The Film Daily (1945)

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10 1^ DAILY Wednesday, July 25, 19 1 Forecast Film Benefit In Tax Stability (Continued from Page 1) President and Congress, released yesterday. The report contains recommendations for the strengthening of the national fiscal adininistration. One result of such strengthening, Morgenthau feels, would be to provide a stability relieving business and the individual of the constant fear of tax changes. In the case of the film industry it viTOuld enable both producers and exhibitors to go through with long-range planning without the constant fear that new tax legislation might upset their plans. "To me," Morgenthau wrote, "the outstanding weakness in the management of Federal fiscal business is the absence of a single, responsible officer to whom the President may look for complete and comprehensive policy direction over the entire field of borrowing, lending, spending and insuring. "Since the Treasury secretai-y is charged with the responsibility for raising the funds, managing the public debt, collecting the taxes, maintaining the accounts, "and reporting to Congress on the financial condition of the nation, he is identified as the chief fiscal officer, yet in actual practice the area of control and influence exercised by the secretary of the Treasury is largely limited to one side of the ledger." "Southerner" Aug. 4 New York premiere of "The Southerner," the David Loew Hobert Hakim United Artists release, is tentatively scheduled for the Globe Theater on Aug. 4 instead of July 28, as previously announced. World premiere of "The Southerner" will be held in both the Tremont and Old South Theaters in Boston on the same day. REVIEWS OF SHORT SUBJECTS BACK IN CIVVIES Honorably Discharged ARTHUR ROSS, from the Navy, son of Charles C. Ross, operator of Campau Theater, Hamtrack, 'Mich. CLAUDE ATKINSON, head booker for Monogram, has received an honorable discharge from the Army, after serving three years. EARL W. SCHROEDER, from the Army to his former post as head booker at the Republic exchange. New Orleans. WILLIAM CULLEN, after four years with the Army Air Forces, appointed assstant manager of the Downtown Telenews Theater, Detroit. JACK STURM, former poster clerk, 20th-Fox, Detroit, and son of the late Lester E. Sturm, former 20th-Fox branch manager in Detroit. PAUL BRODER, from the Army, to general manager of his theater circuit, Detroit. A. W. STANFORD, from the Army to manager, State, Cocoa, Fla. GERALD "JERRY" O'DONNELL is returning to civilian life following his discharge from the Army after 39 months overseas, as a sergeant. Following a rest he will rejoin the Interstate Theater circuit in San Antonio. "Tops In The Big Top" (Popeye) Paramount 7 mins. Tops Packed with action and clever situation this Technicolor treat has Popeye in the role of a circus performer who is nearly put out of the way by Bluto, Olive Oyl's jealous suitor, when he places a steak on Popeye's head as he puts it into the lion's mouth. In a whirlwind finish Popeye evens the score. Highlight of the cartoon is Bluto's trapeze performance using Olive Oyl as a yo-yo. "Learn and Live" Warner Bros. 20 Mins. Absorbing Here is a short produced in cooperation with the U. S. Army that is attention-holding. The film is primarily a compendium of shots from Army training films devised to show our soldiers how to act in an emergency and cheat death. The picture touches on the importance of the screen as a training aid and shows how the Army films are made. How the knowledge acquired through the training pictures is employed in action is demonstrated in the closing sequences. Made by Gordon Hollingshead, the short contains much absorbing stuff. "In A Musical Way" (Speaking of Animals) Paramount 9 mins. Entertaining Although the punch lines offered by an assortment of "talking animals" are mild retorts to the questions suggested by the theme song, "Swinging on a Star," the subject rallies in the final sequences as the animals referi'ed to in the lyric become part of a production number. "Popular Science" (J4-6) Paramount 10 mins. Wonder-ful Produced in Magnacolor, this interesting subject opens with a forecast for post-war farm operation utilizing the "Jeep" in place of tractors; serving as a mechanical burro; a mid-stream fishing comfort, etc. Featured next are some new gadgets in the home of tomorrow which help convert a living room into a spellbinding guest room. For the final sequence, a palm of gratitude to science for its discovery of DDT, an insecticide which has proven to be a powerful secret weapon in destroying disease-bearing insects. "Jasper's Close Shave" (Puppetoon) Paramount 8 mins. Excellent Inspiration and music borrowed from the famous opera, "Barber