The Film Daily (1945)

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Monday, July 2, 1945 7M|I •^ DAILY EQUIPMENT NEWS New Mid-West Theat. Set By Hkk Bilcos (Continued from Page 7) pany, according to Nick Bikos, president. This will be modern throughout with a seating capacity of a 1000. Construction will begin as soon as ,the materials are available. The building will cover the entire lot, 75 by 1621/2 feet. A Chicago architect is drawing the plans and specifications which call for the theater to make use of the entire building, with no stores in it. The Nick Bikos Theater Company operates the Indiana, Roosevelt, Roxy, Tolleston and Fifth Avenue Theaters. At the outbreak of the war, it had prepared a former theater building at 17th and Broadway, but it was never opened as a theater. Store Building Converted Into a 500-Seat Theater Stephenvllle, Tex. — Conversion of a store building into a theater is under way here by Mrs. Thomas Donnell who owns the building, as well as the other two theaters here. WPBpriorities were given for the work to build the 500-seat theater which will be named the Ritz. Plans for the house were drawn by Wyatt Hedrick of Fort Worth. House is expected to be completed within 60 days. Mrs. Donnell also operates the Palace and Majestic here. New 750-Seater Planned For Massachusetts Town Orange, Mass. — Garbose Brothers, operators of the Orange Theater for the past five years and whose lease was not renewed by the town this year, have announced the purchase of property on Main Street, in the center of town, now occupied by a three-story apartment house. The structure will be razed, they said, and the site used for the erection of a modei'n motion picture house to seat 750. B & L in Recapitalization Bausch & Lomb has filed with SEC a registration statement covering 50,000 shares of new 4 per cent preferred stock and 152,000 shares of new common to be underwritten by a group headed by Stone and Webster and Blodget, Inc. Recorder Firm Moves Chicago — The Wire Recorder Development Corp., which handles licensing of Armoiir magnetic sound wire recorder, is moving business offices to larger quarters at 135 So. LaSalle St., in the Field Building. New Popping Unit Looms St. Louis— Star Mfg. Co., Inc., of this city, discloses that company engineers are now working on a largecapacity, wholesale-type popping unit. Wounded, Injured Vets Work On War Equip. Through Arrangement Matle By Bell & Hotvell Chicago — Patients at the Army's Gardiner General Hospital here, veterans of many war-fronts who are convalescing from wounds or injuries, are lending a hand in production of critically needed equipment for their still-active buddies through a sub-contracting arrangement recently made with Bell & Howell, producers of film equipment, sighting devices, optical equipment, and other war material. Work is done at the hospital by both bed-patients and ambulatory patients, and paid for at the "going rate" for light inspection and assembly work. Patients work a maximum of four hours a day. WE Names Zint to Head Operations in Mexico (Continued from Page 7) been appointed vice-president of Western Electric Co. of Mexico, it is announced by E. S. Gregg, vicepresident and general manager of Western Electric Export Corp. To his new assignment, Zint brings a record of 15 years experience in motion picture production as a sound engineer in Hollywood. In Mexico, he will be in complete charge of the company's Mexican operations, although G. Debus, present local manager, will remain in that capacity, Gregg said. Ohio Charter Granted to Oliver Theater Supply Co. O.K. Theaters Has Two New Houses Going Up (Continued from Page 7) while the second will be a less pretentious show place and will be known as the Port. The O.K. circuit operates four neighborhood theaters here and one in Dallas. Houses here have been all built during the past several years. Cleveland, O.— Oliver Theater Supply Co., Inc., Cleveland, has been incorporated by the Ohio Secretary of State's office with authority to issue 250 shares of no par value common stock, principals being John M. Ferencz, Milton M. Lang, and Jerome W. Moss. Latter handled legal details. Plans 600-Seater Cincinnati — The Ludlow Amusement Co. will build a new 600-seater on Elm St., Ludlow. Architectural plans have already been approved and include television equipment. Edward H. Williams, Ludlow Amusement Co., also operates the Terminal Theater here in Cincinnati. World Trade Confab (Continued from Page 7) decision of the Government to defer plans for an international commercial conference. Some hope has been entertained here that the problems attendant upon post-war trade might come to the fore in a few months, but several factors apparently make it advisable to postpone any formal settlements until next year. One of the stumbling blocks now is the matter of the British blocked sterling balance. There appears to be a growing realization on the part of officials here that the success of an international commercial conference will turn largely on solutions which may be developed with respect to wartime controls, including the British blocked balances. Unless solutions are at least indicated in advance, little hope for agreement on liberalized policies would exist, it is said. The pivotal importance of the British blocked balances, now approaching $16,000,000,000, lies in the restrictive course of action which in the absence of alternative solutions will dictate for British policy. Jiisi Caff/. * NATIONAL ^ Fire Prevention EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE SHUTTERS FIRE EXTINGUISHER FLUID DU PONT FIRE RETARDANT FIREPROOF GLASS FABRICS Equipment and Supplies For Every Theatre Need MATIOiJAi, \ ]>}«$■!«» al N«ili«iia{>5ii«»f*«*fti*)llw*Hk,t»c. BOXOFFICE • LOBBY . BOOTH • AUDITORIUM • JANITORIAL