The Film Daily (1945)

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:E onday, August 27, 1945 INEI UllV (I rey Marcus Joins J ira. International ;;; ppointment of Morey Marcus, at ous times general manager in Far East for both Metro and ited Artists, as ervisor of cer 1 Far Eastern ]ritories for amount Inter ional under J liPerkins, man-^r of the Far _-i;tern, Australpi' New Zealand ; H South Afrits division, was (bounced Friday '■■jf George Weltt^, president of il Para, subsidi farcus, who left morey marcus to enter the |ry in June, 1942, was serving as a tenant in the USNR when disged Aug. 11 at the Naval Air ion at Patuxent, Md. His last ^nment there was as personnel er and assistant to the operations er. /■hile in the Navy, Marcus had rseas duty in the Russell Islands New Hebrides. arcus will remain at the ParaInt home office for a while, Weltsaid Friday, awaiting the re1 oi division manager Perkins I is currently on a sales superfry trip in Australia and New land. Perkins is expected to reto his home office headquarters September. e Damages Ottawa idio of NFB of Canada Ittawa — Fire, reportedly due to rt circuit, brought damage and upted operation in the Ottawa dio of the National Film Board h several persons injured, includtwo women who went to a hos11 with burns and shock. Extent the damage was not divulged ding an investigation by governnt and fire department officials, last year the NFB studio had an break of fire in the revising room which several employes received ere burns and considerable equipnt was destroyed or damaged, /he building used for the NFB 1 studio was formerly a lumber 11, which was converted for laboory purpose some years ago. ERD BIRTHDflV GREETinCS TO: August 27 M. S. Bergman Jack Livingston Lester Elton Kay York Frank Heath R. E. Messer J. C. C. Conniff Weeh'cnd Ifietnos • • « PLENTY TOUGH: If you don't think that the industry iaces a tough problem in the reabsorption of its men and women who donned service uniforms — particularly if those who carried on in their places are to be retained — consider this: One company alone has some 550 service people on its sales department roster, and better than 99 per cent of them are indicating they expect to return to alma mammy ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • DAVE BLUM'S article on "Good and Harmful Publicity," which appeared exclusively in THE FILM DAILY not so long ago an article which pleads for an adjustment in the distribution of stills and publicity releases in the foreign markets through the news services is being carefully analyzed by studio publicity officials One company has already indicated its intention of limiting its domestic press releases to the United States and Canada and is looking for concerted action by the others to join with practically unanimous approval by the foreign heads T T T • • • "BUTCHERS POLITE Again as Meat Supply Rises"— Headline in the N. Y. World-Telegram The choir will now rise up and sing, "Happy Days Are Here Again" T T ▼ • • • THIS-AND-THAT: Is Herbert L. Stem, financier, formerly active in B & K, getting ready to tie in with another Loop theater enterprise? ... • Nat Nathanson, a former UA exchange manager, will announce a nevr assignment on his return to Chicago from a vacation. . . • That Ronk-Shubert Winter Garden deal, is only for one year, according to Lee Shubert The reported rental is $365,000. . . • Randforce circuit managers, assistant managers, and home office employes agree that last week's Victory celebration, given by the company in the form of a midnight dinner and dance at the St. George Hotel in Brooklyn, was the finest in the circuit history. . . • Alfred Hitchcock allows as how that published report he's dickering with Universal isn't so T T T • • • NEARLY II MILLION free tickets have been given to members of the armed forces for movies and allied entertainment through the Defense Recreation Committee at 99 Park Ave Mrs. lulius Ochs Adler, acting chairman, announces the continuance of this operation "until the very last sailor and soldier has returned to these shores." T ▼ T • • • DOUBLE TREAT: In addition to the swell house-warming reception meted out to the press at M-G-M's reconstructed and refurbished News of the Day offices and studio, H. S. "Newsreel" Wong was there as guest of honor and was the object of grateful handshakes for his film reports in the China area, from friends like John B. Kennedy. J. C. Brown, Edgar B. Hatrick, Ariel Varges, Jock Whipple, Edwin Aaron, Arthur Locks, Glenn Allvine, E. K. "Ted" O'Shea. Ed Satinders, Si Seadler, Dave Palfreyman, Joe Johnston, and Carl Leo ▼ T T • • • OUR CHINESE COUSIN, Phil LUM Daly, tipped us off to an original Chinese poster devised by Oscar "Confucius" Morgan which will be hung in all Paramount exchanges to spur shorts and news bookings during Paramount Month ▼ T T • • • ADD WHAT'S IN A NAME DEPT.: The new manager of finance of the RCA Intemationol Division oi RCA is Archibald F. Dollar ▼ TV • • • NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE!!! COminC and Goinc HAL HORNE, 20th-Fox's director of publicityadvertising-exploitation, is back at his desk from a New Hampshire vacation. DEON DE TITTA, 20th-Fox's head projectionist, has returned from a two-week vacation passed on his New jersey farm. STEVE BROIDY, Monogram sales manager, left for the Coast Friday. ROBERT LEWIS, M-C-M director, leaves for the Coast Sept. 5, after finishing an assignment for the company's foreign department. WILLIAM R. FERGUSON, M-C-M exploitation director, and JOHN MURPHY, assistant to Joseph R. Vogel, return today from a week-end at Pittsburgh, after attending the second roadshow opening of "Ziegfeld Follies" at the Nixon Theater. MILTON WEISS, formerly of the M-C-M stud 0 publicity department, returned to Lexingtcn, Va., after a week-end here. MAURICE BERGMAN will return to the Universal home office today from a trip to the West Coast. E. 0. WILSCHKE, Altec Service Corp. executive, is en route to the West Coast with scheduled stopovers at Chicago, Kansas City, and Dallas district offices. BERNIE KREISLER is vacationing at Schroon Lake, Adirondack, N. Y. WILLIAM H. ERBB, Paramount Esatern division manager, returns today from a business trip to Washington. DON WALKER, Warner field rep., is In Topeka, Kan. on advance campaign for "Conflict" whch opens there Sept. 15. W. A. SCULLY returned at the week-end from Chicago where he attended the Universal meeting. JOE GARRISON, "U" district manager, has returned to Kansas City from Chicago. A. J. O'KEEFE has returned to the Coast from Chicago. RAY MURRAY, Columbia's trade contact man, is vacationing. , CHARLES COHEN, of Metro's publicity department returns from vacation today. Metro Dines Pittsburgh's Press to Plug "Follies" Pittsburgh — Metro held a press luncheon at the William Penn Hotel Friday and followed with a special screening for newspaper critics and editors of "Ziegfeld Follies" at the Nixon, where the musical opened Sunday night as a roadshow for a two-week limited engagement. The initial two-a-day opening was held in Boston Aug. 13, and the engagement there closed Sunday night. "Wonderful World" — Well, Wlio Can Tell? On the week-end, a cable arrived from FILM DAILY's itinerant correspondent for Eastern Europe. Datelined Zagreb, Croatia, the dispatch said that five pix stands in that city are showing U. S. product including "something with Colbert and Stewart." The marquee announced the title as "Zhivot Je Lijep," and the best guess is that the opus is the 1939 feature, "A Wonderful World." Editor's Note: We join with the good folks of Zagreb in hoping that the title is both accurate and prophetic. *f'i-A^