The Film Daily (1945)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY' ^L. 88, NO. 51 NEW YORK. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1945 TEN CENTS PPDA PAVES WAY FOR VICE-PRESIDENTS 'hilippine Film Production Set for Early Boom Rmeling 'Round" WASHINGTON ;^= By ANDREW H. OLDER ;= WASHINGTON *OME interesting figures have just been * compiled by the Treasury revealing that lere were 141,615 separate screenings of 6 mm. reels during and as a part of the eventh War Loan Drive. Total audience as estimated at over 33,402,000. Largest umber of showings was in Michigan, with 4,122 performances for an estimated 2,00,000 people. Louisiana came next with 3,050 showings for one and one quarter lillion people. Largest audience was in ennsylvania, with 2,846,329 people at>nding 7,248 showings. Actually, the New ork State audience was greater by about ne million, but the Treasury figures diided upstate and downstate New York. In California the audience was just about s large as in New York, but again the tate was divided. Total screenings in alifornia, counting the southern and northrn sections, slightly exceeded the Michian figure.... A third tabulation — that f percentage of overall population at2nding 16 mm. screenings — revealed that 10,000 people — 85.51 per cent of Rhode iland's population total — viewed 16 mm. }ecials. California was second, with 55.88 kter cent of its population matched by the Ifumber attending 16 mm. screenings. All of which might give some hint as to hy the Treasury is anxious for 16 mm. jpport — and as to why commercial pix eople are watching every move of the 16 L im. crowd closely. e e HE possibilities are tremendous, in a new contest announced by RKO Keith's Washington manager, Sol Sorkin, as a prootion piece for Goldwyn's new Danny Kaye arrer "Wonder Man." The victor will win ZOO in Bonds for a letter naming the Vonder Man of Washington' and explaing the choice. We'll bet plenty of politi9s will be watching this one. . . e The Dviet embassy fills us in with some intersting detail on Moscow pix operation. It a commonplace practice in first-run houses ) have the producers, as well as the stars, )pear in person to talk about their films efore they are shown. In addition, nearly |i Moscow theaters have appearances by 'tientists, war heroes and others as a part f the show. During the war, the Embassy :lls us, three new Moscow theaters were [onverted to children's theaters, with llbra( Continued on Page 8) Native Industry Weighing 16 mm. Possibilities; New Theater Building to Zoom Manila (By Air Mail) — Production of native films will reach unprecedented levels as soon as economic bottlenecks are overcome and a greater degree of normalcy is attained, it is predicted here by trade spokesmen. Definite plans have already been formulated for peacetime film-making, and only shortages of technical equipment and raw stock are holding back the execution of the plans. Public tastes run strongly toward (Continued on Page 5) U. S. Envoy to Open Dutch Film Parleys IVasltinyton Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — U. S. Ambassador to the Netherlands, Dr. Standley Hornbeck, is now in The Hague, after having been in London with Dutch officials until this month and the opening of discussions concerning the Dutch pix market is to be (Continued on Page 8) Army Asks Exhibs. Show Jap and German Shorts Washington Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — Maj. Gen. Alexander D. Surles, chief of the Army's Bureau of Public Relations, this week (Continued on Page 5) Goodman to Gertnany to Represent Trade? A move by the industry is now under discussion with Government and military authorities to arrange for a trade representative to go to Germany in some capacity to help the film program and look after the industry interests, it was learned yesterday. Morris Goodman, recently head of Republic Pictures foreign department, is said to be slated for this post, if, as, and when it is authorized and activated. APC Won't Reopen Nazi Pix Sale Issue Washington Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — Although a special committee of six has been proposed to serve as "jury" to decide the advisability of releasing some 600 German and Austrian pix now held by the Alien Property Custodian, it is unlikely that this committee ever (Continued on Page 81 Compulsory Jap Crime Pix Urged for Young Japs Inauguration of an immediate long-term program of documentary, feature-length pix for Jap children, beginning with the secondary schools, was urged yesterday by (Continued on Page 8) Pix^ Place in UNO Program Kefauver Reports Organizational Progress Record 15,513 Theaters Join "Paramount Week" A new all-time Paramount Week record was established last week when 15,513 U. S. theaters participated in the company's Third of a Century Celebration, Charles M. Reagan, vice-president in charge of (Continued on Page 5) Washington Bureau of THE FILM 'DAILY Washington — Importance of informational and commercial pix in the development of international understanding and advancement of world-wide cultural and scientific advancement was stressed yesterday by Dean Grayson Kefauver, of Stanford University, U. S. delegate to the London Conference of the United (Continued on Page 6) Board Chairmanship Not Created; Johnston Action May Come Up Wednesday A new section in the by-laws of the MiPPDA providing for a "vicepresident or more than one vicepresident" was adopted by members of the association yesterday at a special meeting. In the past, vicepresidents have been designated by resolution of the directors. At present, the only vice-president is Joseph (Continued on Page 8) Arguments Consume Day at Griffilh Trial Oklahoma City — Opposing lawyers argued over methods of submitting documentary statements by New York film executives yesterday in the slow-moving Griffith anti-trust (Continued on Page 6) Winter Garden Product For a Year Available Sufficient J. Arthur Rank pictures to keep the New York Winter Garden supplied for more than a year was assured yesterday by Capt. Har( Continued on Page 8) Ark. Theaters Fail to Agree With Green Little Rock, Ark. — Glenn A. Green, state publicity director of Arkansas, has announced recall of a request for ban of Columbia's "Over 21" made by him to Arkansas motion picture exhibitors on Aug. 29, adding that "In making this recall t have not changed my personal opinion regarding 'Over 21,' but I feel that I have not received sufficient response in favor of my stand to justify continuing it as a state official." Green disclosed only five of the approximately 150 theater owners of Arkansas have replied by letter, expressing approval of his stand.