The Film Daily (1945)

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1W V . rs . Nc . 29 Fri., Ajg 10, 19<5 10 Cents ic" ■.A W. ALICOATE Publisher U ^ Hf:' .D M. MERSEREAU : Associate and General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Piililished daily except Saturdays, Sundays Htid Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New \ork 18. \. Y., by Wid's Films and Film lolk. Inc. .1. \V .Micoate. President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Sleen, As.sociate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage freej -ITnited States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, .New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address. Filmday, New York. Representatives: IIOI.I.YWOOD, 28, Calif. — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phont Granite 6o07. WASH INGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. VV., Phone Ovdway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, HI., Joseph Esler, 6341 N. Oakley Ave., Phone BriarI. ON DON— Ernest VV. Fred Film Renter, 127-133 Wardoui HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, V'irtudes 214. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortiz, San Sebastian No. 3. MONTREAL — Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier Sit. gate 7441. man. The St., W. I. nnflnciflL . (Tliiiisday, Anynst 9) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET PRC Abandons Plans to Make Five Crime Yarns Wcsl Luasl B.ncaii of 'I H E FILM DAILY Hollywood — Plans of PRC to produce tive g'angster pix have been abandoned by the company because of a tnreatened ban by MPPDA on this type 01 screen entertainment. One CI them, "Wanted for Murder," was to have gone before the cameras Aug. 20. iSiftuA officials here, it is known, have pointed cut that while there has been no change m the production coae on crime pix, its directorate in iNew York is considering at this time the banning "of any furuner gangster stories." Fazalbhoy, Indian Exec, Due in N. Y. on Tuesday Sultan A. Fazalbhoy, one of the managing directors of the House of P'azalbhoy, Indian company whose interests include Sound Studios (India), Ltd. and General Jf'ilms, Ltd., IS aue in New York Tuesday following a two-month visit to the U. K. Fazalbhoy's itinerary includes several weeks at the New York office to be followed by a visit to Hollywood next month where he intends to develop plans for the Indian motion pictuxe industry. Company's associations in the U. S. include RCA, Nai tional Theatre Supply, Mitchell Camera, Bell & Howell and others. H gh Am. Seat 12% Col. Picts. vtc. (2'/2%) 23 Columbia Picts. pfd. 50 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 29 East. Kodak 174'/2 1 Cen. Prec. Eq 271/4 Loew's, Inc 26 Taramount 32 '/i RKO 91/2 RKO $6 pfd 981/4 20th Century-Fox .28 20 h Century-Fox pfd 351/4 Universal Pict 25% Warner Bros 171/2 NEW YORK CURB Monogram Picts. . . 4 Radio-Keith cvs. . 2 Sonotone Corp. . 314 Technicolor 21 Low 22% 22 50 29 Net Chg. Close 22% 23 + Vb 50 — 1/2 29 — 34 1721/2 1741/2 + 2 261/2 271/4 + 1 26 -f 321/4 -f 9% + 981/4 28 351/4 + 25% + 171/2 + MARKET 33/4 4 + 15/4 2 -f 31/4 31/4 .. 201/8 21 + 251/4 311/2 91/8 971/2 273/4 35 24% 163/4 Vl SEEKING A DEPENDABLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR YOUR THEATRE TICKETS? INTERNATIONAL OFFERS: Oepencjable service . . . Low cost . . . 47 year's experience serving theatres, I stadiums, amusement parks, etc. We can supply your needs. Roll, machine folded, reserve seats, etc. Write lor simples, prices or other Information. Delivery free Maine to Virginia. INTERNATIONAL TICKET /@)COMPANY 52 GRAFTON AVE.**^^ NEWARK 4, N. J. S«LES Of FICFS NEW YORK *ND PRINCIPAL CENTERS Strike Deadline Passes With SPG Lines Steady Wcxt Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Representatives of major producers announced that yesterday noon's deadline which had been set as time when working publicists would have to observe picket lines or face threat of penalties passed with no change in lineups of loyal employes and striking SPG members, and that SWG has requested producers to negotiate with strikers, and Guild is also demanding a prompt decision by NLRB in Set Decorators' case. Mirisch, RKO Booker, Off For Coast; to Stop in Chi. Harold Mirisch, head of RKO Theaters film booking department, leaves on Monday for the Coast, stopping off in Chicago long enough to attend RKO regional there. While on the Coast in addition to participating in RKO Radio's Los Angeles meeting, Mirisch will visit all major studios, previewing next season's new product for RKO theater screens. 'U" Re-issues Booked Into Chi. Loop Palace Chicago — Universal has booked "East Side of Heaven" and "Imitation of Life," re-issues into the RKO Loop Palace for first-run, starting Aug. 22. This is the first time the Palace has booked re-issues. Booking will gum up the Loop first-run situation still more. DAILY Friday, August 10, ISl Six New Trade Treaties In Prospect — Macgowan Indication of some of the nations with which reciprocal trade agreements may be negotiated in the (doming months came from comments on the program of the D^artent of Commerce Trade jtAgreeme^g Unit by H. P. MacgowSn, chief ^ the unit. Macgowan said here tha^\^hile no definite announcements have been made, it may be assumed that discussions will take place with all or some of the following nations: Britain, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belguim, Holland, Dutch Indies and some other liberated European countries. Macgowan spoke at a meeting of the International Trade Section, New York Board of Trade. He noted that the Department of State has made no official announcements, and that before an agreement can be concluded the Department must announce its intention to negotiate, and give an opportunity for submitting of briefs and hold public hearings. cornmc nt mm Chi. Sun to Cut August Amusement Adv. Space Chicago — Marshall Field's Chicago Sun which led all local newspapers in July amusement advertising, will reduce available August space owing to the paper shortage. WILL H. HAYS, MPPDA presdent, returned Hollywood yesterday, follQwIng a brief trip New York headquarters. H. SPENCER BERG, aide to Tom Waller UA, leaves tortiorrow for a two-week Canad vacation. HAL HORNE, 20th-Fox's director <■' #'blic advertising, and exploitation, is curr, \.^pe[ ing h's vacation in New Hampshire h M HORNE. BEN KATZ, Universal's Chicago publicist, I there for a Michigan vacation. A. ). O'KEEFE, Universal's Western sa manager, left Chicago yesterday for a swi around the Western branches. LUCIA FERRICO, Warner publicist, is on Colorado vacat.on from Chicago. ALFRED LUNT and LYNN FONTANNE i turned here this week by plane from Engia after an absence of two years. HOWARD JOHNSON arrived In New Yd from the Coast to begin rehearsals for. t forthcoming Broadway production, "Crescendc ALLEN KOHAN, Warners' field rep. for t Cincinnati territory, is on a trip to Columbi Lancaster and Washington Court House work on ''Pillow to Post" and "Corn is Creei campaigns. ROBERT WOLFF, RKO managing director London, planes back to England on Sunday. NAT LEVY, RKO Eastern division sal manager, left last night for Cincinnati. Swansons Bu'sr in Collins Collins, la. — Mr. and Mrs. Pai Swanson have purchased the Stai Theater from Wayne Cleverley.