The Film Daily (1945)

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in Today ^s Issue: The Equiptnent News Section Intimate In Character International in Scope Independent in Thought (See Pages 7 and 8) The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty S«vea Years Old *^DAILY' OL. 88, NO. 19 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1945 TEN CENTS MY ADMISSION TAXES OFF; FISCAL YEAR UP ormation of Eagle-Lion of Canada is Completed ir fjrchie J. Laurie Heads agle-Lion and Monogram )rganizations in Canada Toronto — Actuating the Canadian jtribution set-up announced by J. rthur Rank and his Canadian partT, Paul L. Nathanson, during .mk's recent visit to Canada, Naanson announced today the forma-111 of Eagle-Lion Films of Canada, :d. Simultaneously, he revealed the jpointment of Archie J. Lam'ie, Reiblic sales manager in Canada, as 'neral manager of Eagle-Lion of (Continued en Page 6) lillside Trust Suit nds in Settiement Hillside Amusement Corp.'s antiust suit filed in 1941 against the ajor companies and the MPPDA IS been settled out of court, it was arned yesterday. Amount of cash volved was not disclosed. Action, which charged conspiracy I restrain trade in the distribution film to the corporation's Mayfair heater, Hillside, N. J., originally -ked triple damages of $900,000 but (Continued en Page 61 irst Two ITT Films 'o Be Released in Fall First two pictures to be produced Kclusively for International Thea•ical and Television Corp.'s 16 mm. Kchanges and its subsidiary, United creen Attractions, will be ready for (Continued en Page 61 E. R, Ruben Ruys Pant€iges in Minn. Minneapolis — Edreond R. (Addie) Ruben yesterday needed only court consent to his purchase of the Pantages Theater, historic Loop show house. First National Bank is trustee for the owner and court consent is necessary. Sale price is reported to be $285,000. iVoMJ Come matinees for Drive-In Theaters Via Eye Spectacle Recently Developed in Ifiiatni Miami — An eye spectacle which will enable open air theaters to present motion pictures in the daytime is announced by Milton S. Harris, manager of the Miami Drive-In Theater. Device, developed in co-operation with Olin W. Hancock, of Altec, is expected to be financed by Altec and E. M. Loew, of Boston. Harris and Hancock will control patent rights, and the spectacle will probably be distributed by Joe Hornstein. Mk of information Circuits Expanding Asiced by Govt. Ready in Britisli Coiumbia ' Practically all the data and tabulations sought by the Government from the defendant distributors in the U. S. vs. Paramount, et al action have been submitted to the Department of Justice. Bulk of the information was delivered last Friday, with the understanding that the balance would be in the hands of the anti-trust division by Aug. 1. Information as to first-run agreements, pooling deals and franchises was asked bv the Government. Reports Electronics Hit By Spanish Trade Policy Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Spain's "protectionist" policy, designed to restrict imports wherever domestic products are available, makes it "practically impossible to obtain import licenses for that article," Foreign Commerce Weekly, official Department of Commerce publication, reports in a cur(Continued on Page 9) Vancouver — Expansion of major Canadian circuits in British Columbia, plus a number of projects announced by smaller circuits and independents, indicate a growing interest in the Province's post-war theater set-up. Typical of the trend are a number of theater deals announced recently. Both Famous Players Canadian and Odeon are planning new outlets in Edmonton as soon as building re( Continued on Page 5) Refuses to Order SOEG Men to Cross Picket Lines West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Superior Judge Emmet H. Wilson yesterday refused to issue an order requiring SOEG members to cross picket lines in the studio strike. He also refused to forbid SOEG members to hold a meeting last night and take a strike (Continued on Page 9) Siart French Negotiations U. S. Reps. Discuss Importation of Films NAVED Sets Impromptu Conclave for Aug. 9-10 Although travel restrictions preclude holding a convention in August or September, a number of members and directors of the National Association of Visual Education Dealers will be in Washington, D. C, for a (Continued on Page 5) American film companies were informed yesterday that their representatives in Paris had started negotiations with the French government in regard to the admission of American pictures into the country. The information was regarded as encouraging here inasmuch as the French government previously had been re(Continued on Page 5) Collections on May's Business $28,157,974; $31,923,365 in April Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — May box-office tax totals fell off sharply from the healthy $32,000,000 collection in April, according to the count released yesterday by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The May collection on April business was $31,92.3,365. Collection of June on May business showed only $28,157,974.19. During the 1945 fiscal year internal revenue collectors turned in to the Federal treasury from the tax on theater admissions a record-shattering total of $357,466,115.28, it was (Continued on Page 9) Johnston in Today; l^ay Decide Pix i>ost Some decision on the Eric Johnston post with the MPPDA may be forthcoming today when Johnston, himself, arrives in New York. Whether Johnston will meet with the company heads today could not be learned late yesterday, but it was reported that industry leaders held a meeting yes(Continued on Page 9) Export-Import Blackout Relaxed; Will Help Trade Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Relaxation of security regulations to permit release of current export and import figures will again permit the Department of (Continued on Page 6' Cohian Cuban Group Plans Dual Versions Havana (By Air Maill • — In an effort to satisfy all classes of Cubans, Cobian Circuit will in the future play both dubbed-in-Spanish and English versions of American-made films simultaneously in different theaters. Dubbed films will be exhibited at the Fausto, with the same film in English on view at the Encanto.