The Film Daily (1945)

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HE Film Daily Year Book "I have found this publication invaluable for reference in the past and have found it a worthy edition to our library here." HOWARD PEARSON, M. P. Editor Desert News Publishing Co. Salt Lake City, Utah "It's a truly keen edition and one which will prove useful and helpful during the coming months as its predecessors have done. We have many occasions to refer to the YEAR BOOK for information and it proves helpful many times in settling arguments which may arise among movie fans." DOROTHY M. LAWTON, M. P. Editor The Racine Journal-Times Racine, Wise. "The FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK sits before me on my desk as an indispensable authority ad aid." BOSLEY GROWTH ER The New York Times "You've done an exceptionally fine job, for which my heartiest congratulations!" JAY EMANUEL The Exhibitor "Of course, I cou!d not do without the 1945 FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK." IRENE THIRER, M. P. Editor The New York Post "I have always found the YEAR BOOK very useful throughout the year, in fact, I have many times consulted the book of previous years. It has always been a big help to me in my work." VANCE CHANDLER Authenticated News Service Hollywood, Calif. "I think it is the best you've gotten out so far and it will come in mighty handy." LEW SCHATZMANN The Daily Independent Maysvi.le, Ky. "This valuable addition to our reference library will be constantly referred to, and information taken from it will be cited as having come from this source." THE HASKIN SERVICE Washington, D. C. "This YEAR BOOK is certainly a beautifully designed and executed guide to every phase of the film industry. I am enjoying looking through it now, and shall find it of great assistance in my work." MRS. ADELAIDE C. BUTLER Theater Editor The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, N. C. "It is one of the best and I will prize it highly." AL ROSE, Editor The Camden News Camden, Arkansas "This annual has proved very valuable to us as a reference book." NORMAN B. TOMLINSON, Publisher Morristown Daily Record Morristown, N. J. "It doubtlessly will save me many hours work in answering questions for the movie fans of this community." MITCHELL WOODBURY, Theater Editor Toledo Blade Toledo, Ohio "The book is extremely useful to me, if only to settle the innumerable arguments that come up about release dates of pictures and kindred matters. Actually, I find it so valuable that I refuse to lend it or let it out of my office, knowing full well that if I did, I should never see it again." ELINOR HUGHES, M. P. Editor Boston Herald "It's always a very useful volume." ELEANOR P. NICHOLSON The Times-Picayune New Orleans, La. "I find any number of uses for my daily column and as a source of the book, both as a reference for information in answering questions of fans." RUTH GERBER, M. P. Editor Harrisburg Telegraph Harrisburg, Pa. "We have many occasions to make reference to it." BEN SHLYEN Boxoffice Kansas City, Mo. "I certainly would not know how to get along without my stack of FILM DAILY YEAR BOOKS as they answer many a question — and settle many a dispute around her on the movie business." A. S. KANY Dayton Herald Dayton, Ohio DAILY YEAR BOOK