The Film Daily (1945)

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U*\ DAILY Thursday, September 20, 1945 f Vol. 88, No. 56 Thurs., Sept. 20, 1945 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $'5.00; 3 months., $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communication^ to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address; Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., PhontOrdway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Josepli Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briar gate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fred man. The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardoui St., W. I. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco Virtudes 214. MOSCOW— Raymond Davies. Hotel Metropole. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY — Arthur Geigei, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUA^ — E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAI^Ray Car michael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. cominG flno Goinc nnflnciflL {Wednesday, Sept. 19) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 30 291/2 30 + Vi ) 271/2 261/2 263/4 + 1/4 , 501/2 501/2 501/2 + 1/2 41/2 41/4 41/2 311/2 305/8 311/2 + Vi 195 194 194 Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (21/2% Columbia Picts. pfd. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak do pfd Cen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 20th Century-Fox . . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. 20th Century-Fox ppf, Universal Pict Warner Bros 293/4 291/2 293/4 + 1/4 271/2 27 271/2 + % 363/8 363/a 363/3 + 1 Vs 103/4 101/2 103/4 + 1/8 1043/8 1031/2 104 293/4 291/2 293/4 37 361/2 37 + 3/8 273/8 27" 271/4 +■■% 181/8 175/8 181/8 + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 4 3% 4 ..... Monogram Picts. pfd. 93/3 91/4 93/8 + V4 Radio-Keith cvs. ... 3 27/8 3 + Vs Sonotone Corp 35/8 33/3 33/3 — 1/3 Technicolor 233/8 231/3 233/3 -| % Trans-Lux 53/3 51/4 53/8+ V4 Gold Back at NSS Desk Milt Gold, director of advertisingpublicity for National Screen Service, has returned to his home office desk after a week's absence, necessitated by a tonsilectomy. "magic" says F K R N 'keep our eye on your cash" UNlCON CASH CONTROL SYSTEMS ■ LTD 1501 BROADWAY WILLIAM F. RODCERS, vice-president and general sales manager for Loew's, left yesterday for Detroit en route to the Coast. He will remain in Detroit for one day and then proceed to Chicago and then on to Los Angeles. He will be gone several weeks. JULES LAPIDUS, Eastern division sales manager for Warners, left yesterday for Buffalo. He returns the end of the week. W. C. CEHRINC, Central sales manager of 20th-Fox, has left for Chcago. J. E. PERKINS, manager of Paramount's Far Eastern, Australian, New Zaaland and South A'rican division, has arrived in London and that he probably will arrive in New York within the next few days by plane, completing a roundthe-world trip. RUDY BERCER, M-C-M's Southern sales manager, left yesterday for Washington after a twoday visit to the home o'fice. He will leave V^sh'ngton Friday for his headquarters in New Orleans. GREER CARSON will arrive from the Coast Sept. 26. BILL CRADY, M-C-M studio talent chief, arrived yesterday from the Coast by plane. PAMELA iBRITTON will arrive from the Coast 'ept. 24. HERBERT MARSHALL, M-C-M contract player, is due to arrive from the Coast today. MARVIN SCHENCK'S arrival from the Coast has been delayed until tomorrow. EDWIN W. AARON, M-C-M circuit sales head, leaves today fcr the Coast anH wll make stop■'vers en route at Milwaukee, Kansas Cty, Denver, and Salt Lake City where he will confer "ith National Theatres' operating heads in those territories. CHARLES K. STERN, assistant treasurer of Loew's, has returned from a brief vis't to Washington. JOHN J. MALONEY, M-C-M Central sales lanager wth headquarters in Pittsburgh, will be in Detroit today for a short visit. GEORGE BANNAN, WB field rep. in the Southwest, arrived n Austin, Tex., today, for advance campaign wcrk on "Pride of the Marines." He goes from there to Houston on Friday. MRS. ROGER MAHAN, of the Plaza, Tower and Carroll, Waterbury, Conn, is spending a week in Philadelphia. FRANK HELLER, recently head of USO-Camp Shows dramat c productions, left here for the Coast yesterday to assume a producer-director post with Paramount. FAY BAINTER arrived in New York from Hollywood this week to begin rehearsals for the leading role in the next Max Gordon stage offering, "The Next Half Hour." S. MAURICE LIVINGSTON, president of International F'lm Classics, Inc., returned to New York from