The Film Daily (1945)

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12 "afe Monday, August 6, ISi Foreign Press Begs For Hollywood News In the three months following V-E Day, requests for Hollywood news have poured in from foreign publications in practically every part of the world, according to Samuel Cohen, foreign publicity director of United Artists. The American film industry which, according to all signs, is facing tough competition, Cohen said, but it has an ace in the hole in that foreign film fans continue to evidence an almost fanatical interest in Hollywood pictures and the activities of their personalities. On a typical day recently, Cohen said, he received an urgent cable from a Swiss fan magazine, air mail letters from a Turkish publication, a Baghdad department store and three newspapers in Latin America, plus a phone call from a British correspondent in New York, all requesting information and photos on various United Artists pictures and stars. A Dutch editor asked for a story on productions of the last five years. United Artists has resumed publication of its foreign news bulletin and is servicing 186 newspapers and magazines in 27 countries. U0UL¥W001» SPEAKirVG By RALPH WILK "Orders From Tokyo" to be Released About Aug. 18 "Orders from Toyko," Technicolor two-reeler produced by Warner Bros, in co-operation with the Philippine Government and the Office of Strategic Services, will go into national release on or about Aug. 18. Exact date is contingent upon ability to get out the necessary Technicolor prints. UJEDDillG BELLS Mann-Liermann IVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY San Francisco — George M. Mann, 69-year-old millionaire theater owner, was married here to Neva Liermann, of Dallas. Field-Storm Winter Haven, Fla. — Betty Ann Field and Lt. Freeman Dirck Storm, AAF, were married in All Saints Episcopal Church. Both were employees of Florida State Theaters, Inc. in Lakeland, Fla. de Carrera-Llano Havana (By Air Mail) — Graciella de Carrera, daughter of Edelberto de Carrera, president of the Carrera Circuit, was married at the Santa Rita Church here to Carlos Llano. Judge-Ryan Chicago — Arline Judge, screen actress, and Vincent Morgan Ryan, advertising executive, will be married in the "immediate future," it was announced by Ryan's attorney. HOLLYWOOD ki EMBERS of the 42 Guilds and unions •"* operating the Hollywood Canteen after entertaining service men and women for more than three and a half years, will finally hold a party for themselves nexjt Sunday at the Paddock Club. But it will be held after a full day of entertainment for the G.l.'s. ^ President Bette Davis of the Canteen has sent invitations to 11,000 Canteen workers, I who are listed alphabetically from actors to window washers. They work at the Canteen in shifts averaging 2,100 persons weekly. • • ' Ina Ray Hutton and her band have been signed by Warners for a two-reel musical to be produced by Gordon Hollingshead, with Jack Scholl directing. "Facing Your Danger," two-reeler on the experiences of an expedition in shooting the rapids of the Colorado River, has just been finished by Hollingshead. Saul Elkins, writer, has been assigned to direct "Men of Tomorrow," two-reeler on the Boy Scouts of America. • • I RKO RADIO has completed a number of studio constructional readjustments that will facilitate production operations on its 194546 schedule. Adjustments were necessitated I by the wartime limitation on new building. Among others, changes in the Sound Reverberation Room make possible the re-recording of an ordinary sound track to gain almost any required audible effect. The technician who planned and built this room won an Academy Award. • • Jimmy Starr, Hollywood columnist, made a guest appearance before the Monogram cameras of "Swing Parade" with Gale Storm and Phil Regan. Producer Harry Romm had the newspaperman put aside his pencil to work in the night club set of the musical. • • Kathryn Grayson has been named by Metro to portray the late Marilyn Miller in the proposed musical "Till the Clouds Roll By." • • Melville Cooper, back in pictures after two years on Broadway, made his initial appearance before the cameras in the HakimWood production, "Heartbeat," with Ginger Rogers and Jean Pierre Aumont. He was Sensitized Boards Solve British Display Problem London (By Air Mail) — In order to make photo enlargements for display without violating the wartime ruling against use of photographic paper for such purposes, Warners devised a new plan of sensitizing the entire surface of display boards and making the enlargements direct on the boards themselves. Oil paintings and colored cut-outs have been substituted for photo enlargements in front-of-house displays since the