The Film Daily (1945)

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I Friday, August 31, 1945 HCl } rnu DAILY Prke to Map Pix Policy in Germany (Continued from Page 1) understanding of the potential value of pix in public relations. The appointment was announced /..yesterday by President Truman dur■ling his press conference, and it was ► Specified that Price will be Presidential representative. This designation was taken as another clear indication that the days of OWI operation in Germany are numbered. The appointment was made with the knowledge and approval of Generals Eisenhower and Clay, Truman said. The President declared, however, that the appointment of Price does not in any way indicate dissatisfaction with the current handling of public ' relations by our occupation forces. Price's responsibility will include both information to the German people and information coming from the area to the American people and the rest of the world. One of the important questions which Price will probably be called upon to discuss at once is the advisability of pressing the showing of Hollywood pix to the Germans. Although there appears to be no record statement of his feeling, it is reported here that he has several times indicated his appreciation for the important role Hollywood can play in fostering American international relations and in the re-education of defeated Germany. Kuttenauer Starts As Rep. St. Louis Manager St. Louis — Louis Kuttenauer, for the past 3% years St. Louis city salesman for Paramount has resumed his new duties as St. Louis manager for Republic. Nat Steinberg, district manager for Republic, in the announcement of Kuttenauer's appointment stated that his predecessor. Bill Weiss, had personally requested that he be permitted to resume his former post as Southeastern Missouri salesman. Kuttenauer some years ago was in the theater supply business in Chicago. SERD BIRTHDflV GREETinCS TO: August 31 Silas F. Seadler John Carrick Fredric March Francis Kann Hugh Harman Phil .Charig Frank Marsales Joan Barclay September 1 Rex Beach Betty BIythe Edwin S. Clifford Maj. Wm. S. Altman Richard Arlen Renee Haal Miriam Seegar Dave Carson September 2 Ernest Hickson David Rollins Larry Weiner Hal Home Has An Anniversiiry • • • IT'S DYNAMIC HAL HORNE'S third anniversary at 20th Century-Fox Since taking over the helm of director oi publicity -advertising-exploitation there, Hal has engineered and guided some oi the greatest oi 20th-Fox pix, as well as the recent Thirtieth Anniversary of the company Tireless, and never flagging in his enthusiasm for the great productions which have passed through his hands, Hal has been a constant inspiration for the lieutenants under him Pictures like 'The Song of Bernadette," "Wilson," "Winged Victory," "Captain Eddie," and this past week "State Fair," to mention only a handful of big ones, have received the full benefit of his many years experience as a firstrate publicist Hal has surrounded himself with men cmd women who know the business from every angle, and who are a credit to his own ability as a man of ideas, with the zest to carry them through to the complete satisfaction of Spyros Skouras, Tom Connors and others He has attacked every film, every problem of merchandising with eagerness and complete confidence in its final conclusion, through a sheer love for the industry and all the facets of advertising, publicity, sales promotion, exploitation His years as a shovnnan — his own theaters in most cases — have versed him thoroughly in the fine arts of his profession So happy anniversary, Hal — we hope to see you around for a long, long time ▼ TV • • e PREDICTION: A cycle of stories with a plastic surgery background RKO will fire the gun with its "First Man Into Tokyo/' starring Tom Neal ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • SCHEDULED TO REACH G.I. audiences within two weeks of their national release dates, three new films are flown each week from the U. S. to 1st Lt. Warren E. Dobson, former manager of FWC's Roxy in Oakland, Cal., now booking 51 tent theaters in the Assembly Area Commcmd near Rheims, France ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • THE PERSONAL TOUCH: M. J. Mclnaney, vice-president in charge of sales for the Alexander Film Co. has returned from a trip to Da'.las, Tex., where he donated, for the company, SI 0,000 worth of Bonds of St. Louis and S. W. Railway to the Texas Variety Club for the Copperas Cove Boys' Club The presentation was made to Bob O'Donell, National Chief Barker, and to I. O. Cherry, Chief Barker of Texas. . . • E. V. Richards is one of the directors of the newly founded Greater New Orleans, Inc., citizens group formed to "sell New Orleans to the world as it has never been sold before" Well, E. V. knows how to do it ▼ ▼ ▼ e • • COINCIDENCE: The last time they saw Paris, back in June, 1940, the Siritzkys were playing Gary Cooper's "The Real Glory" at their Olympic there And now another Gary Cooper pic, Para.'s re-issue of "Northwest Mounted Police," will open the Siritzky's Ambassador here tomorrow T ▼ ▼ • • • NEWSREEL NOTCHES: Russia at wen: with Japan U. S.-British forces joining against Japan Japanese Surrender! First shots of the Atom Bomb test Coast-to-Coast scenes of V-J Day celebrations Radar revelations Hirohito's envoys to Manila All this happening while the newsreel chiefs are away on a survey of the European scene Phil M.'s COMPLIMENTS to five COMPETENT newsreel STAFFS ▼ T ▼ • • • NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE!!! Two 20tli-Fox Districts Get Structural Clianges (Continued from Page 1) ern district manager, has been given supervision over four instead of three branches. Buffalo has been added to his domain. Other branches under his jurisdiction are Boston, New Haven and Albany. In addition to Cincinnati and Cleveland, James J. Grady, Mid-Eastem district manager, now will have supervision also over Indianapolis. Creation of four divisions sees Edwin H. Collins appointed home office executive rep. of Herman Wobber, who succeeded William C. Gehri-ng as Western sales manager, and of Harry G. Ballance, who heads the newly established Southern sales division. Collins was formerly executive assistant to Gehring, who became Central sales manager upon the resignation of L. J. Schlaifer. Jack Bloom, who was executive assistant to Schlaifer, will serve under Gehring in a similar capacity. Buck Stoner to 20th-Fox In Home Office Berth Engagement of Buck Stoner by 20th-Fox as home office rep. was learned yesterday. Experienced in distribution and exhibition, the newcomer to the 20th-Fox ranks headed a film-buying combine in the Pittsburgh area before joining the company. Prior to that he was a member of the distribution forces of M-G-M. Also disclosed yesterday was the promotion of Frank X. Carroll to the managership of the 20th-Fox home office contract department, succeeding Harry Fenster. He foi"merly was assistant manager of the department. Show "None" Sept. 4 "And Then There Were None," Popular Pictures production, will be tradeshown in all exchange centers on Sept. 4 by 20th-Fox, which is releasing the film. UlEDDinG BELLS Magid-Rubin Shirley Magid of 20th-Fox will be married at the week-end to Dr. Irving Rubin of Pittsfield, Mass., where the ceremony will take place. The couple will make their home in Pittsfield. Pyle-Subak Minneapolis — Norman W. Pyle, M-G-M publicity director for this area, will marry Mary Subak Saturday. Smith-Bellamy Ralph Bellamy, screen star, and Ethel Smith, were secretly married Saturday night in Harrison, N, Y., it has just been disclosed.