The Film Daily (1945)

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Thursday, September 20, 1945 M*fts "Chick" Lewis Kamed Eiglitli Co-ordinator (Continued from Page 1) tory Loan Committee was announced yesterday by S. H. Fabian, national chairman. Lewis, who is also national public relations director, of the Variety Clubs, has been active in all industry war efforts. He will headquarter in the WAG offices for the duration of the drive. Fabian also said that the National Strategy Command will hold its first planning confab this morning and will be addressed by Ted E. Gamble, national War Finance Committee director. Group includes the national chairmen of former drives and attending today's meeting will be Robert O'Donnell, chairman of the Fifth; Charles Skouras, Fourth; Harry Brandt, Sixth; Sam Pinanski, Seventh; Oscar A. Doob, Eighth campaign director; Lewis; Max Cohen, assistant to Fabian, and others. Picture Pioneers' Fall Dinner Set for Nov. 28 (Continued from Page 1) ties, Jack Cohn announced yesterday. William Brandt has been appointed Chairman of the Dinner Committee, and in that capacity will have full charge of all arrangements. A meeting of the Executive Committee will be held next week at which time plans will be discussed relative to the nature of the affair. WLB Recommends Level In Cartoonists' Wage A recommendation that New York wage rates for cartoonists be brought to the level of those on the Coast has been made by a Regional War Labor Board panel in the case involving Famous Studios and the Screen Cartoonists Guild, Local 1461 of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America. The recommended increases range from $5 to $10 per week. The panel asked that the contract be for two years, with the right to reopen it on wages at the end of the first year. All wage increases would be retroactive to March 14. Tele in Chi. Schools Chicago — Lakeview High School and Goudy School were the first of Chicago's public schools to be provided with equipment for television. SEHD BIRTHDflV GREETinGSTO: Sept. 20 Elliott Nugent Florence Ryerson " F. Sutton Alex I. H llman Norman Z. McLeod Shug Fisher THE Rl ALTO ^P^T^.Va^ Thursday Tidings • • • FOR THE RECORD: It was on May 2, 1944 that you FffiST read a page one box in THE FILM DAILY reporting that an industry post for Eric A. Johnston was being discussed Subsequently, on July 5, 1944, to be specific, THE FILM DAILY told you that Johnston might become the MPPDA representative in the national capital And the next day, THE FILM DAILY added the information that the industry wanted Johnston for the over-all job in Washington On Jan. 12 last, THE FILM DAILY chronicled that Johnston said he could not discuss the film post offer reports And on Jan. 22, THE FILM DAILY published the definite statement that Johnston would join the MPPDA "in an important executive capacity" V ▼ T • • • THE PUB AND AD BOYS at 20th-Fox are ridin' high and handsome with their "House on 92nd Street" campaign Already screened twice in Washington for big-wigs as well as members of the Fourth Estate, and a number of times in the home office, this thrillerdiller bearing the official endorsement of the FBL has been doing pretty well for itself in special stories, syndicated material and raves on the air WincheU, for example, told his 40 million listeners last Sunday that "it was the most exciting film from 20th this year and a tribute to the F. B. I." At a home office screening the other day, hosted by Spyros P. Skouras and Tom Connors, every seat was occupied by someone high in civic, state or international circles In Washington, the screenings looked as though the entire Federal government had turned out To top it all, Darryl Zanuck contributed the copy to one of the many outstanding ads prepared for the pix, which opens at the New York Roxy on Sept. 26 V Y T • • • CREDIT: That independent survey of the 16 mm. field, made for national Allied, was the work of Bill McKee of Ross Federal Service. T T T • • • NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE! ! ! Associated Britisii Trading Profit Up London (By Cable) — Trading profit of £2,135,890 was shown by the annual report of Associated British. Total is a gain of £33,699 over the last report. Company's general reserve fund now stands at £2,135,890 and provision for taxation and deferred repairs was £3,425,500. 540 Chi. Operators Seek Parker Suit Intervention Chicago — A cross-petition listing the names of 540 members of lATSE Local 110, operators, seeking to intervene as co-defendants in the suit brought against the union's officers by Ray Parker, has been filed in Judge McGrooty's court. The petition also is directed against the counter-suit filed by Ora Bebb, the union's secretary-treasurer. Parker charges he was refused reinstatement by the union. Ciias. Einfeid to Join Huglies-Kaiser Setup! (Continued from Page 1) cussed here is understood to be an offer to join the new Howard Hughes organization, planning large-scale production and distribution activities. Henry Kaiser is affiliated with Hughes, and a theater-building program also is said to be part of the plan. Einfeid will vacation here for a few weeks. Lt. McGrane Killed in Crash Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — Lt. John A. McGrane, 22, formerly of the local Comerford, was killed in a plane crash at Hondo, Texas Army Air Field where he was recently assigned as an instructor. Lt. McGrane was a veteran of 50 missions in the ETO and was returned from Italy last Decembei*. Radar Researcii Wiii Hasten Belter Teie Pre-war television research aided in the development of radar as a war weapon and radar research during the war will hasten the advent of better television in the post-war period, it was pointed out by the Television Broadcasters Association which surveyed a number of electronic experts on the relationship between television and radar. As summed up by J. R. Poppelle, president of TBA, and chief engineer of the Bamberger Broadcasting Service, "Television research served as the key that unlocked the doors leading to radar. Research in microwave radar, which tremendously accelerated the winning of the war, will revert in peacetime to the advancement of television. The new techniques and improvements resulting from radar research will contribute mightily to the rapid expansion and phenomenal growth of a gigantic television industry." Developments pointed out by electronic engineers include: added knowledge of radio wave propagation; experience in quantity manufacture of cathode ray tubes and other video equipment; refinements in circuits and equipment; experience with complicated electronic equipments; improved cathode ray tube definition; development of video circuits able to handle faster speeds in scanning and sweeping; mass production economies in production of 525 line IF and video amplifier sections as well as improvements in photo electric technique making possible production of super sensitive camera tubes which will solve the lighting problem. Godsoe Here from Coast Harold Godsoe has arrived from the Coast to take charge of shooting background and special effect shots for the feature, "Sin of Harold Diddleback," being produced by Preston Sturges for United Artists release. "Bill" Kelly has been assigned the camera chore. Shooting European Subjects for l/iVRRA Ifashington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Five films are currently being made in Europe for UNRRA, Bill Wells, UNRRA visual chief, said yesterday. The National Film board of Canada is working on a subject on Greece, the British Ministry of Information is shooting in Jugoslavia, a private Italian producer in Italy, the March of Time on the problem of displaced persons in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, and the U. S. Army Signal Corps is shooting throughout Europe to bring together a picture revealing the seriousness of relief needs.