The Film Daily (1945)

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^ Vol. 88, No. 2 Tues., July 3, 1945 10 Cents JCHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate and General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Marcn 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9->120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — E. " Sanchez Ortiz, San Sebastian No. 3. MONTREAI^Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St, nnflnciflL iMon. July 2) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 223/4 223/4 223/4 + 1/4 43/4 43/4 43/4 301/2 301/4 301/4 — 1/4 179 1773/4 1773A — 34 Am. Seat. Con. Fm. Ind. ...... Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. . , East. Kodak do pfd Cen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . 20th Century-Fox pfd 20th Century-Fox ppf. Universal Fict Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram Picts Monogram Picts. pfd. Radio-Keith cvs Sonotone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux 267/8 261/8 261/2 -I 1/4 331/2 331/4 331/4 + 1/4 9% 93/8 93/8 1015/8 1001/2 101 -I 5/8 285/e 283/8 283/8 — 1/8 357/8 357^ 357/8 -h 3/4 27 263/4 263/4 + 1/2 171/4 17 171/8 -f 1/4 CURB MARKET 43/8 41/4 41/4 + 1/8 10 10 10 — 1/4 2 13/4 17/8 4 l/g 3'/2 33/8 31/2 + 1/4 221/4 217/8 221/4 -] 1/2 47/8 43/4 43/4 Rudy Berger to K. C. Oklahoma City — Rudy Berger, Southwestern division .manager for M-G-M, held a get-together luncheon here yesterday for local exhibitors. He leaves today for Kansas City and will then go to Chicago for the company's sales meeting on July 12. // astounding says J — K w R // CASH CONTROL SYSTEMS . LTD 1501 BROADWAY MOTION-PICTURE^HEATRE 4^ "•■0!1Tit'0L Nelson to Meet With SIMPP Members Individually West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Describing himself as an "expansionist" Donald M. Nelson, new president of SIMPP, told press interviewers Sunday that films will be an important factor in aiding the American industry to hold its worldwide leadership in the post-war period. Because of his "expansionist" feelings, Nelson said he felt there was a job he could do and a job he would enjoy doing as president of SIMPP. Nelson stated he would hold a series of meetings with individual members of his organization to become familiar with the problems he will encounter. He expressed little knowledge of the anti-trust and theater divorcement trial aimed against the "Big Five." Nelson said SIMPP would work in full co-operation with the majors and independents and that Will Hays had promised that MPPDA would cooperate in every way with SIMPP. Wechsler Named WB Cleveland Manager Jerry Wechsler, former city sales manager in Boston, has been named Warner branch manager in Cleveland, Ben Kalmenson, general sales manager, announced yesterday. Wechsler succeeds Joe Kiliski, resigned. Eddie Rivers With PRC Portland, Ore. — Eddie Rivers sold his Plaza Theater, Waitsburg, Wash, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crossler and has moved here where he becomes manager of PRC. U.S.S.R.-Czech Huddles On Pix About to Start London (By Cable) — A delegation of leading Russian film producers is scheduled to arrive in Pi'ague today to establish close relations between Russian and Czechoslovakian film interests, according to a statement picked up here yesterday from the Prague radio. Immediate objective of the announced conference will be negotiation by the Russian delegation for production of Czech versions of outstanding Russian films. Warner Pix Smash Two Records on Broadway Warner films broke two Broadway records over the week-end. "Rhapsody in Blue," in its first week-end at the Hollywood set a new Saturday-Sunday house record, and in its first five days is well ahead of "This is the Army." "Conflict," at the Strand, smashed the house 30-year record for a third week-end and was also bigger than the first week's gross of any picture except "Arsenic and Old Lace" and "Conflict" itself. DAILY: Tuesday, July 3, 1945 GE, RCA, Philco Get U. S. Interest-Free Loans Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Three of filmland's related organizations which operate in the equipment field, — General Electric, RCA and Philco — , have obtained interest-free loans under the "revolving plan" set up by the Office of Contract Settlement and the armed services to assure fast payment of sub-contractors' claims as contracts are terminated on war work, it is disclosed here. The three companies, all important producers of military and naval equipment, are the first to make known their participation in the program announced six weeks ago. GE obtained |3,000,000 from the War Department, RCA $300,000 from the Navy, and Philco an unrevealed sum. Argentinian Syndicate Buys DuMont Transmitter