The Film Daily (1945)

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12 . V'X DAILY Friday, September 7, 1945| Fabian Heads Trade's Victory Loan Drive (Continued from Page 1) who headed the Third War Loan, which featured Hollywood luminaries touring the nation under the banner of "Cavalcade of Stars"; Charles Skouras, Los Angeles, Fourth drive leader, whose objective was selling a "Bond for Every. Seat"; R. J. "Bob" O'Donnell, Dallas, whose organization was labeled "The Fighting Fifth," with an intensive nationwide group meeting campaign; Harry Brandt, Sixth campaign, characterized "The Smashing Sixth," and Samuel Pinanski, Boston, head of "The Showman's Seventh." Directed First Campaign Fabian directed the First campaign, and throughout the war has been the permanent representative in the Treasury Department and also the representative for filmland in the Treasury on a dollar-a-year basis. The First drive was in 1942, and the industry was not a part of the Second War Loan in June, 1943. Other campaigns were the Third, September, 1943; Fourth, January, 1944; Fifth, June, 1944; Sixth, November, 1944, and Seventh, May, 1945. Other executives on his committee will be announced shortly, Fabian said yesterday. He and members of the master strategy group will meet soon with Ted R. Gamble, director of the Treasury's WFC, and with Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson. Fabian and Gamble are scheduled to go to Hollywood next week to confer with studio chiefs, the WAC branch there, and the Hollywood Victory Committee, to discuss participation of studios in the drive. Victory Loan Drive Short , Nearly Ready on Coast West toast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "Hollywood Victory Caravan," the two-reeler which wiil spearhead the Victory Loan on the nation's screens, is nearing completion here. A Bob Hope sequence, held up until his return from Europe a few days ago, will be included. In the picture also is Bing Crosby, accompanied by the Carmen Cavallaro orchestra, who sings a new number. "We've Got Another Bond to Buy," by -Jimmy McHugh and Harold TO THE COLORS! * DECORATED • SGT. PARMLEY W. URCH, formerly Paramount accounting and statistical supervisor at the home office, a fifth Bronze Star Medal, significant of five major campaigns in the European theater of operations. DON ATKINSON, formerly with National Theatre Supply, Detroit, the Purple Heart. "UDDY O'TOOLE, son of Tim O'Toole, Columbia manager. New Haven, the A^r Medal and citation for completion of 37 Naval flying missions. • PROMOTED • ENSIGN JAMES SUMMERS, JR., son of Warner theater personnel director, Chicago, to lieutenant j.g. in the U. S. Navy. THEATER DEALS Drew Sells to Connaught Daytona Beach, Fla. — The Kingston has again changed hands. Hollis Drew, who bought the property three months ago, sold out to C. L. Connaught of Minneapolis. Acquires Theater Site Samuel Augenblick, real estate operator, has purchased the vacant parcel at the northeast corner of Sixth Ave. and 52nd St. and will build a theater and office building on the site. Property adjoins Rockefeller Center, one block north of the RKO Bldg. Augenblick paid $875,000 at a sale ordered by the Board of Transportation and the Board of Estimate of New York. Ritz Goes Back to Spadafore Detroit — Paul Caruso has transferred -the Ritz Theater, only house at Watervliet, to Michael Spadafore of Saint Joseph, who formerly operated. Hoehn-Giltner Purchase Chicago — A. Elice has sold the Elice theater at New Washington to E. L. Hoehn and Sam Giltner. House's name will be changed to New Washington theater. Carraway Sells to Capps Clifton, Tex.— D. B. Carraway has hold his two houses, the Cliftex and Cub, to E. W. Capps. Carraway plans to enjoy life on his ranch. Capps formerly operated a theater at Portales, N. M. DeVinney Buys New House Lewisville, Tex. — Roy DeVinney has purchased the Lyric here from Mr. and Mrs. C. W. H. Johnston, who have operated the house for the past 25 years. DeVinney only several weeks ago sold his Texas Theater at Irran to be nearer Dallas. English Bay House Sold Vancouver, B. C. — Myer Chechik, who built the Bay Theater eight years ago at English Bay, has sold the property to Barclay Investments for $76,000. The Chechik family are interested in the new company. Takes Over Audubon Theater Beverly Hills Theater Corp. headed by Stanley W. Lawton, former RKO theater operator, has taken over the Audubon theater located on Broadway and 156th Street and will open under the name of Beverly Hills Theater. "Strange Holiday" Gets Warner Dates Up-State M. J. Levinson, distributor of "Strange Holiday," has set a deal with Warners Theaters for engagements at the