The Film Daily (1945)

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"■■ DO NOT REMOVE Intimate In Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper 0^ Motion Pictures Twenty Seven Years ^d ^OL 88. NO. 20 NEW YORK, MONDAY. JULY 30. 1945 TEN CENTS LESS FILMFOR ARMY MAY END ALLOCATIONS Urges Vigorous Foreign Policy to Protect Films U Daff Says Agreements <leeded for the Adequate Jupply of Pix Abroad Following a film industry survey v-hich he made on a four-months' rip throug-h Egypt, Greece, Naples, •ortugal, Spain, France and England, U Daff, vice-president of Universal nternational Films, who returned rom Europe last week, told members if the trade press that "the United states must institute a vigorous forugn policy through agreements pernitting American companies to im)ort and trade without the imposi(Continued on Page 9) CARIBBEAN PIX PROSPECTS BRIGHT Hollywood Product Firmly Established; Dubbing Experiment Being Closely Watched By SGT. JOSEPH KLEIN FILM DAILY Staff Corresponident Panama (By Air Mail) — Post-war prospects in the Caribbean are encouraging, producer representatives told this correspondent today. Hollywood pix, despite periodic slumps in the trade, are firmly estab lished as the most popular vehicles \ of entertainment in the area. While not inconsiderable, the inroads of Mexican and Argentinian competition are not such as to breed alarm. I Film exchange heads in Panama City ;jenerally agree that dubbing, a ven(Continued on Page 10) Report WB, 20th-Fox Mull Ross Fed. Buy While confirmation was lacking, reports were current last week that two major companies were discussing the possibility of jointly purchasing the checking facilities of Ross Federal. The two companies mentioned were Warner Bros, and 20th Century-Fox. , Warner Bros, has its own checking service, while 20th-Fox uses Ross. Metro does its own checking and the (Continued on Page 10) UA Producers Sponsor iMotiograph at Half $100,000 Sales Drive Pre-War Production Both Army and Navy Raw Stock Requirements For Third Quarter Dip li'oshitifitoii Bun-ail of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Although Army film requirements for the fourth quarter — due Friday — will probably not be received until late today, indications are that the demands of the military will be somewhat lower than their third quarter requirements. Navy figures received last week appeared, on preliminary examination, to be lower than Navy requirements for the current quarter, although X-ray and one or two Other types of film are in greater demand. At the same time, production for (Continued on Page 10) Metro Setting Plans For Returning Service Men M-;G-M is setting up plans to take care of returning war veterans who formerly were in the company's employ. Former employes will be assisted in re-adjusting themselves to civilian life and will be put back to work without disturbing personnel (Continued on Page 2) As a tribute to the return to active duty of Gradwell L. Sears to his post of vice-president in charge of United Artists distribution, independent producers associated with the company have contributed' $100,000 to be used for cash prizes in an 18-week sales contest for district and branch managers as well as salesmen and bookers. Named the Grad Sears Drive, contest gets underway August 4 and runs through December 1. It is said to offer the (Continued on Page 9) Move Saltonstall To Holland Post Phillip L. Saltonstall, who has been in London as a representative for the MPPDA, has been transferred to Holland where he will represent American film interests in connection with the threatened film monopoly. GRADWELL SEARS Chicago — Civilian production is now equal to about one-half that of pre-war output at local plants of Motiograph, it is declared here by Fred Matthews, partner in the company, and he expressed the hope that by next Spring manufacture will be back at normal for civilian customers. The organization, which has been steadily expanding since Pearl Harbor, currently has production for the (Continued on Page 9) Ease Export Restriction On Projection Equipment Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Photo equipment and projection apparatus were formally removed from individual licensing control for export by FEA Saturday (Continued on Page 10) Says Business Taxes Musi Be Cut First U'ashiniiton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — ^Business taxes must get reduction consideration before Congressional attention is directed to individual income taxes. Senator Walter F. George, chairman of the finance committee, said Friday. Predicting'a cut in from 18 to 20 billion dollars in the national tax bill during (Continued on Page 2) SOEG Won'iJoin Votes to Disregard Order Issued by Lindelof Altec Reports Extensive Renewals and New Deals A wave of new deals and renewals for Altec service, indicating the growing responsibility which theatermen face in keeping booth equipment in efficient working order if it is to last through the continuing (Continued on Page 10) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — The members of the Screen Office Employes Guild on Friday had voted to disregard the order to join the studio strike. The order was issued by L. P. Lindelof, international head of the Painters' Brotherhood, with which the union is affiliated. The balloting was secret and was (Continued on Page 10) Remove Switzerland from Blockade-Control-Permit Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— Switzerland has been removed from the blockade-controlpermit procedure, and pix and pix equipment destined for Switzerland no longer require a blockade control (Continued on Page 2) English Dialogue In South America Buenos Aires — United Artists has started to show its films in England first and in Spanish afterwards, in most Latin-American countries. Experiment has met with an exceptionally favorable response both in Buenos Aires and Montevideo.