wartime measure against use of photographic paper went into effect three years ago. last on the screen in "Holy Matrimony," in 1943. • • William Carter, screen newcomer, has been selected by Republic for the juvenile lead in "Concerto," in which Pnilip Dorn will star. • • Capt. Chandler Gross, AAF, recently discharged on points, starts a Hollywood career with his appointment as assistant to Billy Gordon, head of the talent department of Hunt Stromberg Productions. He starts with special duties in connection with Stromberg's "Young Widow" and the forthcoming Hedy Lamarr starrer, "Strange Woman" which Jack Chertok will produce. Captain Gross has 74 bombing missions over Germany to his credit. • • Columbia has extended for another year the contract of Alfred Drake, who is now in the cast of the studio's "Stars and Spars." • • Mills Music Co. gave Jane Greer more than 50 songs to send to her brother, Donne, who is producing shows for the Navy lads in the Far Pacific. • • Joan Barton, just signed to a seven-year contract by PRC, and at present leading woman for Eddie Dean in "Romance of the West," the second of the PRC outdoor color pictures, will be the singer on the Hoagy Carmichael airer tonight. • • Clarence Bricker, production manager for King Bros, on their Belita picture, "Golden Girl," has gone to his ranch near Sequoia, for a vacation. • • Juan Guthman, PRC distributor in Brazil I is en route home by plane after completing ' several days stay at the company's studios where he has been studying American production methods. Guthman is planning to produce a series of pictures in Buenos Aires foi world-wide distribution. • * Louis Jean Heydt's original, "Look to the West," drama of the Far Pacific under Jap occupation, is being bought by Columbia and Heydt is set to play a top role. Herman Rothstein has been signed by PRC as dialog director on "The Wife of Monte Cristo," a Leon f romkess production, directed by Edgar Ulmer. Eastman Kodak Buys Properties in Flushing Eastman Kodak Co., it was disclosed yesteiday, has purchased the building at 133 and 135 Roosevelt Ave., running through to Locust St., Flushing, Queens. The company has occupied the building under lease for the past three years. Structure was erected by the late Joseph L. Daly for the Daly Chevrolet Co. in 1927. Besides the purchase of the building, Eastman Kodak also acquired adjoining property for improvement via a building. Ritter-Swenson Corp. negotiated both sales. Now a Full General? Scottville, Mich.— The Star Theater, owned by G. S. Wallace, has been re-christened the Four-Star. Goldman Dedsion toi AidGov'tH.Y.Suit! •' (Continued from Page 1 decision in Philadelphia on the Go man case. Wright, who had filed amicus curiae brief and argued during this case, indicated that felt the decision will be helpful the Government in the New case but said he could not discu; fully before seeing the decision. Wendell Berge, anti-trust chi was out of town. ll Night Club in Detroit Experiments with Films )( tp V 'Ml Detroit — Introduction of moti( pictures in a night club is being ma( at Mickey's Show Bar here. Meai is a unique adaptation of the fam iar Panoram machine, which remaii coin-controlled, but is designed wi1 special lens to throw about 80 fei across the room to a 6x8 foot scree; Machine is manned by a unic, (lATSE) projectionist on duty at a times. Films used are to be chiefly newi reels, comedies, musicals—with pj trons dancing to the music of nam, bands on occasion, and special filn;, taken at a previous session of pi trons of the spot themselves. Stanc ard 16 mm. film distributors will sui ply the film. Bills are to be change twice a week. The pictures will be run off in be tween the floor shows, run in 12 t 15-minute lengths between eac dance set. Plan is to have enoug subjects on one hand so there wii be no repeats the same evening. Casanave Gets Foreign Rights to Four Films Casanave Pictures, Inc. has ac quired the rights to "Intermezzo, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, "The Prisoner of Zenda" and "Th Garden of Allah" for France, Swit zerland, Belgium and North Africa Charles L. Casanave I'evealed Fri day. "Intermezzo" has never playe( in France. Move Up "Rhapsody" Release National release of "Rhapsody ir Blue" has been moved up to Sept. 25 from the 29th by Warners. STORK REPORTS Sol Francis, Monogram home office representative, became the father of a baby boy, John Stephen, born in an Omaha hospital. H'csf Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Rosemary Lane Westmore, former screen actress, and makeup man Buddy Westmore, became the parents of a daughter. Omaha — Bob Bertram, office manager for Columbia, is the father of a 7-pound 10-ounce boy. Bill. •isiQ uoiQ-onpoJd: *fi *W