Ritz, Albany, the week of Sept. 18 and the Lincoln, Troy, the week of Sept. 28. Adamson. The USMS Training Station Choir from Avalon also assists Crosby. Featured in the film are Bob Benchley, Humphrey Bogart, Joe Carioca, Cavallaro, Crosby, William Demarest, Donna Drake, Hope, Betty Hutton, Alan Ladd, Paul Lee, Noreen Nash, Franklyn Pangborn, Olga San Juan, Barbara Stanwyck, Marjorie Weaver, and Virginia Wells. William Russell is director, Louis Harris the producer, and Bernard Luber supervising from a script by Melville Shavelson. Tom Baily, WAC co-ordinator here, assisted in producing the film on the Paramount lot. Regan and Brown from OWI to Treasury WFD Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — C. R. Regan, Dick Brown and two secretaries will be added to the payroll of the Treasury's War Finance Division later this month, following dissolution of the OWI Pix branch. Regan is director of the non-theatrical division, and his assignment to Treasury is designed to insure the smooth functioning of the 16mm. program treasury has laid out for the Victory Loan drive. He will stay with Treasury only for that period. Picketing Committee To be Organized Here (Continued from Page 1) closed yesterday by a representative of the painters' union. Although the identity of the Hollywood emissary was unknown to the spokesman for the painters' union, he is believd to be Roger McDonald, a members of the Screen Set Designers' Local 1421, one of the unions 'nvolved in the strike called half a year ago by the Conference of Studio Unions, which is affiliated with the painters' international. The strikers' representative will seek the help of District Council No. 9 of the painters' union and other sympathetic groups in a drive to picket all theaters showing pictures made by M-G-M, Paramount, Columbia, RKO Radio, Universal, Republic, 20th-Fox, United Artists and Warner Bros. CSV Sending Out Three Picket Co-ordinators West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — CSU is sending three nicket co-ordinators to Northern California to supervise theater picketing in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Contra Costa and Marin Counties. A co-ordinator may also be sent to the Central Valley region in California. Helmer Bergman, prominent in CSU activities, will supervise picketing in the Northwest and will make his headquarters in Seattle. rr Gl's Hail "Waldorf As Monsoon Rages By T/SGT. WILLIAM SPECHT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent With the 31st Infantry Division A tough fighting regiment whic cracked one of the first large seal Jap escape counter-attacks beljj the Equator and which drove throuB h a Jap spider hole— defended fore?' on Mindanao without benefit of suj EDITOR'S NOTE: In the distant Pacific theater on Aug. 18, Metro's "Week-end at the Waldorf" had its "world premiere" before front line veterans of the 31st Infantry Division. T/Sgt. William Specht, veteran FILM DAILY correspondent, assigned himself to cover. Here is his story of the enthusiastic Gl reaction — a reaction registered while a mon I a porting artillery, sat through junior monsoon here to see Metro'; "Week-end at the Waldorf's" worl premiere. The next day, the division head quarters troops outstayed a rain t see it. . » Both audiences were enthusiastif! Said a PFC, "I got a bigger bam out of that picture than I did in ; long time. For entertainment valu that's the tops." A warrant officer concurred, & the millenium may be thought to b at hand. At home, it ought to be a bo: office magnet that will attract th dimes and dollars over the ticke counter. Ginger Rogers' costume and the roccoco background shoul be a natural for the dame trade while Lana Turner and Rogers wilj appeal to males from 9 to 90. | The eye appeal and interest ther, is in any swank hotel, plus Xavie Cugat's music, two fair productio; numbers, and the unifying effect o Robert Benchley as the columnis whose dog presents him with pup turn this film into a solid entertain ment number. Direction is smooth and good; dialog laugh-provoking. Despite the range of the storj which uses the Grand Hotel form ula, it is well interwoven, fast mov ing and avoids confusion. ft Mi ill \i BACK IN CIVVIES Honorably Discharged lESSE BIZZELL, JR., from the Navy to rejoii Rex Theater, Dongola, III. VICTOR BIKEL, from the Army, to booker a the New York exchange. EARL MITCHELL, from the Army to manager; Orpheum, Cape Girardeau, Mo. AL ANDERSON, formerly assistant shipper, 20th Fox, Denver. JOHNNY KOTANAN, from the Army Air Force to his former post as assistant paymaster Warner Bros., Burbank, Cal. JAMES R. JOHNSON, from the Army, to mana ger of the New, Quincy, Fla. r III ft