The Film Daily (1945)

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lursday, July 12, 1945 DAILY listribs. Preparing lata for Government (Continued from Page 1) t are being prepared by the comiiies for submission before Aug. 1. ij \nsel for the defendants met yesday with Robert L. Wright, special *i3istant to the Attorney General, ^'d Harold Lasser of the anti-trust 'Vision of the Department of Justice, "id the attorneys agreed to supply e data. At a hearing before the threeI dge statutory court on Tuesday, right said that the Government jtended to rely principally on documentary evidence at the trial which 'its under way Oct. 8, although a w witnesses may be called. As to *'e distributors' request for further ' Lswers to their interrogatories, it as pointed out by Judge Augustus and that since the Government I anned to rest on documents, it ould not be necessary for the Deirtment of Justice to reply further the interrogatories. ank and Aides to Sail uesday on Queen Mary II ; ((Continued from Page 1) inied by G. I. Woodham-Smith, •)hn Davis and Barrington Gain, embers of his industry "cabinet," ad by Capt. Harold Auten and Bob [ontgomery of the Jock Lawrence 'rganization, who will headquarter I London. €apt. Auten's inclusion in the ank sailing party stirred trade injrest, with lively speculation as to is possible affiliation with the Rank iterests. He was not available for statement late yesterday. Capt.uten for some time has represented Forman V. Rydge of Australia's Greater Union Theaters in the U. S. Twentieth-Fox executives hosted a ancheon for Rank yesterday. Published reports that Rank was iscussing a distribution deal with Jniversal were scouted in informed ircles yesterday. fleilly Rites Tomorrow Services for William F. Reilly, in harge of War Bond accounting for he Loew's theaters, will be held totiorow morning in St. Ann's Church, Jarden City. Reilly, 55, died on Tuesday after a short illness. SEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: July 12 Hunt Stromberg Monty Brice Jean Hersholt Sam Mintz Tod Browning Joel Bezahler Mike Connolly MIton Berle Jetta Coudal Vera Hruba Ralston Leonid Kinsky Bring on the Eighih! . . . ntecittwltile, combat complacency (Continued from Page 1) chairman, and Morris Kinzier, area campaign director, to the respective theater managing directors, and from the latters' house managers to staff attaches. This columnar commentator, benefiting from his strategitically located observation pest on the 24th floor of the Paramount Building, can personally attest that the Times Square rallies missed no Bond-selling bets. And fairly close contact with and study of the Lesser-Kinzler area setup for the Seventh warrants the further comment that it just couldn't miss. There was showmanship all the way. And there's no substitute for showmanship! 0 CQUALLY amazing are Seventh reports from other quarters. Yesterday's FILM DAILY, ^ for instance, also disclosed that 650 Southern California theaters sold 1,468,132 Bonds as against 528,630 in the Sixth, the aggregate in dollars for the Seventh being $84,936,450. They put their shoulders to the proverbial wheel with a vengeance in Southern California. Elsewhere in today's issue you will find a story reporting that the Skouras circuit houses in the New York metropolitan area in a campaign led by Nick John Matsoukas sold a total of $11,523,575 in "E" series Seventh Bonds to more than 125,000 patrons. Ace Bond-selling theater was the Academy of Music, managed by Nate Simon, which sold $1,248,604 to 8,330 patrons; additionally, Simon sold more than $2,000,000 in "F' and "G" series Bonds. Thrilling news, that, and a reflection of untiring effort, high patriotism and unflagging enthusiasm. Bring on the Eighth! The industry will take it in stride! 0 k iEANWHILE, this is no time to rest on the laurels — there's still a job to be done and '^* a war to be won. To the exhibitors of the nation, in part, remains the task of combatting the ramifications of complacency, which is as much a form of sabotage as the destructive manifestations by enemy agents. There is just one way to speed V-J Day — application of the maximum effort all along the line, at home as well as at the fighting fronts. Some folks, unfortunately have to be reminded of that from time to time. That is why it is so imperative that every theater in the country play all the WAC Government shorts at every performance for which they are penciled in. The theater's pledge to the WAC goes far beyond the industry. It goes, in fact, to Uncle Sam. It might be well to bear that thought in mind. Vermont Heads 20th-Fox Foreign Versions Dept. In an expansion move to meet the demands of new markets and reopening of old ones abroad, Murray Silverstone, 20th-Fox's international chief, has named Boris Vermont head of the company's foreign versions department, which will be in full charge of dubbed and superimposed versions, titling and translating. Vermont comes to 20th-Fox from the OWI, before joing which he was an independent producer in Europe, where he also did film dubbing. Testimony Is Completed In Yamins' Arb'n Motion Boston — Testimony in Nathan Yamins' complaint against RKO for its refusal to license "It's a Pleasure" in the Empire Theater, Fall River, Mass., was completed yesterday and Arthur Hardy, arbitrator, is expected to issue a decision in about two weeks. Larry Gardner, RKO salesman and a witness for the defense, testified in the morning and the closing arguments of the attorneys for both sides were heard in the afternoon. Para. Party Honors Eoenig St. Louis — Paramount celebrating its Third of a Century, was host at a cocktail party, yesterday, at the Coronado Hotel. John B. Koenig, chief accountant, the oldest employe in length of service in this territory, was an honored guest. Warners Sell Decca Shares to Kuhn-Loeb Skouras Theaters Sell $11,523,575 'E' Bonds Skouras Theaters' Seventh War Loan campaign resulted in sales of $11,523,575 in "E" Bonds, Nick John Matsoukas, director of the circuit's war effort department, revealed yesterday. In order to achieve the total, Matsoukas stated, 62 War Bond Rallies were staged, with most of them War Bond Premieres. Other Bondselling stunts included spectacularlystaged shows, several Kiddie Rallies with radio's "Uncle Don," and five stage appearances of the WORMutual show, "The Better Half." Top house for Seventh Drive sales was the Academy of Music which sold $1,248,604 in Bonds to 8,330 patrons. Ogden Theater, in the Bronx, was second with $1,019,425 sold to 9,496 purchasers. An additional Skouras contribution to the Drive was the sponsorship of six coast-to-coast broadcasts of the war effort department's radio show, "This Is Our -Cause," with special emphasis on the War Loan. Hollywood — Warners have sold their 43,500 shares in Decca Record to Kuhn-Loeb, New York banking firm. $828,000 in "E" Bonds Bought by Loeiv Workers A record-breaking total of $828,000 in "E" Bond sales during the Seventh Drive was reported yesterday for Loew's home office executives and employes and Station WHN by Chairman Max Wolff. Sixth Drive total was $414,524. In addition, payroll deduction subscriptions during the Drive totaled $40,006 and sales of 2 and 2V2 per cent war loan certificates reached $413,000, for a grand total of $1,281,006. M-G-M TRADE SHOW NEW DATE FOR "ANCHORS AWEIGH ' (TECHNICOLOR) New York-New Jersey and Los Angeles Territories Only NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY TUESDAY, JULY 17 ro°of2!SoP m M-G-M SCREEN ROOM — 630 NINTH AVENUE LOS ANGELES TUESDAY, JULY 17 • 2:30 P. M. AMBASSADOR THEATRE— AMBASSADOR HOTEL