The Film Daily (1945)

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DAILY Thursday, August 23, Vol.88, No. 37 Thurs., Aug. 23, 1945 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate and General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. HONOLULU — Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortiz, San Sebastian No. 3. MONTREAL— Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. FinnnciflL ; (Wednesday, August 22) ^^^^ NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 221/2 22 221/2 + 1/2 ) 213/4 21 3^ 213/4 + 1/4 Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (21/2% Columbia Picts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak ....... do pfd Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . . 20th Century-Fox pfd 20th Century-Fox ppf Universal Fict Warner Bros Ws 45/8 43/4 -f 1/8 307/8 301/2 301/2 + 1/2 177 1761/2 177 + 1 253/4 253/4 253/4 +"V4 253/4 251/4 253/4 4 V4 323/8 311/8 323/8 4 1 87/8 83/4 83/4 ..... 993/4 99 993/4 + 1/2 277/8 275/8 277/8 353/4 351/2 351/2 241/2 243/8 241/2 — 1/8 161/2 16 163/8 + 3/8 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 4 33^ 4 -f % Monogram Picts. pfd. 91/2 91/2 91/2 — Va Radio-Keith cvs. ... 2 1% 2 + Vb Sonotone Corp Techncolor 20 I91/2 20 -f 1/4 Trans-Lux 43/3 43/8 43/8 — Va Rowe Dead on Coast Youngstown, O. — Frank R. Rowe, 54, formerly of Youngstown, died Aug. 13 in Los Angeles, where for the past 15 years he had been em ployed at the 20th-Fox studios. comma flno Goinc UNlCON CASH CONTROL SYSTEMS ■ LTD 1501 BROADWAY NEW VOB.K CITY MOTION -PICTURE'THEATRE CASH CONTROL ARTHUR BRILANT, RKO's special feature service manager, has returned to the home office from a tvi^o-week's vacation at Lake Mohonk, N. Y. HARRY H. THOMAS, PRC vice-president and general sales manager, is en route to New York from the Coast with stopovers scheduled at the company's exchanges in San Francisco and Seattle. BILL BROWN, loew-Poli-Bljou manager in New Haven, has returned there from a vacation at Narragansett Pier, R. I. SPENCER TRACY arrived here this week from Hollywood to make preparations for hs return to the stage In Robert E. Sherwood's "The Rugged Path." COL. )AMES STEWART, former film star, is expected to leave England Monday to return to his home at Indiana, Pa. JOHN NOLAN, film buyer for Comerford Theaters, Inc., is taking a holiday In Canada. HARRY SPIEGEL, city supervisor, Comerford Theaters, Inc., Scranton, is vacationing at Saratoga, N. Y. W. A. SCULLY, general sales manager of Universal, and E. T. COMERSALL, assistant general sales manager of the company, departed for Chicago yesterday to attend the firm's sales meeting there. E. K. O'SHEA, M-C-M Eastern sales chief, returns tomorrow from Buffalo. JACK BYRNE, M-C-M district manager with headquarters In Detrot, and FRANK DOWNEY, M-C-M Detroit branch manager, have delayed their departure until tomorrow. They were scheduled to leave here yesterday. HAROLD J. CLEARY, assistant secretary of Loew's, is vacationing. I. FREEMAN, formerly of M-C-M's home office publcity department, left yesterday for the Coast to assume a post In the studio publicity department. HOWARD STRICKLINC, M-C-M studio publicity head, leaves today for the Coast. He will be accompanied by DICK POWERS, newly appointed music co-ordinator. I. Q. CROSS, Warner field exploiteer, is in Meadville, ,Pa. ALIEN KOHAN, is in Springfield. 0., for advance campaigns on Warners' "Pride of the Marines" and "Rhapsody In Blue." HARRY M. KALMINE, general manager for Warner Bros, theaters, returned today from a brief trip to New Haven. FRANK V. BRUNER, Warner field exploiteer, is in Oklahoma City work'ng on the advance campaigns for "Christmas in Connecticut." ye Distribs. Won't Do Biz With Slav's Monopoly While the Motion Picture E Association has taken no actio on the question of the U. S. film panies' entry in the Balkans, i\ disclosed yesterday by Murraj^il verstone, head of the MPEA, the major distributors "have re to recognize Yugoslavia." The son given was that a state filn: nopoly now exists in that count! Wallis Denies