The Film Daily (1945)

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m ntlroate in Character nternatlonal in Scope ndependent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Oi Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old FDAILY' I OL. 88, NO. 31 NEW YORK, TUESDAY. AUGUST 14, 1945 TEN CENTS CUBAN EXfflBS. SAY THEY WILL CLOSE HOUSES Conciliation Board Rules on Mex. Strike Today [. S. Pix Off All Mexican icreens as Personnel of ixchanges Stage Walkout By ARTHUR GEIGER Film Daily Stajf Correspondent Mexico City (By Wire) — Film iv changes distributing American :ctures were shuttered yesterday id all Hollywood pictures were ■ hdrawn from the screens as perMiiel of exchanges went on strike li higher wages. A Federal coniliation board today will rule on he legality of the walkout. The strike, which originated in lexico City, spread on a national jasis, so that more than 1,000 thea(Continued en Page 6) I'll" 26 Weeks' Profit {ises to $2,064,175 .'niversal Pictures yesterday an• Hiiiced that its consolidated net rofits for the 26 weeks ended April 8 last, aggregated $2,064,175 after 11 charges including Federal income nd excess profits taxes. This comares with $1,833,945 for the correponding period of the preceding seal year. Before providing for Federal in(Continued on Page 12) lOth-FoxFBIPicIs Itomic Bomb Feature West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— That 20th-Fox's 1945.946 program contains a feature on ;he atomic bomb which has been in Preparation and production for more fhan a year was disclosed for the (Continued on Page 10) Jap Surrender Due To Halt 'War Time' Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — A speedy return to standard time is looked for upon the surrender of Japan. Expectations are that the nation will go off War Time as soon as Congress is reconvened. END RESTRICTIONS WITH V-I DAY Many Items Will Not Be Demanded by Military Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Controls over man power will be speedily lifted after V-J Day, but those over materials and production will probably not be so promptly dispensed with, officials of WMC and WPB said here yesterday. Stanley Adams, chief of the Consumers Durable Goods Division of the WPB, pointed out that it has been the WPB policy to revoke restrictions whenever possible and this will continue to be the policy. He said that many items and many materials will no longer be in demand for the armed services, whose needs have always been the first considei'(Ccntinued on Page 12) Theater Operators in Cuba Tell Government It is Impossible to Maintain Stage Shows As Required By Presidential Decree; To Liquidate Holdings Important theater operators of Cuba have notified the Cuban government that it will be impossible to abide by the Presidential decree which requires stage shows in first-run thea;ters at every performance and in secondruns twice a week. They have announced that they will close their tjieaters, liquidate their holdings and dismiss the staffs. Foreign department heads were notified of the move yestei'day by their representatives in Havana who said the notification went to the (Continued en Page B) Up Berger Dissents as Claim lATSE Lives To No Strike Piedge Chicago — President Richard F. Walsh of the lATSE, Ray Brewer, its Hollywood representative, and Frank Stickling, Tom Green, and Gene Atkinson, were the lATSE representatives at the AFL hearing on the Coast studio strike at the Drake Hotel yesterday. Walsh told AFL President William Green and the committee that lATSE was living (Continued on Page 10) Casanave Forms New Industrial Film Co. Twenty seven exhibitor leaders and prominent operators have endorsed M-G-M's 19-point ti'ade policy and have hailed it as a fair trade practice formula. There appears to be only one dissenting vote and that was by Ben Berger, president of (Continued €n Page 6) Formation of Schofield Productions, Inc., with Charles L. Casanave as president was announced yesterday. This new organization, founded by Casanave for post-war industrial films, already has a contract with the Office of Inter-American Affairs and is in negotiation with several large industrial firms. It plans to pro(Continued on Page 11) Para. Earnings Move Upwards Quarter at $4,480,000; 6 Mos., $8,487,000 20th-Fox Sales Meeting Opens Here on Thursday The season's first district sales meeting will be held by 20th-Fox at the home office starting Thursday. In attendance will be managers from New York, Boston, Albany, New (Continued on Page 3) Paramount Pictures, Inc. yesterday estimated its earnings for the second quarter ended June 30, at $4,480,000 , after interest and all charges including estimated provision for all Federal normal and excess profits taxes. This amount includes $759,000 representing Paramount's direct and indirect net interest as a stockholder in the combined (Continued on Page 12) S Names 7 Majors, NT Seattle — Charging conspiracy between the defendants against his West Seattle theaters, Granada and Admiral, John Danz, head of Sterling Circuit theaters, has filed suit for $200,000 against seven majors and three exhibition companies. Action asks damages of $180,000 and attorney fees of $20,000. Named as defendants in the action (Continued on Page 10) Foreign Execs, to Honor Hoyt's Theaters' Turnbull Foreign executives of the industry will honor Ernest Turnbull, managing director of Hoyt's Theaters of Australia, at a luncheon to be giv( Continued on Page 12) Nationalize Czech Film Industry American distributors' hope for a free competitive market in Europe in the post-war period received another setback yesterday when President Benes of Czechoslovakia signed a decree nationalizing the industry there. By the term of the act all phases of the Czechoslovakian industry are made state enterprises.