The Film Daily (1945)

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vHlByuiY Tuesday, July 17, if IsafiBraBBBSs Vol. 88, No. 11 Tues., July 17, 1945 10 Cents jCHN W. ALICOATE : : : : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Marcn 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-?120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortiz, San Sebastian No. 3. MONTREAI^-Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. WE'RE AVENGING PEARL HARBOR! MnflnciflL (Monday, Inly 16) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (21/2% Columbia Picts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. . . . East. Kodak do pfd Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd 20th Century-Fox ppf. Universal Fict Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram Picts Radio-Keith cvs Sonotone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux ) 2234 223A 2234 — 51 51 51 5 5 5 -f 305/8 305/8 305/8 .. 176 175 176 ¥4 1/4 261/2 261/8 261/8 313/4 311/4 315/8 — 1/4 9 87/8 9 + 1/8 1003/g 100 100 283/8 281/8 281/8 — 1/4 351/2 35 35 — 3/8 26" 257/8 26" .'.".'.'.' 173/8 167/8 171/8 + '/S CURB MARKET 41/4 41/8 41/8 1% 15/8 13/4 -I 1/8 31/2 31/4 31/2 -f 1/8 217/8 211/2 217/8 43/4 45/8 45/8 — 1/4 Lupino Film Re-Titled West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — ^"The Man I Love" has been selected by Warner Bros, as the new title for the forthcoming -Ida Lupino-Robert Alda starrer previously known as "Why Was I Born?" REEVES SOUND STUDIOS, INC. 1600 BROADWAr. N. Y. 19 Circle 6-6686 Complete Film and Disc Recording Facilities PRC Plans to Make Pictures in France (Continued from Page 1) Edmond Tenoudji, French producer, distributor and theater circuit operator, who is making arrangements to leave the United States for Paris before the end of the month, had been appointed general supervisor of Continental Europe for PRC. The company's foreign chief will follow Tenoudji to Paris shortly to establish a central office for PRC's European headquarters, and to open an exchange in Brussels. After a survey of the European market and the appointment of district salesmen in Marseilles and other territories, Socas will visit Switzerland, Belgium and Great Britain. Several stories are now under consideration for production in France which will be decided upon when he reaches Paris, Socas further revealed. Mgrs. Union to Organize Other N. Y. C. Circuits (Continued from Page 1) available on the increase in the union's membership. It is believed that the union was spurred to extend its organizing activities by recommendations favorable to the union made by a WLB panel to which the board had referred the dispute between RKO and the managers and assistants in the union's drive to obtain a contract with the circuit. Among the recommendations were provisions for maintenance of membership, a cut in the working week to 48 hours, severance pay, discharges only for just cause, increased vacations, establishment of a grievance machinery, wage increases to the limit of the Little Steel Formula, with a wage scale calling for $85 to $140 for managers and $40 to $75 for assistants. Monroe Goldwater, counsel for RKO yesterday had filed a brief with the WLB protesting against the recommendations of the panel, asserting that many of the recommendations were arbitrary and inconsistent with the previous decisions and directives of the WLB and the general policies previously initiated by the national board. Jules Levey Asks Exhibs To Select Story Types Jules Levey is querying 15,000 exhibitors in an effort to complete a survey of the public's taste in motion pictures. Having started production of "Abilene," a forthcoming United Artists release, Levey is inviting suggestions from the nation's showmen as to the type of pictures he should make this Fall. Listing 12 backgrounds for motion pictures which are of proven dramatic and box-office value, Levey is attempting to determine which of Indies' Raw Steele Quota 16M27,000 Ft. (Continued from Page 1) bidden to turn over any film to other producers. The indies are divided into three groups, with priority given for the drawing for stock from the common pool. At the time the quotas were set up, the indies were informed that although the quota totals called for 166,027,000 feet the available stock was then only about 110,000,000 feet. "This means, therefore, that if all others qualifying require film for production or distribution within the next 12 months, independent producers who were qualified as producer of more than two pictures a year will be required to take a reduction in their allotments in order to keep within the allotments made for the independent group." Group, 1 with the first priority, inchides producers and continual operation between 1941 and 1944; g-roup 2, includes producers of more than one picture between 1941 and 1944 — but not one picture every year; g-roup .3 includes producers of at least one picture since 1941, or those who have produced "intermittently" since 1935. Define Indie Producer The official definition of an independent producer follows: "Independent producer" means any person, coi-poration or partnership g'enerally recognized as an independent producer by the motion picture industry. The independent producer