Any "U" Deal West Coast Bureau of THE FILM D Hollywood — Hal B. Wallis dtie a published report that he may al. a deal with Universal and point,ov that his contract with Parannir has several years to run. 1^ I) Gehle to Head State's Victory Loan Campaign Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington^ — Frederick W. Gehle, vice-president of the Chase National Bank, has been appointed by the Treasury to head the oncoming Victory Loan Drive in New York State. He was chairman of the New York War Finance Committee during the Sixth and Seventh War Loan drives. Under his direction New York State vaised $13,900,000,000, an amount five times greater than that of any other State. Appointment of Gehle for the Vic♦■nry Loan post was hailed by the film trade of New York State yesterday with high satisfaction, as he has worked closely with it on every occasion to attain maximum Bond sales. New Bma Crosbv Co. For "Abie's Irish Rose' West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollvwood — Bing Crosby has ^rirmed a new company to produce "Abie'<^ Irish Rose" for the screen. Ann Nichols, who wrote stage play, will write the script and A. Ef'ward ■Sutherland will nrnduce and direct. New unit is entirelv separate from ''^ing Crosbv Productions which made "The Great John L." TTA'« First-Runs Set for Chicago Oriental Chicagoi — ^Operators of the Oriental Theater have made a first-run desl '>vith UA starting with "G.I. Joe" S^Tit. 21, whic'h will be followed by "Blood on the Sun." The house will continue with stage shows but will change its policy of one-week engagements. No Official Action Yet To Disband Trade WAC Although the WAC is informally scheduled to disband by the end of this year, no official executive action has yet been taken on this score, it was pointed out yesterday. It is true, authoritative channels said, that the present objective is to wind-up WAC affairs by the year's end. The committee members, it is explained, "are trying to do that." Local Film Row yesterday was trying to give a satisfactory answer to "a 64 dollar" question, which, in substance, is this: What representation will the industry as a whole have in Washington during the vital period of reconversion? Some industry oflScials point to the fact that other industries are planning to maintain advisory committees which can meet from time to time in Washington and discuss among themselves the various problems which reconversion and changing economy, as well as other factors, will have on operations, with such discussions conducted in the presence of Government officials. UA Gets Winter Garden, Closing Long-Term Lease Deal giving UA a long-term lease on the Winter Garden was finally closed late yesterday. Rank's "Blithe Spirit" will open there Oct. 1, as Film Daily indicated Tuesday. Spiegel Estate Exceeds $1,400,000 Chicago — • The estate of Sidney Spiegel is estimated to exceed $1,400,000, according to a tax appraisal filed in County Court. The bulk of the estate after the payment of taxes will go to his widow. Spiegel's interest in the Essaness circuit was sold to his partners at an undisclosed price. XEW YORK THEATERS -■^ RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL 50th Street and Sixth Avenue Irene DUNNE Alexander KNOX • Charles COBU| "OVER 21" A Columbia Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATIC^ BETTY HUTTON • ARTURO DE CORD in Paramount's "INCENDIARY BLOND In Technicolor IN PERSON "The Hour of Charm" ALL-GIRL 0 Under the Direction of PHIL SPITALNY P4MMOU/¥r Samuel Goldvryn pr»§enia Danny Kaye in "Wonder Man" in Technicolor ASTd B'way & 4 I Populi^ Pric9i\ M'^^^.um Gary CooDer Lorefta Youn "ALONG CAME fONES INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Released by RKO 1^^ ON SCREEN IN PERSO nf ALAN LADD DAVE APOLL mm GAIL RUSSELL "Think-a-Dilnl WLM in PARAMOUNT'S HOFFMAI H 'SALTY EXTRA 1 |@ O'ROURKE' SALIGi PUPPE! FRED MacMURRAY ''Captain Eddie" 20th Century-Fox— A Eureka Picture Plus on Stage — PHIL SILVERS BERRY BROTHERS— Extra! Prof. LAMBER BUY MORE P r> Y V 7th Ave. BONDS Xi W A I 50th St