The Film Daily (1945)

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PRC's SO tor 194S'46 Include Eight in CoIomt (See Columns 2-3 Belotv) Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty Seven Years Old -IFDAILY' ^OL. 88, NO. 2 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1945 TEN CENTS WIDE EFFECT SEEN IN CONTEMPT DISMISSAL Florida Gov. Appoints Film Industry Committee Authorized by Senate, Group Aimed to Attract Motion Picture Production By JOY R. COLEMAN FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Jacksonville, Fla. — With the appointment of the committee authorized by the 1945 legislature, Florida has implemented its drive to entice motion picture producers to the state. Florida has for many years made attempts to lure producers, culminating in the recent move authorizing the Motion Picture Industry Committee to "take such steps as are deemed advisable to attract the industry." Two industry men are included in (Continued on Page 6) CLAUDE F. LEE HPPDA Paris Office lUnrelatedtoMPEC Re-opening of the MPPDA office in France, provision for which is now taking place though the sailing from Boston yesterday of Harold L. Smith, associate manager of MPPDA's International Department, will have (Continued on Page 8) RCA in Deal tor Trans-Lux Patents? Negotiations whereby RCA may acquire or participate in the patents held by Trans-Lux covering rear view projection are said to bs in progress. RCA now has an agreement with Trans-Lux for the use of the rear view principle in the former's television receiving sets. TransLux patents are used in the new RCA television model which was demonstrated recently. Mexican Exhih. Seeks Army^s 16 ntm. Equip. West Coast Bur.. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — George Hirliman has set up a deal, now in its formative stages, with Aliesandro Figueroa, Mexican exhibitor, whereby International Theatrical and Television Corp. will furnish an inexhaustive supply of 16 mm. features and subacts for release in Mexican towns that are now theater-less. Figueroa, who will try to get 16 mm. equipment as the U. S. Army releases it, expects co-operation from his Government inasmuch as that with every playdate of entertainment pictures he will also show health and educational short subjects produced for the Mexican people. Griffitli Managers In 'New Jones Circuit' Roswell, N. M. — Western Amusement Co., Inc., new coi-poration that has recently started theater operations in California, has as its prin( Continued on Page 3) RCA Purchases Brenkert; Will Expand Facilities Camden, N. J. — Purchase of the Brenkert Light Projection Co., of Detroit, and plans for expansion of its production facilities to meet increas(Continued on Page 7) Judge Goddard Places Prosecution of a Violation Of Award in Hands of Attorney General in Dismissing Motion for Contempt by Rosewelt Realty Co. In dismissing a motion by the Rosewelt Realty Co. to have Loew's, RKO and Paramount adjudged in contempt of the New York consent decree, Federal Judge Henry W. Goddard yesterday placed the full Responsibility for prosecuting an alleged violation of an award in the lap of the Attorney General. In effect, Judge Goddard was doing no more than abiding by Section 23 of the decree, but the decision may have established a new phase in the history of the (Continued on Page 8) 15 Parley May Doom Aiiocations Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The question of continued allocation of raw stock by WPB will be put before the Producers and Distributors' Industry Advisory Committee Aug. 15* Stanley B. Adams, chief of the Consumer's Durable Goods Division of WPB, said yesterday. Wires inviting committee members to meet here on that (Continued on Page 7) Voorhees Defends H'wood Against "Red" Probe Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — "No group of people in the whole country on the home front has done as fine and unselfish a job of supporting America in her hour of war crisis than have the people in our motion picture industry," Representative Jerry Voorhees, Los Angeles Democrat, said yesterday in commenting upon the departure of investigators for the House Committee on Un-American Affairs to study (Continued on Page 3) OWi's $35,000,000 May Go By Board Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The National War Agencies Bill, including the OWI budget, seemed yesterday to be dead as a result of -the controversy over funds for the Fair Employment Practices Committee. The Senate version of the bill, containing $250,000 for (Continued on Page 71 PRC to Hawe SO ior 1945-46 Lineup Includes Eight in Color, 16 Westerns Wenisch Leaves Co. to Head PRC Branch in N. Y. The appointment of John Wenisch, former Columbia salesman, as PRC branch manager here, was announced by Harry Thomas, the company's general sales manager, at a trade press luncheon yesterday in the Hotel Warwick. A program of 50 features for 19451946, described as the most ambitious in the company's history, was disclosed to the trade press yesterday by Leon Fromkess, PRC president, at a luncheon in the Hotel Warwick. The announcement was issued by Fromkess following meetings with (Continued on Page 6) Paper Strihe Forces Wider Use of Air Titne Film companies whose exploitation campaigns in the press were hit by the strike of newspaper drivers and delivery men yesterday placed reliance en the radio medium to reach the public. Columbia, RKO Radio and Warner Bros, were among the companies that booked additional 'time on the air to plug their attractions. Many of the circuits, among them Paramount, RKO, Loew's and Skouras houses, rushed for spots on such stations as WOR, WNEW, WHN and WMCA. M-G-M, Paramount, 20th-Fox, United Artists were content to make use of radio facilities already available to them. Other film companies that had not committed themselves to booking additional air time were Universal, PRC, Monogram and Republic.