The Film Daily (1945)

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ym Q^lo^^ nfimate in Character nternational in Scope ndependent in Thought II The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old ;2 L. 88. NO. 25 NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 8. 1945 TEN CENTS )E GAULLE MAY GET FRENCH FILM TANGLE pistribs. Win Reversal of Jackson Park Decision lircuit Court Finds Proof acking; Theater Counsel lans Supreme Court Move Chicago — A threejudge Federal apellate court on Friday reversed le decision in the Jackson Park antiust case in which the distributorifendants previously had been found uilty. The Jackson Park owners id charged inability to obtain suffient product and that the clearance .fstem had been established so that (Continued on Page 10) ioldman Decision to iidGov'tN.Y.Suit! 'ashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — "It's a good result fid we're naturally pleased, but I m't say any more than that until see the decision," Robert Wi-ight, ssistant to the Attorney General nd specialist in pix anti-trust matirs for the Department of Justice, lid Friday of the Circuit Court (Continued on Page 12) 'ele Stations Must Bare inancial Data to Gov't 'ashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— The FCC Friday anounced that television, FM and in rnational short wave stations will ereafter be required to file all finan(Continued on Page 10) Lincoln's Midnight Shows on Way Out Lincoln, Neb. — Midnight shows are virtually on the way out here. The City Council has given first reading on an ordinance which would end midnight shows except on New Years Eve. The ordinance would limit the shows to 11:55 p.m., on every night except New Year's Eve when the time would be 2:30. The reasoning behind the ordinance is that such shows may contribute to juvenile delinquency and that they create a police problem. NEW COMERFORD HOUSES PLANNED Walker Also Discloses Intensive Remodeling Program Following his return from a personal inspection tour of some 80 per cent of the Comerford circuit houses, Frank C. Walker, chain's chief, and former Postmaster General of the United States, disclosed that a widespread and intensive program of remodeling will be undertaken, as and when materials are available, and a large block of outlets will be involved in the plan. He also revealed that his exhibition enterprises intend constructing in the post-war (Continued on Page 7) FRANK C. WALKER PRC Ups Stern, Lehman, Lee, Miller in Distrib. Chicago — Transfers and changes in PRC sales staff were announced at the week-end by Harry Thomas, vicepresident and general sales manager. Harry Stern has been promoted (Continued on Page 11) American Resentment Grows as French Ministries Try To Use Import Slash Despite Existing Trade Treaty To Step Up U S. Import of More Than 25 Pix Annually Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A deep and growing resentment over the manner in which officials of the de facto French Government are acting in the matter of American films' current and future status in that country is growing here, and suggestions are already being made informally that, if France continues tis "irresponsible" attitude, the subject should be placed promptly on the agenda of conversations which are scheduled with Gen. Charles de Gaulle when the lat( Continued on Page 1 1> Depinet Opens RKO N. Y. Regional Today First of a series of four RKO Radio regional sales meetings opens today at the Waldorf Astoria, marking the inauguration of the company's 14th season. Meetings will be attended by executives of the home office and theater company. Eastern district sales managers, personnel of the New York exchange and managers and sales men from Albany, Boston, Buffalo New Haven, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Washington, as well as representatives of the independent producers who release through RKO. Ned E. Depinet, president, will preside. Today's speakers include N. (Continued on Page 11) NED E. DEPINET Nazi Pix Sale Is Siill Open APC Considering Matter After ACLU Protest Memphis Censor Would Rule Film Advertising Memphis, Tenn. — Lloyd T. Binford, chairman of the Memphis Board of Motion Picture Censors, has asked Mayor Walter Chandler for the passage of a city ordinance providing censorship of movie advertising in local newspapers. "Repeatedly," said (Continued on Page 10) Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The question of release for some 650 German and Austrian films held by the Alien Property Custodian is still open. Deputy Administrator Francis J. McNamara told The Film Daily Friday. He said he had already notified the American Civil Liberties Union, which called last week for the release of the pix, ,^>^( Continued on Page 3) Some Army Material Soon to be Surplus IVashinqton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A limited amount of Army projection equipment overseas may be declared surplus soon, the Army and Navy Liquidation Division said Friday. Screening of this and (Continued on Page 3) UA Production Strength At Peak, Asserts Raftery West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Declaring that United Artists never before had the production strength that it has as it enters the 1945-46 season. President Ed(Continued en Page 6) Superior Court Holds 7 of SOEG in Contempt West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Alleged violations of a restraining order forbidding inciting of a strike by SOEG resulted Friday in the issuance by Superior Court Judge Emmet Wilson, citations of seven persons for contempt of court. Defendants who are slated for trial on Aug. 13 are Ray Gelston, general organirer of the painters' international; Glenn Pratt, business representative, and five other SOEG representatives.