The Film Daily (1945)

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Friday, September 21, 1945 Doob Picks Seadler To Head Drive Adv. Si Seadler, Metro's advertising manager, yesterday was named chairman of the Trade Paper Advertising Committee ^ "^r the Victory ■^0 an by Cam paign Chairman Oscar A. Doob. Seadler announced that the producers will again lend full co ] operation to the I drive by contributing thousands of dollars worth of advertising space in the trade papers. He also reported that the trade press publishers will again provide their liberal quota of display space gratis, in addition to unlimited editorial support. SI SEADLER Thomas Heads World PRC Distribution (Continued from Page 1) Young, president. Thomas will announce his assistant shortly. Youngsaid that PRC sales offices will be established in the leading capitals of the world. Thomas announced yesterday that the company hgd purchased franchise-held exchanges in Denver and Salt Lake City. Carl Herzog, it was announced by Young, has joined PRC as treasurer. Young, Thomas, Herzog, Reeves Espy and Lloyd Lind will meet in New York next week to discuss the 1946-47 program. High-budget pictures will be continued, it was said, with an increased use of color. Sudekum Honored Again Nashille, Tenn. — Tony Sudekum, president of Crescent Amusement Co., has been elected a member of the board of trustees of Meharry Medical College, Negro institution. SEHD BIRTHDflV GREETinGSTO: Sept. H. M. R'chey Paul Muni Victor Seastrom Sept. Eric von Stroheim Carjyle R. Robinson Joseph Kronman Sept. Walter Pidgeon Mickey Rooney Thomas J. Connors 21 Frank Strayer Isaac Weinberg Cus W. Lampe 22 John Shepperd Robert Livingston Allan Lane 23 Albert Lewin M. R. Clark Robert Williams HOLLYWOOD * * • • — By RALPH WILK — Wandering at Warners HOLLYWOOD • • • JOAN CRAWFORD and Phil Teriy left yesterday for New York They have been planning this ior some time but sick children, etc., have caused one delay after another Joan still retains the same New York apartment she has leased for several years When Warners had a trade showing of "Mi'dred Pierce" for the national mags, in the big projection room No. 5, the house was filled to capacity. Without exception, they all agreed that Joan Crawford could not have a better picture with which to break her two and one half yecrr absence frcm the screen T T T • • • DENNIS MORGAN'S young son, Jimmy, celebrated his third birthday by falling in three dif.ierent fish ponds at their La Canada Home Dennis is hoping he won't try to fall in 21 of them when it comes time to vote. . . • CoL Nathan Levinson, head of the studio sound department at Warner Bros., celebrated a 30th wedding anniversary with his wife, Irene The Levinsons were mcnrried in Honolulu in 1915 and now have three sons, all of them wlh commissions in the armed services. . . • Bruce Bennett is getting all hopped up about some property not far from Dennis Morgan's place Seems the altitude (2,000') appea'.s to Brucs's sinus which has been giving him trouble of late T ▼ T • • • ALAN HALE, although working in "The Man I Love" and "Night and Day," is looking forward to getting into production with his patented theater seat now that vital materials are being released. He has a back-log of orders that vA'.l keep them busy for many months. . . • Oscar Levant and "Rhapsody in Blue" are both getting nice "breaks" this month with Columbia Recordings running lull-page four-color ads in both LIFE and NEWSWEEK magazines. . . 9 Findlay McDermid, Warner's story department, is sure the war is over: he has started a two-room addition to his home. . . • When J. L. Warner boosted Andrea King and Janis Paige to star ratings, it brought the studio's star roster to an all-t:me high of 28 names There are now 50 names listed on the featured players listing. . . • Humphrey Bogart and Luaren Bacal recently finished a two-week vacation on their boat, moored in Newport Bay Bogie says Lauren's record for falling off boats is now perfect; she has fallen off the cruiser, the sai'boat, the outboard and the skiff and is only slightly water-logged T T T • • • WARNER'S FEMININE STARS and featured players will turn our practically en masse on Sept. 28 to assist their boss. Jack L. Warner, in throwing that party for returned actor veterans Hostesses for the cocktail and buffet supper affair will be headed by Bette Davis, assisted by Joan LesUe, Ida Luplno, Eleanor Parker, Janis Paige, Eve Arden, Ginny Simms, Peggy Knudsen, Joan Lorring, Dorothy Malone, Angela Greene, Dolores Moron, Helen Pender, Paula Drew, Jane Harker, Joan Win'ield and others The lucky lads being portied are Wayne Morris, Ronald Reagan, Gig Young and Harry Lewis T T ▼ • • • TED McCCRD, following three years of service with the U. S. Army in the European Theater, has returned to his post as first cameraman at the Warner Studio T T T • • • WHEN SYDNEY GREENSTREET AND PETER LORRE substitute for Fannie Brice on her CBS network program this Sunday, two Warner pictures will get some good plugging — "Three Strangers," in which Greenstreet stars with Lorre, and "Confidential Agent," wherein Lorre appears with Char'.es Boyer and Lauren Bacall — which isn't bad work at all, at all ▼ TV • • • NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE! ! ! Coiumbia's Lipton Heads Eastern PiC The Eastern Public Information Committee of the MPPDA yesterday elected David Lipton, advertising and publicity director of Columbia, chairman of the groupforthe next six months. Lipton succeeds Robert M. Gillham, whose tenure of office ended with his departure from P a r a m 0 u n t|. Glenn All vine continues as executive secretary of the PIC. The committee devoted most of the time at its meeting yesterday at the New York Athletic Club to problems involving the forthcoming Victory Loan campaign. DAVID LIPTON Reagan in Victory Loan Chairmanship (Continued from Page 1) and films that it has provided in any past campaigns — plus," Reagan stated. "All of us fully realize the importance of making this final plunge our biggest; we must make a super-splash. Free Movie Day, War Bond Premiere films and all of the distribution activities will be included and we hope to dig up other ideas that will stimulate the sale of bonds." PateU B & H Visitor Chicago — A. J. Patell, well-known equipment dealer of Bombay, India, was a recent visitor to the local plant of Bell & Howell. UJEDDinG BELLS Astor-Wheelock West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Mary Astor announced she will be married to Thomas G. Wheelock, Chicago broker, sometime this Winter. Englehardt-Rowell Bufifalo— William C. Rowell, 20thFox salesman here, has been married to Evelyn Englehardt. Wolfson-Letitz Omaha — Tibbye Wolf son of the 20th-Fox exchange in this city is the bride of Ben Lefitz. Smith-Owens Chicago — Hortense Smith of the B & K accounting department was married to Marshall Owens at the Belden Stratford Hotel.