The Film Daily (1945)

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[ntlmate In Character [nternational in Scope Independent in Thought II The Dally Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty Seven Years Oid rOL 88, NO. 11 NEW YORK, TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1945 TEN CENTS MDIES' RAW STOCK QUOTA 166,027,000 Tt. 'roduction Costs Favor Great Britain, Ranl< Holds ees Trip Here a Success; ew Pact With RKO Radio alls For Two Features Ability of his group to make feare product in England at a lower st level than is possible now in ollywood was cited yesterday by Arthur Rank as an asset which ill weigh strongly in the supply of ■itish-made product to theaters in rious parts of the world during e post-war period, but he declared at Hollywood has advantages lich will tend to offset the more (Continued on Page 7) ouse Com. to Send rober to Hollywood ashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — With Representa;e John S. Wood of Georgia as its w chairman, the House Committee I Un-American Activities has voted send an investigator to Hollywood survey the ground to see whether will be necessary for any comittee members to go out there to ock the subversive activities which (Continued on Page 7) lanket Paramount Films uring 33rd Anniversary Several thousand theaters of all issifications have already booked iramount features, short subjects d Paramount News for playing ring Paramount Week, Sept. 2-8, d several thousand additional thears have given assurance that Fara(Continued on Page 7) Balance of Execs. From Europe Today The remaining members of the party of industry executives who have been touring Europe at the invitation of the Army are due to arrive from overseas today. Those who returned in advance of the main group were Darryl Zanuck, Jacic Warner, Sidney Buchman and Harry Cohn. FILM DAILY Offers Free ''Position Wanted" Service for Returning Discharged G.I. Joes As a gesture of assistance to returning service men with exhibition, distribution or production experience and who wish to return to their former fields, THE FILM DAILY annrunces plans to inaugurate a free "position wanted" service for the benefit of G. I. Joes. Service is available to all honorably discharged men or women. Only restriction is that the service men confine the wordage to a maximum of 25 wrds. In submitting a "position wanted' ad, the applicant should include name, address, former service connections and commercial experience. Expand Youth Clubs To Include Americas The propsed Youth Cinema Clubs of the U.S.A., to be sponsored by the motion picture committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, is to be expanded to include Latin-American countries. Mrs. Arretus Franklyn Burt of St. Louis, chairman of the committee, said that following discussions with the Office of Inter-American Affairs, it (Continued on Page 7) Mgrs. Union to Organize Other N. Y. C. Circuits The unaffiliated Motion Picture Theater Operating Managers and Assistant Managers Guild, which started out as a union of managerial employes of RKO in this area, has instituted a campaign to organize similar help on the other circuits in greater New York, it was learned yesterday. No information was (Continued on Page 2) N.Y. Theaters Sold $60,000,000 in 7th More than $60,000,000 worth of Seventh War Loan Bonds was sold by the 700 motion picture theaters of the Greater New York areas, according to preliminary reports furn i s h e d to Irving Lesser, general chairman of the New York Motion Picture War Activities Committee. This is the largest total of sales ever reported in any of the war loan (Continued en Page 6) Metro to Send Selected Sales Execs, to So. Amer. Selected members of M-G-M's domestic field sales executives will visit South America after Jan. 1 to study at first-hand distribution progress made in the countries of the hemispheric neighbors. Shortly thereafter a selected number of South American men will visit the United States. This interchange has been ar(Continued on Page 7) PRC to Produce in France Tenoudii Named Supervisor for Europe Cohn Dinner Spearheads Fund-Raising Campaign Many of the industry's leaders will sponsor a dinner for Jack Cohn, executive vice-president of Columbia Pictures, which will be held at the Waldorf-Astoria on Sept. 27 to spearhead a fund-raising drive on behalf (Continued on Page 6) Plans for the expansion of PRC's foreign distribution plus a venture into the production of French films, to be distributed through PRC exchanges and affiliates internationally, are being formulated, it was disclosed here yesterday by Roberto D. Socas, general foreign manager of PRC. Socas told The Film Daily that (Continued on Page 2) WPB Releases Allocations For 12-Mo. Period; Divides Indies into Three Groups Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY' Washington — A breakdown of the 166,027,000 feet of 33 mm. raw stock allocated for use by independent producers during the 12-month period ending April 1, 1946, was released yesterday by WPB. No quarterly limits on use are applied for this group, but detailed showing of distribution schedules is required. The indies are permitted to receive no stock from other sources, and are f or(Continued on Page 2) Aulen Eagle Lion': Chief in the U. S. Election of J. Arthur Rank to the presidency and board chairmanship of Eagle-Lion Films, Inc., the American company, was announced yesterday, as well as the election of Captain Harold Auten, V.C., to organization's vice-presidency and vicechairmanship of the directorate. J. B. L. Lawrence was named a (Continued on Page 6) Kodak-Pathe Increases Raw Stock Production Paris (By Air Mail) — KodakPathe, which before the war made 70 per cent of raw stock used in France, during April increased pro( Continued on Page 7) 54 iVeic Pix in France Over 7-Month Period Paris (By Air Mail) — Twenty-nine new American features were included in the total of 54 new films shown in France between September, 1944, and March 1, 1945, a survey reveals. New French subjects totaled 13, while there were seven Russian and five English pictures shown during the period. A like number of old American subjects were released, plus six French, three English and two Russian features.