speaking tour through Canada regarding the publication's development. RICHARD H. ROFFMAN, entertainment news and promotion editor of This Month magazine is in Lakewood for a brief vacation. JAMES WYNN, United Artists district manager, is in New Haven from Boston for a few days. ABEL JACOCKS, operator of the Capitol, East Haven, Conn., is in Boston for a visit with brother, Donald Jacccks. IRVING RAPPER, who directed Warners' "The Corn is Green," leaves the Coast this week for New York to attend the world premiere of the picture March 29 at the Hollywocd Theater. SAM WOODS and MRS. WOODS are in Chicago for a visit with their daughter, K. T. Stevens. TED LLOYD, head of the 20th-Fox radio department, has returned from the Coast. DAVE MILLER, Universal district manager and MRS. MILLER, are in Miami Beach for their delayed annual mid-winter vacation. CORP. URIBAM ANDERSON, former Associated Circuit theater manager, has returned to Camp 'Benning, Ca., after a 10-day furlough visit with his wife in Cleveland. ROSE WEITZ, secretary to United Artists branch manager Morrison B. Orr in Cleveland is vacationing in Florida. DON McELWAINE of PRC is at the Sherry Netherland. PHIL REISMAN has returned from Europe. T/SGT. JACK ALICOATE, radio gunner and son of Charles A. Alicoate, has returned to the United States on a 30-day furlough after completing 50 bombing missions over Germany. BONITA GRANVILLE, RKO Radio starlet, arrived here yesterday from the Coast. Local 702 to Continue New Contract Parleys Acting on a report submitted to the executive board by its negotiating committee Friday night, the Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians Union, Local 702, lATSE, decided yesterday to continue its talks with the Eastern processors for new contracts to replace those that terminated on March 10. The union had announced that it would "take action" if negotiations did not proceed in a manner more satisfactory to it. Another meeting with representatives of the laboratories is set for today. — Give to the Red Cross — Para. Will Show Fifth Block of Pix Apr. 5-6 Paramount's fifth block for the 1944-45 season will be tradeshown April 5-6. "Scared Stiff," PineThomas production, will replace "One Exciting Night," originally announced for the fifth block. Others in the group are Hal Wallis' "The Affairs of Susan," "A Medal for Benny" and "Murder, He Says." Jokn Elliott Dead Lexington, Ky. — John Elliott, pioneer chain operator and co-partner in the Elliott Ward Circuit, is dead. REEVES Sound Recording Studios Inc. 1600 Broadway New York 35mm. IBmm. City Film Acetate and Witx Recording Fac Complete Location Equipment for Film, B Meetings and Specialty Recordings. ilitles. usiness Twin Bills Continued By B 6c K Loop Houses Chicago — B & K is continuing twin bills of first-runs, at the Loop Apollo and Garrick theaters. "Fig'hting Lady" and "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier," opened over the week-end at the Garrick to capacity business, while the Apollo held over for the third week "Ministry of Fear" and "Death in the Catacombs." Other Loop B & K houses have already played first-run single features and there is no change in this policy. The RKO Palace recently made a change in its week-end policy, due to the midnight curfew. The usual second film is not run on Saturday and Sunday, which gives the theater two more shows for the week-end schedule, the time being saved for the second film withdrawal. On weekdays, two first-run films continue to be played. Metro's "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo," is being single-featured at 16 class B houses this week. — Give to the Red Cross — Travis. MPSA Exec, Coming to SeeAlstock ll'cst Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Merwin Travis, executive of Motion Picture Society for the Americas, is en route to Washington and New York. In Washing-ton he will confer with Fi'ancis Alstock of the Office of CIAA, while in New York he will hold conferences with heads of international departments of various major companies. While in New York he will be at Hotel Warwick. Botvles' Appearance ^, In Senate Deferred IVaslniuitoii Bur.. THE FILM DAILY Washington — Scheduled appearance of Chester Bowles before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee today to support his request for authority to control box office prices, has been deferred for a day,^ it was learned yesterday. That Bowlesl^ intends to appear seems definite, with the committee planning to hear him tomorrow. Industry Pays Homage To Admiral Wilkinson Admiral T. S. Wilkinson, commai der of the Third Amphibious Force in the Pacific, and Mrs. Wilkinsc were guests of honor yesterday at WAC luncheon hosted by Francis Harmon and which was attended t industry leaders. Luncheon was pri ceded and followed by a screening < "Fury in the Pacific." The admin was introduced by Capt. Gene Mai key. In a brief address. Admiral Wilkii son told of the Pacific campaign an lauded the industry's role as a moi ale builder. He said that on or Pacific island where shows wei given nightly, a Jap soldier in a American uniform was picked up or, night. The Jap had been hiding in fox hole for two months but woul come every night to see the movie ESi M-G-M TRADE SHOW New York . New Jersey Territories Only CLOCK'' Wednesday, March 31 si 10:30 a.m. Also 2:30 p.m. RKO SCREEN ROOM 630 Mnth Avenue Instead of M-G-M Screen Room As Previously Announced