The Film Daily (1945)

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ntimate in Chard^fei: nternational in Scope ndependent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -^DAILY }8. NO. 24 NEW YORK. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3. 1945 TEN CENTS liOLDMAM WINS CIRCUIT COURT REVERSAL CLU Seeks Gov^t Sale of Seized Nazi Features [jclares Charges Pix Contin Nazi Propaganda is Icsed on Misinformation ?he Alien Property Custodian has 1 asked by the American Civil ■rties Union to re-consider the .idrawal of several hundred Gern films from public sale on the _amds that 90 per cent of the pices are "entertainment and mu(Continued on Page 3) leneral Film Strike %ealens in Cuba By MARY LOUISE BLANCO ^ILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Havana (By Cable) — Performance a big show in front of the Presintial Palace, in order to gain suprt of President Grau as v^'ell as e public, is the latest development . the vig'orous campaign of actors (Continued on Page 6) iiblic Theater Foundation roposal Before Congress ashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A program for an merican Public Theater Foundation bring legit theater presentations J, Americans throughout the coun y, was inserted in the Congression (Continued on Page 7) FCC Tele Standards Are Expected Soon Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — With substantial approval by industry engineers assured yesterday, the FCC will soon issue final technical standards for tele operation, with 12 channels available for four types of stations. FCC granted the Raytheon Co. application for a portable radio station to perform field strength measurements from eight Western mountains. Experiments are directed toward establishment by Raytheon of a coast-to-coast microwave relay system for television, FM and other services. Editorial The Soviets . . . global exhihs.? = By CHESTER B. BAHN = AS far as the future world market is '* concerned there perhaps has been no more intriguing subject for speculation than the week's disclosure, via Al Lowe of United Artists, of Soviet Russia's reported intention to invade the world theater field through the financing of independent operators. What Lowe picked up in his extensive travels preceding his arrival in New York neatly fits into the Soviet mosaic sketched last June in this paper's news and editorial columns. Russia very definitely has extensive and, it would appear, aggressive plans for the development of its motion picture industry in the post-war period, and instead of the billion dollar figure originally mentioned as the earmarked sum, the total may turn out to be several times that. 0 IF the Russian plan actually is as outlined by Lowe, the hunch that the Soviets have (Continued on Page 2) Holds Warners. Other Majors Violated Anti-Trust Statutes in Philly Erlanger Suit; Orders Trial Judge to Issue Injunction and Assess Damages Philadelphia — The Circuit Court of Appeals here yesterday reversed the decision of Federal District Judge William H. Kirkpatrick ■who held that Warners and the other majors 'were not guilty of violation of the anti-trust statues in a suit instituted by William Goldman Theaters, Inc. The plaintiff, operating the Erlanger theater in this city, had filed an equity action asking $1,350,000 triple damages. Judge Kirkpatrick dismissed the suit in April, 1944. Goldman appealed and the Circuit Court heard arguments in February last. In its decision handled down yes(Continued on Page 6) Industry Tour Report Covers Gl Program Icirball-Manning Pix Via Jack H. Skirball, whose most recent distribution outlet has been United Artists, is switching allegiance to Universal, it was revealed (Continued on Page 7) Hollywood — Signatures of approval from all members of the party to 15 top film officials who spent a month in Europe under War Department auspices, and returned some two weeks ago, are now being gathered on the final draft cf the report to be turned in to the War Department, it is learned here. The report, which will represent the views of the entire party, will cover all observations of the execu(Continued on Page 31 "Orders from Tokyo" to be Used as Jap Crime Proof Nearly 150 representatives of the press. Army and Navy officials, and theater circuit heads who jammed the Warner Bros, projection room yesterday for two screenings of the Technicolor documentary, "Orders From Tokyo," were told by Carlos P. Romulo, Resident Commissioner of (Continued on Page 7) Say Broadway Needs New First-Run House Necessity for establishing another first-run house on Broadway, to add prestige and impetus to the "better" independent productions which deserve an "even break," is becoming more acute with the increasing num(Continued en Page 6) UDT Finds Magazines Pre^Sell "Mov'ie Wise" Contest Points Up B. O. Effect WAC Decision Due Today On Capra Japan Subject IVashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Decision from the WAC concerning theatrical showing of the last of the series of orientation films made for the Army by Col. Frank Capra — "Know Your Enemy, Japan" — is expected today. The film, which runs well over an hour, was (Continued on Page 6) By HAVILAND F. REVES FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Detroit — The sale of fan magazines in the lobbies of UDT houses has been an important aspect of house policy for several seasons in this largest of Detroit circuits. An analysis of results, and a check up of how these magazines tie in with pictures and pre-selling on pictures, has just been made by UDT. A steady program of long-range (Continued on Page 7) Coast Strike Repercussion Among Readers in East The Readers Chapter of the Screen Office and Professional Employes Guild, Local 1, UOPWA-CIO, representing inside and outside readers at six of the major companies' home of(Continued en Page 6) Loop B &K Theater Sets Rank's ''Blimp'' Chicago — The second J. Arthur Rank pic to get a Loop date since the British film tycoon visited the Windy City, "Colonel Blimp" is set for 8 & K's Apollo this month, it is learned. "Mr. Emmanuel," which had a good run at the World Playhouse, is getting above average bookings from indie subseauents. 1