The Film Daily (1945)

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^■■1 Building Remodeling Equipment Maintenance • • NEW YORK. FRIDAY. AUGUST 10. 1945 • • • • ITOM BOMB SPURS RECONVERSION PLANS ndustry Eyes Gov^t Study of Patent System liter est is in Disposal <f Patents Owned by jsreigners and Aliens islnngton Bureau of THE FILM /DAILY Washington — ^Study of the entire .tent system, with particular attenm paid to the problem of patents Id by foreigners and aliens, is part the job of the President's Commite on the Patent System. Question of how to deal with patits on European inventions is of irticular interest to the motion pic( Continued on Page 8) Equipment Field Notes ornik Joins Maxon is Chief Consuitant Maurice D. Sornik, theater conruction expert, has been appointed lief consultant and designer of nusement field projects for Maxon ssociates, architects and industrial igineers, it is announced. Sornik's ickground includes an association (Continued on Page 8) \^ar Research Contributed BO WE Equip. Development I Principals learned by Western [lectric in its war-time production of ')mmunciations and electronic equiplent will be embodied in new designs f sound recording and reproducing quipment to be revealed shortly, acDrding to E. S. Gregg, vice-presient of Western Electric Export (Continued on Page 8) Work Started on First Rochester Approval Rochester, N. Y. — Under what is believed to be the initial WPB theater authorization granted in this section of the country, construction on Crawford Enterprises' suburban Webster Theater was started this week. Michael J. DeAngelis is architect of the 700-seat house which will include modern acoustics, latest in seating design, and cold cathode indirect lighting, as well as fireproof construction and provision for air conditioning. DLUE SEAL CINE DEVICES, INC. has been ^ formed by J. Burgi Contner. Company, still in process of formation, has plans to manufacture projectors and sound equipment. C. V. Griggs, who recently resigned as assistant manager of the American Desk Manufacturing Co., Temple, Tex., will soon start the manufacture of theater chairs as head of his own company in Belton, Tex. To be known as Griggs Equipment Co., company will make chairs, school furniture and school supplies with production starting about the first of the year. R. N. Tamdiar has been appointed Eastern representative for Kroehler Seating Co., in Chicago, B. B. Buchanon, sales manager, revealed. Krispy Korn Manufacturing Co. is displaying a post-war model of its theater type popcorn machine at the Chicago office. Celotex Corp. earnings for the first six months of 1945 amounted to 30 cents a share, compared with 17 cents in the same 1944 period. Company reported that postwar sales of theater construction materials are high. E. T. Brown has been promoted to theater service field supervisor for the Chicago district, RCA Service Co. revealed. Capt. J. R. (Dick) Lutz has been placed on the AAF reserve list and is back selling for the National Theater Supply Denver branch. Victor Animatograph Corp., of Davenport, la., has named A. ]. McClelland sales manager for educational group sales. j Two DeVry Corp. employes have returned to the Chicago plant from the services. Earl Coleman served in the Navy and George Anderson was an Army sergeant. DeVry also revealed that W. A. Aschman becomes assistant sales manager with James Courtney succeeding Aschman as personnel manager. Bell & Howell Co. has received an award ' for its record of employment and training of World War II veterans. Award, first of a proposed nation-wide series, was made by the National Association of Personnel Directors and the Disabled American Veterans. Some 113 returned vets are already at work in the company's five Chicago plants. ♦ * * Ered Heck has retired as vice-president of DaLite Screen, Chicago, and has purchased a farm near Aurora, III., where he plans to rest. Champion Lamp Works, Chicago, is distributing a 24-page booklet on the maintenance of fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Superior water seal base, a new moisture and alkali proof compound, has been developed by Monon Resins and Chemicals, Inc., Chicago. National Theater Supply has the new cqjipment contracts for the Fox Theater, Datroit. New Simplex projectors and sound iisads are being installed in the booth and a screening room is being built in the former rehearsal room under the stage. Annual meeting of the Theater Equipment Dealers Protective Association will be held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, October 5-7, Ray G. Colvin revealed in St. Louis. Exhibitors Supply Co., of St. Louis, insfalled equipment in the Gem Theater, New C:nton, III., which opened recently. Final step in the modernization of B & K Chicago Loop house is the inI stallation of a new terrazzo floor in the I Roosevelt Theater lobby. Droll Theater Supply Co. has purchased the building at 925 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, where floor space is three times that cf the former headquarters. Wagner Sign Service's window type theater frames have been installed by the Essaness Woods Theater and will be used by the Shubert Majestic. Both houses are in Chicago. GoldE Manufacturing Co., Chicago, is back in production with sand urns, ticket boxes, carbon cans, changeovers, rewinders and other theater equipment, E. W. Goldberg revealed. WPB Planning Considers Chance of Long War or A Quick End to Fighting Washington Bureau of THE FILM flAILY Washington — Announced intensive use of atomic bombs on Japan, plus the declaration of war on that country by Russia, with the resulting probable moving up of V-J Day has started serious thinking in Government circles and major war agencies are speeding their plans aimed to(Continued on Page 9) Aniline Buiiding in Bingliamton and Here Rodman B. Doremus, executive vice-president, announced yesterday that F. H. McGraw & Co. had received two new contracts totaling $2,250,000 from the General Aniline & Film Corp. Construction will start immediately on both projects. The first contract aggregating $1,500,000 is for a new power house (Continued on Page 8) Equipment Orders Flow In Detroit Territory Detroit — With relaxing of restrictions on equipment replacements, a flood of orders by Michigan theaters is under way, according to reports from supply companies. National Theater Supply Company is currently installing the following equipment, (Continued on Page 8) Sees 100,000 Schools With Film Projectors Iowa City, la. — Number of motion picture projectors used in schools will jump from 15,000 to 100 000 five years after projectors go into full scale production. Prof. Paul C. Reed, visiting instructor at the University of Iowa's department of visual education, stated. Already Iowa school superintendents are showering the University with inquiries asking how soon they'll be able to get educational movies, the former OWI educational motion picture head, revealed.