a trip to Canada. IRVING WORMSER, Eastern sales manager of Film Classics, returned here from a visit to Southern franchise holders, and will begin a tour of Eastern offices at the week-end. SPENCER BRECOFF, manager, of Fabian's Palace, Staten Island, has returned there from a vacation on his farm in Sussex County, N. ]. JANE WITHERS, KAY JOHNSON and JOHN CROMWELL are Chicago visitors. F. T. MURRAY, Universal manager of exchanges, is in Ch cago regarding new exchange plans. BEN KATZ, Universal exploiteer is in Minneapolis on business. CLAIRE LEONARD, authors' agent, will leave for the Coast this week-end to arrange for the Amercan Nagro Theater presentation of Philip Van Dyke's "A Woman and her Hounds." PEGGY CUMMINS, young English actress, arrived by plane from London and s now en route to the Coast to assume a term contract for 20th-Fox. BETTY CAULFIELD, starring in the Coast "roducfon of "K'ss and Tell," will leave for New York tomorrow. NAT LEVY, RKO Radio Eastern division sales manager, is on a tour of the Southern exchange offices includ'ng Memphis, Atlanta, Nashville, Birmingham, Charlotte and Jacksonville. He will return to New York Oct. 1. Mike Lee Heads New PRC Branch In Des Moines Des Moines, la. — PRC has opened pn office in Des Moines with Mike Lee taking over as branch manager for Omaha and Des Moines. Ross Bluck, former RKO booker, will be manager of the Des Moines office. WB Zone Meeting Ends Home office meeting of Warner Theaters zone managers wound up last night and among those returning to their headauarters today are Tames Coston, Chicago; Nat Wolf, Cleveland; I. J. Hoffman, New Hav°n; Frank Damis, Newark; C. J. Latta, Albany; Ted Schlanger, Philadelphia; Moe Silver, Pittsburgh, and John J. Payette, Washington. Plans for coping with any disclocations arising during the period of reconversion were among topics discussed. Rep. Sets Rogers Releases Forthcoming Roy Rogers' pix to complete the balance of the 1944-45 schedule have been set by Republic, with "Sunset In El Dorado" scheduled for Sept. 29; the tune-title production, "Don't Fence Me In" set for Oct. 15; and "Along The Navajo Trail," which takes its title from the current popular song, slated for November release; to be followed by "Song of Arizona" and "Rainbow Over Texas." Garutso Optical Balance In Further Demonstration Charles Cohen Leaving Metro for Exec. Spot Charles Cohen, for 14 years a member of Howard Dietz's advertising and publicity staff at M-G-M,' has resigned, effective Friday, to take an executive post with an industrial concern outside the trade. Further screen demonstration of the Garutso Optical Balance, threedimensional stereoscopic system devised by Stephen E. Garutso, was held yesterday afternoon in Lloyd's Projection Room for representatives of the film and radio press. Sample sequences at this demonstration were more varied and numerous than those utilized at the initial trade demonstration here several weeks ago, and were generally more impressive and indicative of the potentialities of the Garutso system. Dr. D. M. Mordandini, engineering consultant, and instructor of mathematical physics, University of California War Training, spoke briefly to the press prior to the demonstration, following which Dr. Sonia Poushkareff was hostess at a cocktail reception at the Hotel Navarro, Central Park South. X. Y. THEATERS FOR SALE 35 MM. SOUND TRUCK UNLICENSED WRITE OR WIRE: BOX 700, FILM DAILY HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIFORNIA RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Showplace of the Nation Rockefeller Center EDWARD G. ROBINSON MARGARET O'BRIEN "OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES" with Jackie "BUTCH" Jenkins A Metro-Coldwyn-Mayer Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION Paramount presents ED GARDNER'S "DUFFY'S TAVERN" Featuring 32 Hollywood Stars IN PERSON The Andrews Sisters • Tim Herbert VIC SHOEN And His Recording Orchestra MfJM/^€UM<r IZr, Samuel Goldwyn present* Danny Kaye in "Wonder Man" in Technicolor .4STI B'way A 43 8t. Continuom» • Popular Pricea M23ISR B'WAY & 47th St. "BUCK TO BATAAN" Starring JOHN WAYNE ANTHONY QUINN An RKO RADIO PICTURE Dana Jeanne Dick Vivian ANDREWS CRAIN HAYMES BLAINE RODCERS and HAMMERSTEIN'S "STATE FAIR" A 20th Century-Fox Picture In Technicolor PLUS ON STAGE— CONNEE BOSWELL CARL RAVAZZA. Extra CENE SHELDON BUY MORE P O X Y ^*^ ***■ ^ BONDS 50th St. ON SCREEN Eddie BRACKEN Veronica LAKE Diana LYNN 'OUT OF THIS WORLO' IN PERSON Atlantic City Bathing Beauty Winners starring 'MISS AMERICA OF 1945' (Bess Myerson from the Bronx) RIVOLI Open 9:30 A. M. . B'way & 49lh St mm