A syndicate of Argentinian business men has concluded negotiations with the Allen B. DuMont Laboratories for the sale and erection of the first television transimitter for South America. The syndicate, headed by Martin Tow, holds the only franchise for television transmitter's granted thus far for Argentina. Several priority applications have been filed with DuMont for stations in South America and Australia. Rule Vaude Actors Outside Pa. Social Security Act Philadelphia — Vaudeville actors are outside provisions of the state social security act and contributions on their theater earnings may not be collected, the U. S. District Court ruled in denying a claim of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Employment and Unemployment Compensation. Court ruled vaudevillians are independent contractors and not regular theater employes. Hickson, Formerly of WE, Stromberg's Gen. Manager West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Daniel C. Hickson, former Western Electric executive, has been named general manager of Hunt Stromberg Productions. Hickson formerly managed the General Service Studios and more recently had l«een stationed in Washington in connection with Western Electric's war production. UA Closing at 1 P.M. For Fourth "Extra Time" The United Artists home office and exchange announced it will close at 1 p.m. today to allow its employes "extra time" to enjoy tomorrow's holiday. A survey of the other companies revealed that a similar move would be predicated on the rise in temperature. COminC and Goinc SPYROS p. SKOURAS, president of 20th-Fox, returned to the home office yesterday after a brief stay at the Coast. He was accompanied by MURRAY SILVERSTONE, president of 20th-Fox International. WILL H. HAYS arrived yesterday in Hollywood on his 24th annual July visit and will be there about a month. -^ HAROLD HOPPER, president of Motion Pic ture Society for Americas, has returned to Hollywood after spending a week in New York conleriing on Inter-American affairs and with heads of international departments of distributing companies. DON McELWAINE, PRC publicity and advertising head, is in New York from the Coast for conferences with president Leon Fromkess and Eastern executives of the company. CHARLES BARRON, Pittsburgh M-C-M exploiteer, is in town for conferences with William R. Ferguson, director of exploitation for the company. E. K. (TED) O'SHEA is in Buffalo. LUCILLE BALL and EDWARD ARNOLD, M-C-M stars, are in town from the Coast. E. W. AARON, circuit sales head for M-C-M, returns today from a trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. JOHN DALL leaves next Monday for Warners' studio, where he is under contract. PATTI BRADY who has just been signed by Warners leaves Friday for the Coast. LT. EDDIE ALBERTS, USN, is in Detroit to appear in pictures for Jam Handy Organizations. LOU COHEN, Detroit circuit owner, and OSCAR ADELMAN, are returning to Detroit after a week's stay at New York, chiefly to set talent for the Fall re-opening of the Paradise Theater. JOSEPH MISKINIS, owner of Civic and Alden Theaters, Detroit, is driving to Los Angeles. JEFFERSON WILLIAMS, owner of the Roseville and East Detroit Theaters in the Detroit suburbs of the same name, leaves via plane, |uly 5, to visit his brother at Marshalltown, la., .hen goes to Hollywood for a few weeks. JED HARRIS has returned from London. DENNIS MORGAN, Warner Bros, star, is in fown to appear at a War Bond rally today. He expects to go to Washington for a similar mission on the Fourth. HAROLD L. SMITH, associate manager of the M. PDA International Department, sailed from Boston yesterday to reopen the Paris office of the MPPDA. ANTHONY QUINN, FELY FRANQUELII, and "DUCKY" LOUIE, returned here Sunday after Boston p.a.'s in connection with the world premiere of RKO's "Back To Bataan." DAVE DEWEY, has returned to the Chicago Theater Supply Co. from the Coast. FRED KLEIMAN, advertising manager of Soundies, has returned to Chicago from New York. DAVE ARLEN, B & K publicist, Chicago, is visiting his relatives in California. FRANCIS ALSTOCK, chief of the motion picture division of the OIAA, left Hollywood foe Mexico City at the week-end. ROBERT A. PINES, publisher-editor of See Magazine, will arrive on the Coast to establish offices there, with plans to devote additional space to motion pictures. JULES LEVEY, UA producer, arrived on the Coast yesterday to prepare for production of "Trail Town." CHARLES LAZARUS, M-C-M salesman in Detroit, is a New York visitor. BERT McKENZIE, Boston exploiteer for M-C-M, is in town for a few days BILL BISHO.", M-C-M publicity director in Chicago, is vacationing in Dalavan, Wis. REEVES SOUND STUDIOS, INC. 1600 BROADWAr, N Y 19 Circle «-6686 Complefe Film and Disc Recording Facilities