The Film Daily (1945)

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er Praise for "It proves not only valuable as a reference but the text contains much helpful and interesting material. It has already proven useful in writing up current movies, stars and background and I'm sure will prove increasingly valuable." MONA JOY ARMSTRONG The Gonzales Inquirer Gonzales, Texas "Your 1945 edition has just reached me, and I rate it as one of your best." JACK GORDON, Amusements Editor The Forth Worth Press Fort Worth, Texas "The YEAR BOOK has been of great value and intense interest to me for several years." ALLEN COWPERTHWAITE The Independent-Record Helena, Montana "It lives up to your past reputation for publishing a useful, attractively edited annual — and, in fact, they seem to improve each year." IRMA MASTERSON The Boone News-Republican Boone, Iowa "I have found it especially interesting. We shall undoubtedly use the book many times throughout the year." DOROTHY ARNDT, City Editor Daily Midway DriKer Taft, Calif. "I don't believe you appreciate how much this compendium of film facts and figures is used by the average, non-metropolitan reviewer in the course of a year. I have it handy to answer phone queries about the cinema and its celebrities." STERLING SORENSEN Fi m-Drama Editor The Capital Times Madison, Wisconsin "It is always a welcome addition to my movie library. Next month, when space opens up a bit, I want to make more use of the factual data within its covers." The Patriot and EveningNew DICK McCRONE The Patriot and Evening News Harrisburg, Pa. "It is, as usual, wonderfully complete and an amazing source of information in all branches of the gigantic film industry." VICTOR J. CALLANAN The Citizen-Advertiser Auburn, N. Y. "It is indeed a beautiful book and will be of great use to us." ALLEN STEARN Fawcett Publication New York "Splendid publication." KENNETH P. WILLIAMS The Tribune Publishing Co. MeadviLe, Pa. "It comes in handy." GEORGE H. JACKSON, Drama Dept. Evening Herald and Express Los Angeles, Calif. "A swell job all around." EDGAR PRICE The Brooklyn Citizen Brooklyn, N. Y. "Certainly your job of compilation has never been more complete nor more satisfactory, and you should come in for a whole armful of lovely posies for a job 'well done' — as it is said these days. I can tell you frankly that I am proud to be the possessor of the volume, which makes four now for my 'special' shelf in the preferred bookcase. I can also tell you, not without a slight blush, that I have had many an occasion to refer to previous editions for assistance in the course of my work on this newspaper in connection with movie reviews, and have blessed you many times for your diligence in making the YEAR BOOK the perfect thing that it is." HARRY J. OLDBERG, JR. City Editor Petaluma Argus-Courier Petaluma, Cal. "I always look forward to receipt of the YEAR BOOK and would miss it greatly if it failed to reach me." ALVIN C. ZURCHER Chillicothe (0.) Gazette "The book will be put to good use by me many times throughout the year." PHILIP T. HARTUNG, M. P. Editor The Commonwealth New York "Valuable work." R. M. SHEPHERDSON, M. P. Editor The Journal-Transcript Peoria, III. "It is an excellent book and fine for my files." GOSHEN (IND.) NEWSDEMOCRAT NEWSPAPERS USE THE'