The Film Daily (1945)

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ir E Film Daily Year Book I "It is sure to be a helpful addition to my office." JACK GUENTHER Look Magazine New York, N. Y. ". . . it will prove a valuable addition to my library." ISYLA POWERS LEE, M. P. Editor Meriden Morning Record Meriden, Conn. "It is a fine volume with an excellent binding and its pages are full of concise indexed information that will make it a much-thumbed handbook." MARY J. MULLENS Framingham News Framingham, Mass. "It's a fine job as always and you are to be complimented." ROY C. HURD, Film and Radio Editor The Sunday Morning Star Wilmington, Del. "I find it difficult to run my page without it. Perhaps you would be interested to know that I have acquired a reputation of being an authority on Hollywood, so that theater men refer inquiries from fans to me to answer. This reputation I owe to my library of FILM DAILY YEARBOOKS which contain all the information one could want on the Motion Picture Industry." MILDRED STOCKARD The Houston Chronicle Houston, Tex. "May I compliment you upon its excellence. You and your staff are to be congratulated upon the thorough coverage of the industry, and the fine manner in which you have assembled useful information for us all. You may be sure that this YEAR BOOK will be put to good use here." HERB GREY Medford Mail Tribune Medford, Ore. "The 1945 YEAR BOOK, like its predecessors, I know I shall find constantly useful through the year in my work as film observer for the Providence Sunday Journal." PAUL B. HOWLAND Providence Sunday Journal "Will undoubtedly be of great assistance to me during the next year. Already the YEAR BOOK has furnished me with material for a column." JOHN MAYNARD Times Herald Washington, D. C. "Congratulations upon the fine and thorough job you've done with it. It remains a vital source of information and data." WALTER IVES CHRISTIE The Sentinel Hanford, Calif. "I wouldn't want to try to get out a motion picture column without its vast fund of information." DENNIS R. SMITH The Canton Repository Canton, Ohio "It is a YEAR BOOK of which you and all your associates on the FILM DAILY should be very proud," LARRY REID Motion Picture and Movie Story New York, N. Y. "1 shall continue, as in the past, to use it for reference to back releases, and for the various credits assigned stars, directors and companies." ALFRED P. OPPENHEIM The Daily Argus Mount Vernon, N. Y. "It is a fine edition and I am sure I shall find it very useful in my work. It contains some extremely valuable information which will be a welcome addition to our newspaper library." NANCY WEBB The Painesville Telegraph Painesville, Ohio "I know that 1 will find many uses for the information contained in its many departments, as I have in past years. THE YEAR BOOK always has been one of the most valuable reference books that I keep at hand." RICHARD H. WOODBURY Press Herald-Express Portland, Me. "It will prove mighty helpful in conjunction with movie queries which I answer via my column." MISS JO COPPOLA Newsday Hempstead, L. I., N, Y. work." it will be very helpful in my BONNIE J. FALK, Movie Editor Beatrice Daily Sun Beatrice, Nebr. "It is another splendid contribution to the publication field and to the motion picture trade." ROBERT F. KLINGENSMITH The Boxoffice Pittsburgh, Pa. "It's the most valuable reference I have in my entire library and I am daily at its mercy, believe me." HAROLD V. COHEN Post-Gazette "... I shall find it very useful." JULES L. STEELE, M. P. Editor St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press "I do find it extremely helpful." DOROTHY MASTERS The News New York, N. Y. "No other publication affords a motion picture reviewer with such a mass of well correlated information. It is indispensable." JIMMY ROBINSON, City Editor The Albany Herald Albany, Ga. ILM DAILY YEAR BOOK