The Film Daily (1945)

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^•^ DAILY Monday, September 10, 19J 1 U. S. Newsreels Operate in France (Continued from Page 1) Fox Movietone, Para. News, News of the Day, M of T, and such other reels as had active setups in France prior to hostilities, saw in the move what they characterized as the first real "break" toward the re-entry of U. S. feature product under the terms of the Franco-American trade treaty which neither country has denounced, and which gave Hollywood films high preference in the French market. Attending the Harvard Club conference were Walton Ament, of Pathe News; Richard de Rochemont, M of T; Edmund Reek, Fox Movietone; Michael Clofine, News of the Day; A. J. Richard, Paramount News, and Tom Mead, Universal Newsreel. Pool Will Continue In their first formal statement since returning from their European and North African trek, during which they flew some 22,000 miles in a month and a day, they declared that the newsreel pool will continue in force in all 'occupied territory until all facilities such as transportation, housing and food have been stabilized, and military authorities give the "green light" to normal competitive trade. Continuation of the pool and military censorship will also continue in North Africa, they added. Currently in France, only a single Government newsreel is permitted, but this will cease to be a monopoly after Dec. 15. Newsreel equipment which the companies are using under the "pool" arrangement was declared to be in good shape, and the heads of the six reels were enthusiastic over the excellent co-operation accorded by the Army, the OWI, and the successor of this agency, the U. S. Information Service, which, under the State Department, has taken over OWI functions. Criticize German Policy A majority of the newsreel officials, however, were frankly critical of the policy of giving free rein to the re-establishment of German newsreels in the American zone of occupation to the exclusion of U. S. reels. As one of the officials put it, "All we ask is that U. S. reels be given an even chance against any competition," and added that this \_ ay M ^w/ PHIL M. DALY Monday Morn Memos • • • METRO has a war hero in S/Sgt. Leon A. Handel who was its motion picture research bureau director at the time Uncle Sam called him into service Serving with a regiment of the 10th Mountain Division in Italy, which was the first to reach and cross the Po. Sgt. Handel was awarded a Bronze Star for obtaining important tactical information about the enemy under fire and observation The former Metroite is no'w in Vienna T ▼ T • • • PARAMOUNT'S Manny Reiner, long overseas with the OWI, currently is reported in Sofia, Bulgaria, to survey film distribution there When that stint is completed, Reiner is slated for a month's work in Budapest And then, if his luck holds, he'll be heading for Times Square T ▼ ▼ • • • RESEARCH NOTE: It seems one of the industry's pundits is about to do an article on censorship One research inquiry centered about the observation, "Nobody is for the motion picture but the people" the i.p. was insistent that it originated with the late Al Smith So everything the one-lime Governor of New York had to say about the motion picture was duly canvassed No soap But eventually the sentence was tracked down to its lair And where do you suppose it was found? In one of the i.p.'s own tomes Yes, sir, it was his own brainchild! T ▼ ▼ • • • NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE!!! 11% Tilt Setties Strilte in Mexico I A (Continued from Page 1) giving them better control of the e ployment situation. Complete i tails were not revealed. Prior to Friday's settlement di cations were that the strike going to settle down to a long dra\ out affair with neither side giv: ground. A union offer to the M istry of Labor to withdraw "mom' tarily" its demand for revision the collective contract, provided tl the distributors granted the 50 ] cent wage boost, was ignored by American companies last Tuesd The Americans accused union le ers of having seized 2,500 prints Exhibitors asserted that atte; ance had declined 70 per cent dur the strike and that they had b( unable to get any American fi]| for three weeks. They conten( that all theaters would have to cl if the strike weren't settled withi few days. The distributors had agreed raise salaries 25 per cent prior the strike, but the exchange wo ers' union held out for a 50 per c boost until a compromise of 32 cent was reached. Blank Memorial Hospital Won't Take V. C. in Name A report that A. H. Blank would change the name of the Raymond Blank Memorial Hospital to the Raymond Blank Variety Club Memorial was a misunderstanding, it was announced Friday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Blank desire to support and perpetuate the memorial to their son entirely on their own without outside aid. Now that Des Moines Variety tent has been reorganized. Blank will be active in the club and will give it his full support. The reorganized tent has more than 60 pledged members, with at least 100 expected by Dec. 15, when the first meeting will be held. "Our Vines" Heads for Juicy "Take" at the Hall Opening day of "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes" at the Music Hall beat four other top M-G-M pictures to have played there, each of which enjoyed a long run. The first day of "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes" took the lead over "Valley of Decision" by almost $500, "The White Cliffs of Dover" by approximately the same amount, "Without Love" by nearly $350, and "National Velvet" by more than $1,000. Week-end estimates had the current Music Hall attraction reaching a gross of better than $125,000 for the first week. Frank Yerke Stricken Scranton, Pa. — Frank Yerke, an employe of the Comerford Circuit for the past 30 years, was fatally stricken with a heart attack. Many WE Electronic Wc| Contracts Are Cancellec I SEHD BIRTHDflV GREETinCS TO: September 10 Charles W. Koerner Carlo Vannicola Lily Damita Edmond O'Brien Robert W. Perkins Carter Blake Matty Kemp John E. Ryder Al St. John Nat Rochlin Beverly Whitney goes not only for occupied Germany, but any other locale on the European Continent. What authorities are doing, it was pointed out, is giving Germany an immense headstart, which is certain to handicap the subsequent marketing of U. S. newsreels there. It was felt that there is little chance for American reels in Spain as long as the present Government there remains in power. The Army's Recreation and Rehabilitation Program was strongly praised. The French Riviera was characterized as a "paradise for the GI's." On the island of Capri, with some 1,800 population, the Army has taken care, recreationally as well as in rehabilitation, of over 100,000 service men. The newsreel heads also declared that a warm feeling of friendship existed between U. S. and USSR armed services "from the top ranks down." While the six newsreel officials have been invited to the Pacific Theater, they have no plans for going there. Many of Western Electric's contracts for electronic and comml ications equipment have been ( celled outright and others have t reduced. At present the unfilled orders are only about 40 per cen the total on hand Aug. 1, accorc to an announcement by C. G. S president. Unofficial advices indi( further cancellations will be recei in the near future. The company's working force the result of terminations now n bers approximately 70,000, a rec tion since Aug. 1 of some 15,0001 Under the Bell System's $2,0 000,000 post-war construction gram WE will be called upon furnish the major portion of the terials and equipment required, the immediate post-war years, will mean for WE a substanti larger volume of business than enjoyed in the years immedia preceding the war. This volum business is expected to reach heij greater than in any peacetime in the history of the company. STORK REPORT Helen Donahue (Mrs. P Strahl), chief telephone operate the 20th-Fox home office, has bee mother of a girl, Jane Ann. at St. Vincent's Hospital. s