of Seville," has spruced the imagination of George Pal's production stafl" to effect a superlative Technicolor short. This one has Jasper at the mercy of the Scareci'ow and the Blackbird when he discovers a hair on his face and believes he is old enoug'h for a shave. "Lamb In A Jam" (Noveltoon) Paramount 8 mins. Fairly Amusing Delightful Technicolor adds a notch of satisfaction to this second of a series featuring Blackie, (the lamb), and the Wolf. The Wolf turns out to be a "sucker" for all of Blackie's counter-propositions in his attempt to secure a Winter coat. Myers Asks Information On Disposal of Surplus Films "Canine-Feline Capers" (Sportlig'ht) Paramount 9 mins. Okay A prize fight between two cats with othe atmosphere of a boxing match created by a miniature prize ring, padded mitts, and slow motion camera shots is the highlight of this reel. Preceding this feline action are shots of a Great Dane and her 14 puppies at feeding time; Daisy, the Hollywood dog star, retrieving a ball from an automatic ball-tossing machine; and a Mexican chihuahua that plays the piano. Washington Bnrcaii of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Senator Francis Myers of Pennsylvania yesterday requested Dr. Kenneth Howard of the Surplus Property board to furnish hiin with full information concerning the policy for disposal of surplus films to be turned over to the board by the Army. In the event final determination has not yet been reached, Senator Myers' letter requested information concerning the progress of the study thus far. Actually, Dr. Howard told this reporter yesterday, no policy has been determined upon, and little progress has been made in the past few weeks since announcement that the films will be turned over to the Board by the Army. Discussions have been held between Board officials and representatives of the Army, the Navy and the Office of Education, but nothing conclusive has been arrived at. Dr. Howard himself has been out of town a good deal of the time, he said, and his associates at SPB working on the subject have been on vacation. WB Houses in Conn. MayRe-JoinMPTO i (Continued from Page 1) could re-join their state or regioi' organizations. The Connecticut zone was the fii to re-establish itself with an exhii tor group. For several years, t Warner houses in Pennsylvania a Ohio paid dues to the Allied units i legislative purposes, although tb took no active part in the associ tions' functions. PRO to Hold Sales Meet In Chicago August 3-5 1' (Continued from Page 1) company's sales meeting to be at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicag Aug. 3-5. The meeting, Thomas announce will be limited to district manager branch managers, executives ai franchise holders. Leon Fromkes president of the company will atten Among those from the New Yoi office to attend in addition to Thorns will be Lloyd Lind, assistant generj sales manager and Arnold Stolt Eastern publicity manager. District managers scheduled to a tend the meeting include Jac Adams, Joe Miller, Fred A. Rohr Max Roth and Abe Weiner. Branch managei's include Edwi A. Bergman, Harry Bugie, Harr Gibbs, Harry Goldman, Frank Ham erman, J. E. Mitchell, James Hande Sol Reif, Harry Stern, Clair Town send and John Wenisch. Franchise holders who will attem include J. H. Ashby, Joseph W. Bohr B. F. Busby, Armand Cohn, And; Dietz, Henri Elman and his manage Ben Benjamin, George Gill, Harr; Katz, Ike Katz, Lloyd V. Lamb, H. E McKenna, Ben Marcus, Beverly Mil ler, M. S. Schulter, Philip A. Sliman Sam Sobel, Joe Strother, Abbot Swartz, Don Swartz, E. L. Walkei and Len Brown, exhibitor of Racine Wis. The Canadian office will be repre sented by Harry Allen, president oJ PRC of Canada and Dave Griesdorf general manager of distribution "Northwest Trail" Aug. 1 "Northwest Trail," second in the series of the Action Pictures, Inc. allcolor outdoor releases, will be released Aug. 1 thru Screen Guild franchise offices. Holland to Cleveland Cleveland — Herman Spachner who opened the local Confidential Reports office here in April has been recalled to the New York office. He is succeeded by Thomas F. Holland, transferred from San Francisco. fEmmE TOUCH lUNE SCANLON, secretary to branch manager, M-C-M, Detroit. VIVIAN CAMPUS, secretary to office manager, M-C-M, Detroit. ELIANE HENNO de ALBAN-MESTANZA, wife of PRC's Latin-American production supervisor, is now taking full charge of the newly-formed Foreign Screen and Radio Service in New York. AVA DUNCAN is now relief cashier for the RKO-Schine houses in Syracuse, N. Y. VERA ALLEN, manager. Fine Arts, Detroit. MRS. DRUSILLA WITTIC, is the new manager of the Florida. Vero Beach, Fla. MARY HOUSTON WELKER, new secretary to Interstate City Manager AI Reynolds of San Antonio. -^.