The Film Daily (1945)

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In Today ^5 Issue: The Equipment News Section Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought (See Pages 13 and 14) The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY VOL. 88. NO. 57 NEW YORK. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1945 TEN CENTS DIVORCEMENT DOCUIipT GIVEN TO CLARK Victory Loan 'Strategists' Map Sectional Zones Former Nat'l Campaign Chairmen Will Preside; To Name State Chairmen Over-all strategy of the industry's Victory War Loan campaign was discussed in all its phases at a sevenhour conference hex'e yesterday attended by the industry's special Continued on Page 12) BLUMENSTOCK NAMED WB AD CHIEF Plans Changes in Studio Personnel and May Realign Eastern Setup on His Return To Headquarter in New York Reagan in Victory Loan Chairmansliip Charles M. Reagan, vice-president in charge of Paraniount's distribution, yestei'day accepted appointment to act as distributor chairman of the industry's Victory Loan Bond Drive. Reagan immediately began setting up Coast-toCoast machinery that will function in CO operation with all other divisions of the Victory Loan organization headed by Si H. Fabian. "Distribution is ready to give this drive all of the energy, manpower, (Continued on Page 7) CHARLES REAGAN Monnet Back to Paris With U. S. Pix Views Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Jean Monnet, head of the French Economic Mission, has left Washington to return to Paris, and carries with him a lengthy document setting out the American position as regards exporting films to France. Monnet conferred last weekend with State Department pix officers Francis C. DeWolf and George Y. Canty, and was given a more detailed explanation of the U. S. position than that given members of the DeGaulle party last month. West Coast Bnrcuu of THE FILM DAILY Holly wood — Promotion of Mort Blumenstock to the post of Warner Bros, director of publicity and advertising was announced yesterday by Harry M. Warner, president, and Jack L. Warner, vicepresident in charge of production. Blumenstock, who has been director of advertising and publicity in the East, succeeds Charles Einfeld, resigned. Blumenstock will continue to make his headquarcers in New York, announcement said, with the understanding that he will make regular visits to the studio in order to keep both studio and Eastern promotion efforts at a high level. Einfeld shifted his headquarters to the studio in 1936. Changes in key personnel of the Burbank publicity organization will be made by Blumenstock, and any realignment of the Eastern advertising-publicity setup will await his return there next week. Alex Evelove continues as studio publicity director with greatly enlarged duties. Blumenstock started in the industry as an advertising copy writer for First National in 1922. He joined Warners in 1931 as advertising and publicity chief of the Warner Circuit, and took over as Eastern advertisingpublicity head when Einfeld moved his headquarters to Burbank. Johnston Viewpoint Fresii» Says Myers Washinuton Bnrcan oi THE FILM DAILY Washington — Declaring that while he has not had an opportunity as yet to study the full text of the fivepoint program outlined for the MPPDA by its newly elected president, Eric A. Johnston, Abram F. Myers, Allied's board chairman and general counsel, told The Film Daily (Continued on Page 8) Cleveland Operators' is Cleveland — The local operators' strike has been settled. All theaters will reopen today. Settlement details remain to be announced. The strike had closed 73 Cleveland independent houses by yesterday leaving only those belonging to the major circuits, the Telenews, two Drive-ins and six nabes not affiliated (Continued on Page 16) Johnston io Seek Gov^t Help Will Ask Full Support, Assistance Overseas Second-Runs to Fore At Griffith Trust Trial Oklahoma City — Letters of protest from independents, many of them in the areas where the defendant Griffith Circuits hold forth, (Continued on Page 15) Wasliington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The MPPDA, with Eric A. Johnston as the new helmsman, may be expected to press vigorously for all possible Government support and assistance in the overseas markets, with Johnston personally taking a hand in that field, in(Continued on Page 8) Major Executives in Brief Parley with Attorney General; Reply Is Expected Ten top industry executives and lawyers yesterday held a brief parley with Tom C. Clark, U. S. Attorney General, in Washington and reportedly left with him a document which set forth the possible "disastrous" effects of theater divorcement. Clark, it was reported, will study the papers and report his conclusions. The conference was said to have (Continued on Page 16) Under PRC's further expansion plans, Harry H. Thomas, vice-president and general sales manager, will handle world-wide distribution as well as domestic sales, it was announced yesterday by Kenneth (Continued on Page 7) Harmon Remains as Volunteer WAC Aide Coincident with the actual shift of Francis S. Harmon to his new post as vice-president of the MPPDA Continued on Page i2) State Film Theater Created in Moscow Moscow (By Cable) — The State Committee for Motion Picture Production announces here the opening of a state film theater for the purpose of bringing into direct association the leading actors of the Soviet Union and the nation's young actors v/ho are commencing motion picture careers. Objective of the newly-founded theater is the creation of high quality films and training actors for the cinema. Project is starting out under the leadership ofaLubov Oriova, T. Makarova, B. Chirrkov, P. Aleinikov, M. Bernes, S. Martinson, and others.