The Film Daily (1945)

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Theater Building Gets ^^Green Ligitt" Oct. IS Intimate in Character International in Scope ^dependent in Thought {See Column 4 Below) The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY' r/OL. 88, NO. 55 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1945 TEN CENTS EQUITY SUIT COMPROMISE CHANCE DIMS Majors Ask Rehearing in Goldman Erianger Suit Date for Argument Still To be Set by the Circuit Court of Appeals in Philly Philadelphia — Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., and Loew's, Inc., apparently on behalf of themselves and the other co-defendants in the Erianger Theater action, in which William Goldman Theaters, Inc., sought triple damages amounting to ,300,000 for violation of the antitrust statutes, have filed a request (Continued on Page 11) Green-Walsh Tackle Jurisdictional Row Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Another attempt to solve the jurisdictional dispute which brought about the studio strike will be made here today at a meeting between William Green, head of the AFL, and Richard F. Walsh, president of the lATSE, and representatives of other union groups involved (Continued on Page 11) Bogeaus Plans to Make Four Features in 1946 Ben Bogeaus, United Artists producer, told members of the industry press at a luncheon-intei'view in the 21 Club yesterday that he will produce four features in 1946, with Jean (Continued on Page 101 10 Mexican Films For French Festival Mexico City (By Air Mail) — Ten Mexican productions will be entered in the International Motion-Picture Festival to be held in November at Cannes, France, it is announced by the Ministry of the Interior. The 10 will be chosen by a jury of local actors, script-writers, critics and newspapermen. The Festival, last held in 1939, will be sponsored by the French Ministries of Information, Foreign Relations and National Education. DOOB CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR FOR 8TH Joins Fabian Again for Bond Drive — N, M. Schenck Calls for Supreme Effort by Industry Filmland's participation in the forthcoming Victory Loan campaign was assured maximum promotional strength yesterday when Chairman Si H. Fabian announced at W A C headquarters that Oscar A. Doob, advertising manager of Loew's Theaters, has accepted appointment as the drive's National Campaign Director. When Fabian chairmanned the First War Loan campaign in September, 1942, Doob was the campaign director. OSCAR A. DOOB Thus, the Fabian-Doob combination will again work together in the final Treasury drive, as they did in the initial effort following the entry of the nation into World War 11. It was the latter campaign which set the plan and pattern for subsequent efforts to raise funds to finance the sti-uggle, and convinced Treasury officials that filmland, from studios to theaters, could do a vital job in vending Bonds. Under Doob's promotional direction, the First War Loan profited heavily through the institution of such activities as "free movie day," "War Bond premieres," intensified deduction enrollment, increased corporate bond purchases, complete mobilization of theaters as issuing agencies, Hollywood star tours, and (Continued on Page 11) Vaught Sustains Griffith Objection Oklahoma City — Judge Edgar S. Vaught sustained defense objections to letters between 20th Century-Fox executives relating to negotiations with the Griffith Circuits yesterday as cross-examination of W. J. Kup(Continued on Page 11) Ready Equip. Market In Mexico, Venezuela Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A ready market for at least several hundred new projectors and sound systems of U. S. origin exists in Mexico and Venezuela, according to analysis of consular reports from these countries by Nathan D. Golden, Department (Continued on Page 8) Surplus Projector Fourth Choice Goes to Authorized Dealers Col. Opens N. Y. Zone Sales Meeting Today Columbia opens the second of a series of four zone sales meetings today at the Warwick Hotel with more than 50 delegates, comprising home office executives, division man(Continued on Page 10) Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Authorized dealers who have been in business for at least one year will be permitted to bid for surplus Government-owned 16mm. projectors after three other groups have had prior choice, according to the Office of Surplus Property. In the disiposal of all Government(Continued on Page 10) Wright Off for Oklahoma For Griffith Suit Windup; Meyers Also Quits Capital By ANDREW H. OLDER Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Although there is still a chance of compromise in the New York anti-trust case, that chance was dimmed considerably last night when Robert L. Wright, assistant to the Attorney General in charge of the pix cases, left by plane for Oklahoma City, where the Griffith trial is winding up. Wright said yesterday that no sign of compromise had been seen, (Continued on Page 10) Construction Gets Green Light" Oct. 15 rr Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Government restrictions on commercial construction, which includes the building and remodeling of film theaters and studios, will end Oct. 15, as will restrictions (Continued on Page 11) London Hears Lawrence Planning to Join Eorda London (By Cable) — Unconfirmed reports here yesterday indicated that Laudy Lawrence was planning to join Sir Alexander Korda in the mar (Continued on Page 8) MPPDA Statement On Johnston Today? The eyes of the industry are focused today on the adjourned meeting of the MPPDA at which it is expected that Eric A. Johnston's appointment to the presidency will be announced. While there have been no statements, official or otherwise, from the MPPDA on Johnston's probable affiliation with the association, there has been sufficient evidence to substantiate the report. The extent to which spokesmen for the association have commented rests with the assertion that "an important announcement will be made."