The Film Daily (1945)

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«■ M. P. Prod-uction Dist. 28 W. 44th St, 2l8t floor New York !I. Y» atlmate In Character aternational in Scope adependent in Thought & The Daily Newspaper O i Motion Pictures Twenty • Seven Yeors Old DL. 88, NO. rS NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1945 TEN CENTS CES CLOSE MONO.-EAGLE UON ASSOCIATION Mlied-lndependent Conference August 21 to 23 ') Hold Consent Decree nleys in Pittsburgh; i'right May Be Invited ?onference of Independent Exhibi s on the consent decree and Al cl'f board of directors are sched 'd to hold a joint conclave in Pitts rg-h, Aug. 21-23. Sessions will be Id at the William Penn Hotel. It is expected that the New York isent decree and the pending trial V the Government's suit will occupy le principal discussions and that the (legates will formulate some plan lereby they can help to achieve eir objectives. Representatives of (Continued on Page 2) ickeling in Cuba 0 Force "Flesh" I Havana (By Air Mail) — Cuban vasty artists and musicians are )nsidering a plan to throw cket lines in front of theaters reising to employ live talent to supement film programs. Situation ems from the refusal of a number ■ subsequents to put in variety twice month, as advocated by the Gov.•nment which recently offered adI (Continued on Page 7) ligginson is Appointed VB Australian Chief Wolfe Cohen, vice-president of Earner International, has promoted tanley W. Higginson, sales manger in Australia for the past sevral years, to the post of general lanager for that country. Higginson has been connected with (Continued en Page 6) Montevideo Wants Single Features Montevideo (By Air Mail) — Firstrun theaters report sharp declines in attendance as the result of a campaign to boycott dual programs. Posters carrying an appeal to stay away from two-feature programs seem effective as returns decline whenever doubles are programmed. GOOD AND HARMFUL PUBLICITY A Plea for the Discontinuance of a Vicious Practice By DAVE BLUM Director of Public Relations, Loeivs International EDITOR'S NOTE: The international relations of the American film industry in the immediate post-ivar period present both opportunities and hazards. One aspect is discussed in the accompanying article by Dave Blum of Loew's International. Mr. Blum's premise and his conclusions are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of THE FILM DAILY. WHETHER it be shoelaces, bridges — or motion picture productions, every firm doing business at home and abroad, keeps its "foreign" department virtually independent of domestic sales. Stating the obvious : — Release dates, the sequence of releases, titles, diversity of languages, and a host of other considerations require this cleavage between domestic and overseas film selling. Obviously, the same division must exist in matters of publicity. In one increasingly important respect, this division in publicity is disregarded ... to the ruin of good publicity and good box-office. Domestic publicity organizations, over the protests of international publicity men, persist in delivering stills and feature stories to United States syndicates without limitation as to territory. The very importance (within the United States and Canada) of these syndicates, results in their receiving the best possible material. In addition, such material is given "exclu (Continued on Page 7) Broach UA Presidency Eric Johnsfon! IVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Before leaving the Coast for Washington, Eric Johnston, president of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, stated that he had a (Continued on Page 7) IISignAppiication For Toronto Y. C. Toronto — Eleven persons prominent in film circles have signed an application for a charter for a Variety Club of Toronto, which would be the first to be organized in Canada. (Continued on Page 6) Gilbert Plans SO Mich, Houses Rank Capital Rumored Behind Project Vet Employes Honored At Paramount Celebrations Seattle — Paramount's Third of a Century was observed here at the second of a series of West Coast meetings. Sue Bates, film inspectress for the past 26 years, was awarded (Continued on Page 7) Detroit — Plans for theater contruction involving 50 new houses in Michigan, 20 of them in Detroit, were announced by HaiTy V. Gilbert, well-kno\vn on Film Row here. Gilbert claims the venture was well backed financially, but declined to identify the backers, beyond saying that it was not American capital. He (Continued on Page 6) Expect Statement Today from Nathanson; Laurie Gen. Mgr. of New Set-up? . .Toronto — An explosion of rumors concerning important developments in Canadian film distribution circles followed the report published yesterday in The Film Daily regarding the acquisition of Oscar Hanson's stock in Monogram Pictures of Canada by J. Arthur Rank. An official announcement on the report is expected to be authorized today by Paul L. Nathanson from his fashionable Summer resort on the St. Lawrence Gulf. Generally, new picture appeared to be a close association of Monogram (Continued on Page 7) Asl(S Quicli Siiowing Of Films in Germany Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington ^Hollywood features of the past 10 years should be reviewed by the military with the idea of immediately screening them in Germany, Rep. Ellis E. Patterson, California Democrat, said in a statement in Saturday's Congressional Record. Feature films are vitally needed to accomplish the huge reeducation job with which we are (Continued en Page 6) "Make Mine Music" Next Walt Disney Feature Pic Formal joint announcements were made yesterday by Walt Disney Studio and RKO Radio that the next Technicolor feature to be made by the former and distributed by the latter will be titled "Make Mine Music," which will be readied for release early in 1946. With the excep(Continued en Page 6) M-G-M Has 16,743 Accounts in 1945 M-G-M so far this year has more accounts than were sold during all of 1944. To date, M-G-M has sold 16,743 accounts, compared with 16,663 last year.