bears an autonomous relationship to the producer-distributor as distinguished from the employe of a producer-distributor or the employe of another producer, although employment might provide for a division of profits of production through a coi-pora.tion. In making the test to define an independent producer the relationship of the individual to the corporate applicant shall be of prime importance and the corporate entity, if any, involved shall be scrutinized in any such appraisal. A minimum of (a) and (c) shall be applied to the determination of autonomy: (a) Complete financial responsibility for production: (b) ownership or operation of a separate studio; (c) legal ownership ol all rights except distribution and exhibition, and re-possession of all rights after a specified period of distribution: (d) some degree of contractual authority over distribution practices and exrhibition deals; (e) ownership of literary material and talent contracts; (f) full freedom over material, talent and budget. Indies' Quota List Below is the quota list as drawn up by WPB. Group I: Walt Disney Productions, 12,000,000 feet; Samuel Goldwyn, 12,500,000; Sol -Lesser, 7,000,000: Edward Small, 10.650,000: Earry Sherman, 11,150,000; Eagle Lion Films. Inc., '5,200,000. Group II: Edward A. Golden, 3,000,000: Charles R. Rogers, 6,000,000; Benedict Bogeaus, 3,450,000; Walter Colmes, 3,200,000; International, 15,000,000: Andrew Stone, 3,000,000; Lester Cowan, 4,000,000; Cagney Productions, 4,000,000: David Selznick, 15,000,000; Hunt Sti-omberg, 5,150,000; Seymour Nebenzal, 3,500,000; Jack Skirball, 7,600,000; Arnold Pressburger, 4,150,000, Group III: Oonstamce Bennett, 2,575,000; Charles House, 920.000; Howard Hughes, 5,587,000; Jules Levey, 4,000,000: David Loew, 5,000,000; Morey and Sutherland Productions, 848,000: Mary Pickford, 5.000,000; Producers Corp., 3,400,000; Ripley-Monter, 1,. 375, 000; William Rowland, 1,432,000; William Wilder, 1,140,000. these, in the exhibitor's opinion, has the highest mass appeal rating. In the listing are the following types of stories: war, gangster, love, domestic drama, mystery, light musical, Western, sea, costume, family comedy and sports. commc ud coini OSCAR A. MORGAN, Paramount's short ik. jects' general sales manager, will arrii ig Chicago today from New York to hold me ig( in connection with shorts and news bo< tor the company's "One Third of a Ce celebration. GEORGE A. HICKEY, Metro West Coast (i ager is en route to Hollywood from Chlcasl HARRY REINERS, RKO exploiteer, leavfj Cleveland today to work on the advance ' paign for "Back to Bataan." ROY HAINES, Warner's Western and Sl ern sales manager, arrived in Kansas City| terday from Chicago. EDWARD SCHNITZER, UA home office! lesentative, has returned to New York fr| tour of Southern exchanges. RAY VENTURA, French producer and leader, will sail for France today from York. ARTHUR WILLI, Eastern talent head ot returned to the home office yesterday ai tour of Summer theaters. SAM GORELIOK, RKO's Chicago branch ager, returned there yesterday from a va in Colorado Springs. SGT. DESI ARNAZ is here from the Co join his wife, Lucille Ball. NORMAN ELSON, vice-president of T| Lux, is in Boston today. SAM HOROWITZ, Midwestern managei Vanguard, has returned to Chicago from Aransas, Tex. DAN O'SHEA is due in the Windy City day. DON DeFORE, Hal B. Wallis star, arrived from the Coast yesterday for a 10-day visit. G. RALPH BRANTON, general manage Tri-States Theaters, Des Moines, arrived in York, joining A. H. Blank, president of the cuit. SONNY TUFTS, Paramount star, arrivei Cleveland over the week-end to attend the 1 pany's local "One Third of a Century" mee DOROTHY McGUIRE, co-star of RKO's Enchanted Cottage," has returned here a USO tour of Army camps in Europe. GARY COOPER, actor and producer of R "Along Came Jones," an international Pic arrived in New York yesterday from the C MARLENE DIETRICH arrived at La Cu. airport Friday from Paris after completin; 11 -month USO tour entertaining Allied ti overseas. HOMER SNOOK, RCA executive, was a w end visitor in Chicago. CAPT. EDDIE RICKENBACKER and GEN. H OLD GEORGE were in Chicago Saturday for America in Air program. BILL ORNSTEIN goes from Chicago to I neapolis for the Metro conference there. iEAN HERSHOLT, just home from Denit addressed the American Denmark Relief / in Chicago Saturday. JOSEPH FIELDS, who is scripting "A N In Casablanca" for Marx Bros. -David L. L will leave for New York, Aug. 1. While in East, he expects to fly to London in Septemt Look to Film to Build International Markets Motion picture production by b, industry and Government is high the post-war schedules of a num' of foreign countries as an aid in e^ cation and training and in the de\ opment of employment program international trade, according to W. Lansing, RCA International Di sion recording sales manager, number of ministers of other natii are now laying plans for the use sound films, he said. Lansing noted that several Alii governments used the RCA mol film recording equipment, PM during the war and that more woj use the equipment for post-war pi^ ects. He mentioned Australia, Bra' the Netherlands and New Zealand! among nations planning to use 1 device which can be adapted for ' mm. as well as 35 mm. production