The Film Daily (1945)

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Fn Today'*8 Issues The Equipment News Section ntimate in Character nternational in Scope ndependent in Thought li 'O'l^. NO. 29 (See Pages 7 and 8j The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twent'i'-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY' NEW YORK, FRTOAY. AUGUST 10. 1945 TEN CENTS STRATbyiSION' TO SPEED THEATER TELE llepublic Leads Studios in Ushering in ^Air Age^ 'ates Orders Purchase of lelicopter. Passenger 'ransport. Cargo Ships By RALPH WILK Vest toast Bureau ot I'HH t'lLM UAILY Hollywood — Initial film company love into air transport came yesteray with the revelation that Herbert . Yates, Sr., president of Republic 'reductions, has approved the pur'hase of a six-place helicopter, a 21ilace passenger plane and two heavy argo planes capable of carrying hree-ton loads. Republic is now looking into the jossibility of locating a landing field (Continued en Page 5) Arthur as Defendant In St. Louis Action St. Louis — An unusual legal situaItion appears to have developed as a result of the dismissal by U. S. District Judge Duncan of the $285,000 anti-trust action brought by Harry (Continued on Page 9) Atlas Purchases Liberty And Three Screen Mags A firm comimitment has been made by Atlas Corp. aind associates to purchase Liberty Magazine, and the deal for its acquisition was announced yesterday by Floyd B. Odium, Atlas (Continued on Page 9) Gls In Berlin Get 3 New Pix Weehly Three new prints each weeic are being flown to Berlin by the Motion Picture Branch of Army Special Service for the benefit of GIs stationed in the German capital. Special Service operates six Berlin houses forGIs, the largest of these being the Titainia Palast, with 2,000 seats. Other Gl houses are the Tempfehof Korso, Park, Zeli, Onkel Tern and the Lumina. During the Potsdam Conference, the Coliseum was opened temporarily for the personnel handling the meeting. GILLHAM TO THOMPSON CO. To Be Closely Identified With Agency in Television Resignation of Robert M. Gillham as director of publicity and advertising for Paramount Pictures was announced yesterday by Charles M. Reagan, vice-president in charge of sales. Gillham is leavi n g Paramount late this month to become associated with the New York office of J. Walter Thompson Co., advertising agency. It is reported that Gillham will be closely associated with the agency's tele vision enterprises. Reagan said no successor to the (Continued on Page 9) ROBERT GILLHAM Surplus Film Equip. To Schools, Colleges Washington Bureau of THE FILM •VAILY Washington — Sale of surplus film equipment to schools and colleges at small-fractional cost will definitely (Continued on Page 10) Westinghouse-Martin Development Contemplates Tele Transmission from Planes Flying 30,000 Feet Above Earth; Assert One Ship Can Serve 103,000 Sq. Miles Stratovision — television broadcasting from planes flying ?)0,000 feet above the earth — was proposed yesterday by Westinghouse Electric Corp. and the Glenn L. Martin Co. as the solution to television's search for a means of economical network operation. Westinghouse and Martin joined to draw the curtain which has mantled the development of stratovision at a luncheon press conference yesterday at the Waldorf-Astoria. The system uncloaked employs specially designed airplanes — (Continued on Page 10) Green Holds Studio SIrilce Hearing Today Chicago — A hearing on the studio strike in a new move to terminate the 21-week-old walkout will be held here this afternoon by President William Green of the AFL, with which the groups involved in the controversy are affiliated. The hearing is expected to be held in the presence of the AFL executive council, which is in the midst of a 10-day conference at the Drake Hotel. The strike was placed high on the list of (Continued on Page 9) Grierson to Establish Canadian Organization Ottawa — John Grierson, commissioner of the Canadian National Film Board for the last six years, formally resigned yesterday to establish his own documentary organization here, and said he would continue to live in Ottawa. The Film Board produced the "World in Action" shorts distributed in the U. S. by United Artists. Grierson, a pioneer documentary (Continued en Page 5) Only 223 Theaters Unpledged 16,891 Houses Now Operating, WAC Reports All but 223 of the theaters operating in the United States as of Aug. 1 were pledged to War Activities Committee co-operation, it was revealed yesterday. WAC has records of 16,891 theaters operating in the industry's 31 exchange areas, and 16,668 are committed to play all WAC film releases. Compilation includes 1,916 thea( Continued on Page 5) Second RKO Regional Tees Off in Cincinnati Cincinnati — ^Second of RKO Radio's four regional sales meetings opens here today at the Netherland Plaza Hotel. Sessions will be attended by home office executives, the local exchange personnel and the managers (Continued on Page 10) Cuban Flesh Decree May Slash Rentals The Cuban Presidential decree requiring stage shows daily in first-run theaters and twice weekly in second runs is expected to have a vital effect on film rentals. According to the decree, copies of which have been received at the home offices, the cost of flesh shows cannot be less than (Continued on Page 10) Yamins Files an Appeal From Fall River Award Dismissal of Nathan Yamins' complaint against RKO over the latter's insistence that "It's a Pleasure" be booked into the Durfee Theater, Fall River, Mass., instead of the Empire has been appealed by Atlantic (Continued on Page 9) Cocoanut Grove Site To Film Transfer Co. Boston — Film Exchange Transfer Co., Inc. has taken over the site of the fcrmer Cocoanut Grove, scene of the holocaust that cost the lives of a number of film personalities. One story structure will be altered to house business offices and a garage for the company's trucks. FLASH: JAPS SUE FOR PEACE Radio Tokio says Japan accepts Potsdam Declara'tion if Allies let the Emperor remain in power.