The Film Daily (1945)

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ntimate in Character jlernational in Scope raependent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Oi Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY PL. 88, NO. 35 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1945 TEN CENTS tfPB CONTROL OF RAW FILM STOCK ENDS Aex. Exchange Workers Walkout Ruled Legal istribs. Lose Decision; ative Producers Weigh lile, Venezuela Offers By ARTHUR GEIGER Film Daily Staff Correspondent Mexico City (By Wire) — nerican distributors lost the fening round of the strike bat i here when the Federal Board of Cnciliation and Arbitration formal il ruled the walk-out of film ex «inge workers to be legal, and listed hopes that employes would ordered back to work. lulio Serrano Castro, board's pres (Continued on Page 8) 'etroit Sees Peace mployment Higher By H. F. REVES Film Daily Staff Correspondent Detroit — The Detroit area, the na : ' key industrial territory, is ig forward to immediate, pos serious unemployment, tem ily, to be followed by a pick-up (Continued on Page 6) Dung America Magazine 1 Film, Equip. Field A. production and distribution ornization has been set up by Young nerica Magazine for the sale of jeational and basic curriculum (Continued on Page 7) Springfield's Jobless Pack Film Theaters Springfield, Mass. — Theaters here are now enjoying the best business boom they have had in years. Major cutbacks of war contracts brought layiffs of more than 12,500 within three days after the war's end, and house managers report a major upswing in patronage as a result. Crowds of war workers, enjoying temporary enforced vacations as plants prepare for reconversion, are spending much of their time in theaters, with downtown houses reporting lines forming nearly an hour before houses open daily. CIRCUITS REJECT 306's DEMAND Local's Negotiations With Companies Break Down — Union May Take Strike Vote Next Week A strike threat materialized yesterday when negotiations between lATSE Local 306 and the film companies for new contracts for circuit operators and those employed at home offices, exchanges and local studios collapsed. Announcement of a "complete rupture" in negotiations was made by Herman Gelber, Local 306 head, following a meeting in Maj. Leslie Thompson's office at RKO at which, according to the labor official, "all demands" presented by the union were turned down by circuit representatives. A midnight meeting of the Local 306 membership at which a vote will be taken on a possible strike has been called for next MonI day or Tuesday. i Action by the union "may involve I strike activity or other union activ i ity," asserted Gelber, who added: "We see no purpose in meeting any further with the employers." The lATSE has under advisement a petition by Local 306 asking for withdrawal of the "no strike" pledge and another calling on Richard F. Walsh, Alliance president, for authorization for a meeting to vote on ' a strike against the affected exhibitors in the event a contract should fail to be agreed upon by Sept. 1. Local 306 officials have expressed dissatisfaction at the progress of negotiations with the companies. Detroit Unions Plan . leroy's Arrowtiead Wage Increase Drive May i^roduce in UK Detroit — A drive for increased I A deal whereby Mervyn LeRoy's wages in show business generally | newly formed Arrowhead Produc will follow V-J Day, it is indicated ' tions will produce in England by union reactions in this key indus 1 through the facilities of the London (Continued on Page 8) ' (Continued on Page 7i Nine New Theaters Set For Ohio and Ky. Cities Columbus, 0. — Momentum of the new theater construction boom, as well as that of remodeling, is strong(Continued on Page 6) French Planning 5,700 Outlets for 16 mm. Pix Paris (By Cable) — Strong encouragement of 16 mm. product by the Ministry of Education is given spe(Continued on Page 71 Cuban ^Flesh^ Squabble Ends Seven Havana Theaters to Play Acts Daily St. Louis Papers' Strike Fails to Dent Takes' St. Louis — The strik of carriers and pressmen of Globe Democrat, Star-Times and Post Dispatch, has had no effect on attendance at mo (Continued on Page 3) By MARY LOUISE BLANCO Film Daily Staff Correspondent Havana — (By Cable) — The conti-oversy resulting from the Presidential decree ordering stage shows in all Cuban theaters has ended with a full agreement between representatives of artists and musicians on one (Continued on Page 3) More Film to be Available Than Producers Can Use; Color Stock Unaffected Washington Bureau of THE FILM ,DAIL)' Washington — W P B ' s motion picture section went out of business today to all practical purposes with the revocation of L178 and L-233, announced yesterday by Stanley P. Adams, Consumer Hard Goods Division chief. WPB's authority under the War Powers Act extends to the first of January so additional regulatory controls could still be applied to the film in(Continued on Page 8) Gas Rationing's End Finds Nabe Biz Off Although a drop of 25 to 30 per cent was reported for metropolitan area neighborhood houses on their week-end business, it was difficult to attribute this entirely to the sudden lifting of gas rationing, since V-J (Continued on Page 7) Brandt Would Weld All Indies into One Big Unit The welding of all independent exhibitor organizations into one big unit is being planned by Harry Brandt, contingent on the mainte( Continued on Page 6) Lid Oft Radio, Tele Production Washington — The lid is off of radio and tele production, WPB announced yesterday, with revocation of L-265, the order controlling ail electronics equipment. Announcement of this revocation was made simultaneously with those of 213 ether WPB orders and schedules. Revocation of this order means that spot authorizations, first of which were granted for receiving sets a few weeks ago, will no longer be necessary for set production, transmitting equipment or any other radio or tele equipment manufacture.