The Film Daily (1945)

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M. P. Production Diat. 28 W. 44th St. 21st floor Hew York H. T. «C| I n 1 1 m ctt (^ I n C 1|^ Ira c t e r International in Scope Independent in Thought >eii The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty Seven Years Old IVOL. 88. NO. 10 NEW YORK. MONDAY. JULY 18. 1945 TEN CENTS RKO-RANK IN PRODUCTION-DISTRIB. DEAL J. S. Distribs. May Withdraw Pix from France evi It isk Admission of 108 Pix early; Set Deadline for icceptance at August 1 M Unless the American film compans can get a satisfactory agreement ith the French government for the stribution of their pictures by Aug. they will suspend all operations i France and pull their pictures out f the country, it was learned Friday. ■The American industry, through ! representatives in France, has ade a new minimum demand in hich they ask for the admission of (Continued on Page 7) fia Universal Only ^est Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With the release of !ud Abbott and Lou Costello from heir own-picture-a-year deal with I-G-M, all future Abbott and Cosello films will be produced and disributed by Universal. Negotiations, avolving more than a million dol( Continued on Page 7) 'U" to Train College Graduates in Publicity In a move to develop new publicity alent. Universal will from time to ;ime give opportunities to recent college graduates to serve apprentice(Continued on Page 5) Griffis Decorated On Leaving R. C. Honolulu (By Cable) — Stanton Griffis, chairman of the Paramount Pictures executive committee, who yesterday relinquished his post as Pacific Ocean area Red Cross commissioner, has been given an award for meritorious service. Award was made by Lt. Gen. Robert C. Richardsrn, who instituted the award to hrnor civilians who have made outstanding contributions to the war effort in this theater. Griffis relinquished his post to Vice-Admiral Adolphus Andrews. For Honorable Service to Our Country THIS EMBLEM stands for Honorable Service to our Country, it will be worn by 13,000,000 men and women — more than 40,000 of them from the American motion picture industry — who are honorably discharged from the armed forces. Remember, they have served America well. And so helped to defend and preserve those things for which America stands. Abandon Allocations n Fourth Quarter! Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — • Military requirements for film in the fourth quarter have been received at WPB, and are of such a nature that abandonment (Continued on Page 7) $35,000,000 Okayed For OWI by House Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Continuance of OWI operations for another year with only a relatively small cut in funds was assured Friday, when the House (Continued on Page 5) Selznick Deal Starts Rumors Speculate on Future Distribution Hookup Grainger Closes M & P for Rep. 1945-46 Lineup Initial major circuit deal for Republic's 1945-46 product is with M & ,P Theaters of New England, James R. Grainger, president and general sales manager, announced (Continued on Page 5) "Duel in the Sun" may be David 0. Selznick's last picture for United Artists, despite the fact that he comes into full possession of his UA stock upon the delivery of the film, it was reported at the week-end. The stock, representing his one-third interest, has been held in escrow pend(Continued on Page 6) British Pix Will Be Jointly Financed; Trade Sees Far-Reaching Implications A .joint distribution and production deal between RKO Radio and the J. Arthur Rank interests was announced on Friday. Deal involves a number of top bracket pictures and is the result of conferences initiated by Phil Reisman, vice-president in charge of foreign distribution for RKO Radio, and Robert Wolff, managing director of RKO (Continued on Page 4) Our Raw Stock Keeps Swede Trade Running Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Shipment of an emergency stock of raw film from this country staved off complete shutdown of the Swedish industry — including even newsreels — last month. Raw stock had come into Sweden throughout the war period from Germany, according to Sam Lebensburger, FEA, official recently returned from Stockholm, but shortly before (Continued on Page 5) Local 702 and Labs. Will Sign Pact on Thursday The new agreement between the Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians Union, Local 702, lATSE, and the Eastern film processors, the first (Continued on Page 5) Battlefield Jtinhets Offered Brit. Execs. Lcndon (By Cable) — Trips to European battlefields have been offered a number of British film executives by the Air Ministry. Move follows a suggestion by Ernest W. Fredman, editor of the Daily Film Renter, that English motion picture men be afforded the same facilities as the American film chiefs on their current battlefield junket.