The Film Daily (1945)

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riday, August 10, 1945 DAILY [ep. Lot Leading Vay to "Air^^Age" (Confinued from Page II te not too distant from the North ollywood plant. Meanwhile a small iece of the studio's acreage will be velle'^to facilitate helicopter landigsi )e to stages and administra on b, idings. Other companies are known to ave been looking into the possibilies of air transport in their global "perations, and Yates' move in bealf of Republic is indicative of the linking of film execs, and a haringer of things to come in the postwar world. Helicopter is to be used lainly for location sighting, while le passenger plane is for carrying Im troupes to locations and the argo ships will transpoi-t cameras nd sound equipment. It has been known for some time that forward-looking industry leaders contemplate the use of planes in their post-war operations. A number of companies are expected to announce their orders shortly, while others are waiting to see what flying material will be declared surplus by the Government and offered for more immediate use. Possibilities of air transport for ilm company uses, in a world made mailer by war-time plane developnents, are unlimited. Observers point lut that in addition to studio-to-locaion work, there is sufficient official ravel between studios and New York )ffices to justify private plane operaion by most big companies. Addiionally, trans-ocean travel, made .'ommonplace by the many hundreds )f trips flown by service planes durng hostilities, will be vitally impor:ant to companies whose operations span the globe. Contemplated uses of air travel 3ver the oceans include trips of home office executives to iron out threatening difficulties in foreign distribution, as well as the possibility of nternational premieres with groups of officials and press representatives transported from one country to another in campaigns designed for international publicity and good will for companies and individual productions. SEHD BIRTHDflV GREETIRGS TO: AUGUST 10 Hugh Herbert Norma Shearer Walter Lang Joseph R. Fleisler Harry Bernstein W. Scott Andrus Harry J. Cumbin Sylvia Kossack Pat Parrlsh AUGUST 11 Jean Parker William C. Thomas Lloyd Nolan Morris Ebenstein Samuel Bischoff ). Harold Stevens AUGUST 12 Hal Home D. H. Finke Mort Spring Jane Wyatt Cecil B. DeMille Stanleigh P. Friedman Ben Hersh Mary Halsey A Reporter's Report • • • ROOM FOR ONE MORE: E. Thornton Kelley, business manager oj New Jersey Allied, was vacationing last week and tried to get a rcom at a certain upstate hotel The hotel c'.erk inlormed him there wasn't a room available Kelley had taken out his wallet and the first card visible was one issued by the Treasury Department to those who served in the Seventh War Loan But all the clerk saw. by accident, was the line "Treasury Department" He told Kelley to wait a minute, had a quick confab with the manager who went to the desk and told Kelley that he could be accommodated, adding "We always like to help out the FBI" Speaking of New Jersey, Allied, the association is having a one-day outing at the West End Casino, West End N. J., on Aug. 29 Ten bucks includes all activities T T T • • • IT WAS "CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT" and no foolin' up there in Norwalk on Wednesday when Warners launched their picture of the same name throughout that territory with a real yuletide celebration for redeployed soldiers en route to the Pacific The turnout of over 20,000 citizens for the parade, the feast, the Mathews Park ceremonies, the Yankee Network broadcast with Governor Raymend Baldwin as principal speaker, and the entertainment program including Lawrence Tibbett, Colonel Stoopnagle, and others, created the biggest excitement since Warners turned out all of Macon, Ga., and the surrounding country for "God is My Co-Pilot" T T T • • • THIS WAS THE SECOND big scale campaign opening launched by Warners in two days on two different pictures and in two different cities the other being "Pride of the Mctrines" in Philadelphia And the second night in a row that not only Warners but the film industry in genera! received praise from a prominent official over the radio networks for doing something laudable in the public interest Which just shows what can be done with a motion picture premiere when the right ideas, ingenuity and effort are put behind it And having made this unprecedented day-and-date accomplishment, Mort Blumenstock's gang can take their vacations with a real feeling that they earned them ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • SCOOP DUPE: Story is making the rounds oi the N. Y. daily newspaper that received a request last week from Vanguard Films for a sti'-l showing Jennifer Jones arriving in New York Mistaking this as a tip, the paper ran a shot from the files taken a year ago on her arrival in Grand Central Station Ironically, this was unbe know^n to Jennifer who, at the time, was only 3,000 miles away at her home in California ▼ TV • • • TRAILERETTE: Instead of heralding any of its top execs.. National Screen Service is paying tribute to the men in the field Exhibitors are now receiving gratis booking sheets in attractive leatherette fo'.ders as NSS testimonial to the branch managers of their respective territories Sept. issue of Mr. Showman, in the mails, carries single feature vs. double feature institutional trailers to suit the theater situation The Oct. issue will offer trailers to welcome home servicemen via suggested merchant tie-ups ▼ TV • • • FOX HOLES: Dean Jogger, featured in the Herbert Wilcox20th-Fox film, "A Yank In London," will bow out of his air series, "One Foot In Heaven," since he has a new legit show coming up which will make it impossible for him to double. . . ▼ T ▼ • • • LET'S NOT FORGET PEARL HARBOR! Unpledged Stands Total 223 Says WAC (Con;;n.i2d from Page 1) ters operating only part of the week or part cf the year, but does not include the 958 U. S. Army houses located in training camps and at Army posts. A chart of the industry's theaters, arranged by exchange areas, and indicating the number of theaters operating, and the number pledged to WAC co-operation, follows: Xo. of Xo. of Theaters Pledged Exchange Operating Theaters Albany 217 SO.S Atlanta 1.0i:i 996 Boston 740 740 Buffalo 287 286 Charlotte 589 589 Chicag-o 683 669 Cincinnati 677 672 Cleveland 464 46.S Eallas 1,076 1.012 Denver .341 329 Ees Moines 381 381 Eetrcit 586 585 Indianapolis 438 432 Kansas City 570 562 Lcs Ang-eles 622 619 Memphis 433 432 Milwaukee 368 367 Minneapolis . , 826 825 New Haven 189 189 New Orleans 559 546 New York City ...... 995 968 Oklahoma City 428 420 Omaha 383 380 Philadelphia 791 790 Pittsburg-h 634 634 Portland 244 244 St. Louis . , 539 536 Salt LakeCity -.^ 357 348 San Francisco 517 516 Seattle 293 290 Washington. D, C 651 645 TOTALS 16,891 16,668 Grierson to Establish Canadian Organization (Continued iro.r\ Page 1) producer in England before coming CO Canada, has been mentioned as a possible chairman of the CBC. No announcement has. been made oflRcially here as to who will succeed Grierson on the National Film Board, or any prospective change in the policy of that body. "Atomic Raiders" at World United Screen Attractions has booked "Atomic Raiders" into the World Theater starting today. Picture, formerly known as "The Phantom Empire" and stars Gene Autry, incorporates atom bombing in its theme. THEATER DEALS McAfees Buy in Mt. Orb Batavia, O. — Mr. and Mrs. Paul McAfee, of this city have purchased the Marvel Theater, at Mt. Orb, from M. R. Redmon. Mrs. McAfee is managing the house while her husband is in the armed forces in the South Pacific.