The Film Daily (1945)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Dally Newspaper O! Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old |dL 88. NO. 45 NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1945 TEN CENTS CHARGE MEXICO STRIKERS SEIZE V. S. PIX Labor Day Week-End's Biz Returns to 1941 Level Bmmiing 'Round-' WASHINGTON Br ANDREW H. OLDER WASHINGTON TiHE swift dissolution of OWI came as a ' surprise to most of us down here, who lad expected the agency to taper off {radually and finally give up the ghost viext Winter. It was a surprise also to flost of the responsible OWI officials. To fhe Treasury it came as a shock — the agency lad been counted on for important aid in rhe Victory Loan Drive, and it was believed hat Secretary Vinson's reminder to the iVhite House of this important revenue}roducing function had assured the life of D'WI's radio, pix and advertising operations, it least until December Friday's an louncement was followed by immediate emergency consultations between OWI and Treasury officials and arrangements are being made to work out, so far as is posiible, means by which the Treasury will hake advantage of the OWI's commitments from the various media.... It is likely that key OWI radio, pix and advertising men will l>e brought over temporarily to the Treasury payroll. This is true, too, of the OWI noniheatrical pix organization, with the Treasury planning wider-than-ever use of 16 mm. projectors. • e C EVEN manufacturers of photographic "^ equipment, questioned by WPB, have reported that by next June they will have started new construction, or the installation ]f new equipment costing $2,203,000. . . . Also significant in the WPB quiz is that the !>ne manufacturer of 35 mm. projectors reporting estimated that his production in December will include roughly 5,000 machines, valued at $670,000, while his pro[Juction next June will include 10,000 machines valued at only $806,000. WPB experts are unable to explain these Figures with complete confidence, although they believe that wartime experience has made it possible to manufacture projectors much more easily than before the war, ivith labor and materials costs expected to jrop. .. .Exact details of the types of ma■hines are unfortunately not given, but it s interesting to note that July production, ncluding 5,000 units, was valued at $400,)D0, while estimated August production, to nclude only about 4,000 units, was listed For a value of $537,000. We're confused. • • ^ONE of the agencies are anxious to ^ see publicity on it, but the Govern( Continued on Pa^je 11) Broadway 'Takes' Skyrocket; Key City Attendance Zooms to Break Records Managing directors of the big Broadway film stands yesterday wore expressions of cats that had swallowed canaries, as they disclosed in many instances the largest "takes" clocked on a Labor Day week-end since 1941, with the holiday itself bringing heavy labor to cashiers, doormen and ushers. Reports from major key points were similarly enthusiastic. In city after city, attendance zoomed, and (Continued on Page 8) Sees Industrial Pix In World Trade Role Washington Bureau of THE FILM -DAILY Washington — Industrial and commercial films will play a major role in returning American business to normal operation, according to Nathan D. Golden, Department of Commerce pix chief. Maximum efficiency and practicable selling methods are essential, Golden holds, with industrial and commercial pix an impor(Continued on Page 11) Mayer to Japan, China and India for the Red Cross Arthur L. Mayer, managing director of the Rialto, now serving as assistant to Basil O'Connor, chairman of the American Red Cross, will leave in the near future for China, India (Continued on Page 8) EINFELD QUITS WARNER POST Coast Hears of Production, Presidency Offers West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Resignation of S. Charles Einfeld as vice-president of Warners, effective immediately, was announced yesterday. While Einfeld said that he has made no new plans and will take a long vacation, there were persistent reports that as many as three production offers had been tendered him and, a dditiona lly, there was lively speculation c o n cerning h i s affiliation with another company as president. Einfeld declined to comment on these reports. Einfeld described his parting with (Continued on Page 11) CHARLES EINFELD Loew's Presses Int. Building Program Increased business resulting from the success of synchronized Spanish versions of M-G-M pictures has re(Continued on Page 12) Expect Czech Change at Front State Dept. in Parleys on U. S. Pix Dispute Schlaifer Supervising 20th-Fox Ad-Publicity The administration of the 20th-Fox exploitation, publicity, advertising and radio departments will remain unchanged with Charles Schlaifer, assistant director, temporarily in su( Continued on Page 7) While no direct developments were reported yesterday with regard to the future status of U. S. product in Czechoslovakia, trade channels reflected growing optimism that current negotiations will result in a satisfactory settlement of difficulties. The State Department has already (Continued on Page 11) 2.500 Prints Said Taken; American Distribs. Ignore Union's Counter Proposal By ARTHUB GEIGER FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Mexico City (By Wire) — Strike of Mexican exchange workers against U. S. distributors continued yesterday as the Americans ignored a union offer to the Ministry of Labor to withdraw "momentarily" its demand for revision of the collective contract, provided distributors grant wage increases of 50 per cent. Government (Continued on Page 12) SI. Louis Operators, Indies in 6-year Pact St. Louis — Independent theaters and the Moving Picture and Projection Machine Operators, Local 143 lATSE have reached agreement on the six-year wage scale and working conditions pact agreed on last week by first-run operators. All St. Louis and St. Louis County houses, with the exception of three non(Continued on Page 12) Dave Lipton Out of Army; Will Resume at Columbia Corp. David A. Lipton has received his discharge from the Army and after a short vacation will return to his post as director of advertising, publicity and exploitation for Columbia. He has been on a leave of ab( Continued on Page 8) British Raw Stock Restrictions to End London (By Cable) — Early withdrawal of raw stock restrictions has been announced by the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office. Department estimates that all restrictions may be lifted within four or five weeks.