The Film Daily (1945)

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!^. 88, NO. 28 NEW YORK. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 1945 TEN CENTS NDUSTRY GEARING FOR QUICK END TO WAR S4exico Seeking Larger Quota of U. S. Raw Stock government Agency Statetent Gives Credence to lurrent Unofficial Reports Mexico City (By Air Mail) — Un[ficial reports that the Mexican Minitry of the Interior's Committee on "otion Picture Affairs is seeking a [irger quota of American raw stock fre given credence by the Ministry's [itest statement on the situation. While the officials failed to confirm [r deny rumors circulating to this (Continued on Page 61 &rlhur May Appeal SI. Louis Suit Ouster An appeal from the dismissal in ■it. Louis of Harry C. Arthur's suit against the American Arbitration A.ssociation and the major companies s being considered by Russell Hardy, attorney for Arthur. Hardy said yesterday that he would await a copy of U. S. District Judge Richard M. Duncan's opinion and a conference (Continued on Page 7) CFI's Three Months' Net Up $75,882 to $329,652 Consolidated Film Industries, Inc. net profit for the three months ended June 30 was $329,652 after tax provision, compared with $253,770 for the same 1944 period, it was reported (Continued on Page 3) JVewsreels Ask Co-op, Sans Gov't Control London (By Cable) — ^The need for continued co-operation in the newsreel field without, however, Government control, was the keynote sounded by speakers at yesterday's luncheon tendered members of the visiting American newsreel party by the British Newsreel Association. The American party, comprising editors of the five U. S. newsreels and Richard de Rochemont of the March of Time, will leave today for the battle area tour under Army sponsorship. LONDON TIMES CHIDES FILM 'ART' Holds That Only Disney, Welles and Continental Studios Show Sufficient Interest in the "Pure" Cinema London (By Air Mail) — ^Hollywood as a source of "pure" cinema is criticized in a recent editorial in the London Times. Paper holds that only Walt Disney and Orson Welles, in addition to the Continental studios, French, Russian and pre-Nazi German, show any interest in the "fundamentals of the mixture of craft, art, and industry the world associ ates with her (Hollywood's) name." Times chided the U. S. film production center for its dependence on books and plays for story material, and "its insatiable desire to attempt to interpret Europe according to her own peculiar ideas." Efforts to show the countries of Europe under German occupation were termed "pitiful (Continued on Page 6) Fitzgerald Weighing Sth War Loan Chore Despite the optimism over the possibilities of an early end to the Pacific War, due to Russia's declaration against Japan and the launching of the atomic bomb, the Eighth War Loan and the film industry's participation in it are on the Fall schedule of activities. This was said yester(Continued on Page 10) Rathvon and Whitaker To Inspect Mex. Studio N. Peter Rathvon, RKO president, and John M. Whitaker, vice-president, planed out for Mexico City yesterday to inspect the Productores Asociades Mexicanos studio, nearing completion. RKO has a 50 per cent (Continued on Page 3) See Gov't Moditying Producer Pact RequesI The Government may modify its request for documents from independent producers as required in the subpoenas served this week in connection with the New York equity suit which goes to trial Oct. 8. The Government had asked for all written agreements made by the indie (Continued on Page 6) New Chi. Operators Pact Seeks Wage Boost, Benefits Chicago — Eugene Atkinson, business agent for the Chicago Operators Union, says a 15 per cent wage increase is wanted in the new contract starting Sept. 1, as well as severance pay, maintenance of health, (Continued on Page 10) PlBn Tele Cable Bell to Install Coast to Coast Coaxial System Chi. Daily Raps Police Union's Censorship Stand Chicago — Proposal by the Los Angeles Police Employes' Union (AFL), that a Federal board of censorship be installed to control all motion picture production drew fire from an editorial in the Chicago Journal of (Continued on Page 6) Coaxial cable facilities sufficient for a nation-wide television network are included in A. T. & T.'s post-war plans, it is revealed in an article by Mark R. Sullivan, vice-president, in the current Bell Telephone magazine. Plans call for the installation of about 10,000 additional route miles of toll cable including a new trans( Continued sn Page 3) Russia's Declaration Against Japan, Atomic Bombing Speed Planning Russia's declaration of war on Japan, coupled with the revelation of results of Sunday's atomic bombing of Hiroshima served yesterday to focus industry executives' attention on the possibility that the Pacific war may be ended long before most people had anticipated. There was a noticeably marked quickening of ex■ (Continued on Page 7) Rehabilitation Via Disney Organization! Walt Disney's recent establishment of an Eastern story and talent department, with Leo Katcher at the head, bears deeper significance than the setup implies, it was learned here (Continued on Page 10) WB Rushing Re-issue Of Atom-Smashing Short Warners is re-issuing a 10-minute short subject titled "Miracle Makers," which treats of the subject of (Continued on Page 6) RKO Pathe First to Schedule Atomic Pic RKO Pathe is first under the wire with announcement of a subject based on the scientific principle which has made the atomic bomb possible. The short, one of the "This Is America" series of documentaries, will deal with that area of the Tennessee Valley where experiments that led to the invention of the devastating missile were conducted. The short has been given the tentative title of "The Atomic Age" or "The Atomic Revolution." Disclosure that the company planned to make such a short was made by Frederic Ullman, Jr., RKO Pathe head, at the RKO Radio regional sales meeting which closed at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel yesterday. m