The Film Daily (1945)

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Friday, August 24, 1945 7ICI DAILY: EQUIPMENT NEWS • 13 lew Zapon-Keratol ine Set for Theals. (ConHnued from Page 11) lapon-Keratol line is expected to be lade in the near future to the trade -'enerally, including the motion picure industry which is, in normal imes, a large consumer of the jibrics. During the war, the Zapon-Keratol )ivision, while employing its faciliies totally to supply the needs of he anned forces, made noteworthy rogress in its laboratories, with the esult that seating fabrics for thea^^ers will incorporate valuable findigs, and both theatermen and their ustomers will be the beneficiaries, ; is pointed out. Aside from the vital technical end f fabric production, the Division has lu-veyed intensively the needs of the eace-time theaters. Planning for 16 new Zapon-Keratol line has aerefore accented reasonable price, j laximum sei'viceability, ease of laintenance, fullest comfort, decoative value, and high factor of afety. The element of safety has ome in for the closest study by com' any officials for resistance to flame ■5, and will continue to be, a "must" •^Consideration of exhibitors as well js communities and States which are '"rafting new building codes or overhauling existing ones. i Zapon Keratol fabrics tested in heaters during the past few months ave given unusually satisfactory reults, and herald a big demand by , heatermen, and the strong support f architects and decorators, in the .ave of new theater construction ihich is certain to emerge after the rst impact of industrial reconverion has passed. -' >4ercy Plans Two New Theaters ^j Yakima, Wash. — Sites for two ■. lOSt-war theaters have been pur "*hased by Fred Mercy, Sr. A $60,000 uburban type house is planned for 5elah and another house will be built n Selah. Mercy also plans to spend ibout $65,000 to improve his Lib irty, Yakima and Roxy Theaters. SEEKING A DEPENDABLE SOURCE DF SUPPLY FOR TDUR THEATRE TICKETS? INTERNATIONAL OFFERS: Dependable service . . . Low cost . . , 47 year's experience serving theatres, stadiums, amusement parks, etc. 'We can supply your needs. Roll, machine folded, reserve seats, etc. Write lor samples, prices or other information. Delivery (ree Maine to Virginia. INTERNATIONAL TICKET (^COMPANY 52 GRAFTON AVE.'-S*^ NEWARK 4, N. J. SALES OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CENTERS Lumber Vista Held Promising for the Trade, But Strong Flow May Require Sonue Months Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Outlook for large-scale resumption of construction before the year's end is brightened considerably by sharply decreased military demands for lumber. The Army has already cancelled orders for some 900,000,000 board feet, it is learned here. Despite cutbacks, there will be a lag before lumber begins reaching the yards in volume for it will take time to re-establish the normal flow to distribution as well as to age the lumber, officials declare. Westinghouse Expects Biz to Equal '41 Level (Continued from Page 11) to approximate 1941 levels, it is disclosed by A. W. Robertson, board chairman. Production in that year amounted to $369,094,000 and employment averaged 71,000, both figures being highest in company's history up to that time. The estimated post-war business would be about double the average annual output of the company for the five pre-war years of 1936 through 1940. Robertson made public excerpts from a report to employes on organization's plans for changing from war to peace-time production, involving appropriations for improvements of more than $23,000,000 made since the first of the year, and another $4,500,000 planned for remainder of the year. Century, WE Export in Virtual World-Wide Pact Pre-fabricated Theaters Impractical for Chicago? Chicago — Mason Rapp, a leading theater architect here, says that prefabricated theaters are not practical for Chicago, owing to building regulations and fire laws. Light steel construction, he avers, is not acceptable to Chicago fire authorities. WPB Names Keenan Construction Czar (Continued from Page 11) all countries of the world except the U. S. and Canada. In Canada, these products are distributed by Dominion Sound Equipments, Ltd., and in the U. S. by independent theater supply dealers. Announcement indicates further expansion of Century Porjector Corp. which has, within the past six years, made notable contribution to the industry via the Centuiy line of single and double shutter 35 mm. professional projectors, officials assert. New Dispensors Announced Chicago — ^Pepsi-Cola Co. has developed new type cooler dispensors built by General Electric for the theaater trade. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — WPB's appointment of a "construction czar" in the person of Joseph W. Keenan, the board's vice-chairman for Labor Production, is expected to result in the systematizing of peace-time construction. The construction order L-41 is expected to be revoked by Sept. 30, and, in the meantime, three types of construction are now permitted by WPB authorization, namely, (1) Construction of factories, plants and other units used primarily for manufacturing, processing or assembling of goods and materials; (2) Work on units not primarily used for industrial work if the construction is to prepare a part of the unit for such work; and (3) Construction of facilities owned by a manufacturer that are necessary for handling raw materials or components, or for the distribution of his products to the retailer. Tri-States Opens New House Dallas — Tri-States Theaters has opened its new Casa Linda Theater. Lloyd Henderson manages the 932seat house. Two Akron Houses Reopened Akron, O. — Two fire-damaged houses have been re-opened after renovations. Peoples Theater was dark for several weeks after a booth fire, while the Liberty, deluxe nabe house, closed for a month after a backstage blaze. You Don't Catch Us Napping Jlemember what happened to Samson— the strong-haired guy? He snoozed while Delilah snipped. "Mighty foolish", you say, "to be caught napping when your strong points are at stalce". That's why you just don't take chances with theatre equipment— not when the strength of the whole show is rooted in your booth. But here's one thing you've got on Samson— Altec protection! When that breakdown threatens your box-office "take", Altec's on the job to restore vitality to disabled parts. Learn how Altec cuts trouble short— write or phone today! 250 West 57th Street New York 19, N. Y. THE SERVICE ORGANIZATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY