The Film Daily (1945)

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DAILY Tuesday, September 25, 1945 Vol. 83. N 0. 59 Tues. Sept 25 1945 10 Cents ;&HN W ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : a Associate nd General Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : : : : : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Plolidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 5516 Carolina Place, N. W., Phone Ordway 9221; CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. MOSCOW— Raymond Davies, Hotel Metropole. ALGIERS — Paul Saffar, Filmafric. STOCKHOLM— Armas Morby, Mastersamuelsg 25. HONOLULU — Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY— Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN TUAN — E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL — Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER— Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg. MnflnciflL (Monday, Sept. 24) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Col. Picts. vtc. (21/2%) Columbia Picts. pfd. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak 1 do pfd Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 1 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd. 20th Century-Fox ppf. Universal Pict Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram Picts. Monogram Picts. pfd. Radio-Keith cvs. Sonotone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux High Low Close 293/4 291/2 293/4 265/8 265/8 265/8 '41/2 m '41/2 321/8 317/8 32 943^ 1941/2 1941/2 Net Chg. 283/„ 28 28 V4 271/4 27 271/4 361/4 36 36 103/4 105/, 103/4 033/4 1031/4 1033/4 29% 29% 297/8 371/4 371/8 371/4 27% 275/r 273/4 ri'/s 173/4 173/4 CURB MARKET 4 3% 4 91/4 91/8 91/8 2'/s 2V8 27/8 33/4 31/7 35/R 23 223/4 227/8 V/4 51/8 5 '/a To Show "Raid" Friday "Colonel Effingham's Raid" will be tradeshown in all exchange centers by 20th-Fox on Friday. FOR SALE: EASTMAN PLUS X AND SUPER XX 200 FOOT AKELEY ROLLS, ALSO SAME EMULSIONS IN 100 FOOT EYEMO ROLLS. SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT. FILM FURNISHED FOR TEST. BOX 700, FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. T & D to Take Chico's Ticket Tax to Courts Chico, Cal.— T. & D., Jr., Enterprises, operator of the two local theaters, is expected to start court action soon to determine the validity of the recent y enacted city amusement tax ordinance. In the meantime, tax will be paid under protest with a view to recover monies paid the city treasurer should the court decide in favor of the circuit. T. H. Whittmore, T. & D. manager, has announced a 10 cents increase in admission prices because of the tax. Three cents of the hike is stated to be for the new city tax and two cents for additional Federal tax, plus five cents for additional costs of operation and film rental. City Attorney Grayson Price maintains that the Federal tax should not be figured against the amount collected for city taxes but Whittmore says that the circuit has been advised by the Collector of Internal Revenue that the local tax must be included. City Counsel has threatened to retaliate by boosting the levy to 10 cents. Plan is before the ordinance committee following the argument of Councilman C. L. Schwein that "as long as the theaters are going to collect 10 cents why shouldn't the City get the entire amount instead of just three cents." Masons Give Libraries To Service Hospitals Two large rolling librai'ies were presented yesterday at the Vanderbilt Theater to St. Albans and Halloran General Hospitals, represented by Maj. Henry Wilson of Halloran, and Lt. Samuel Czuba of St. Albans. Arranged by Jacob S. Winnick, chairman of the committee, presentation was made by Alan Corelli, head of Theater Authority, in behalf of the Theatrical Square Club of N. Y., No. 797, and sponsiored by the National League of Masonic Clubs. Maj. Wilson accepted the gift with deep appreciation to the theatrical world in helping to lift the morale of the wounded veterans. Pergament's Cavalcade Will Enter Production IVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Cavalcade Pictures, Inc. has been formed by S/Sgt. Harvey Pergament and, on his discharge from the Army, he will enter production. Pergament plans to retain his New York company of the same name and will continue to represent exporters and importers as well as maintaining domestic distribution. PRC Leases Albany Bldg. PRC has leased the new $40,000 office building under construction on N. Pearl St., Albany, Harry H. Thomas, vice-president and general sales manager in charge of distribution, revealed. Building will be used for the company's exchange. Film Ad Companies Set '46 Meet for N'Orleans Colorado Springs — ^Next meeting of the Association of Film Advertising Companies will be held in New Orleans in February, 1946, it was announced at the recent meeting here. Attending the Colorado Springs sessions were: C. J. Mabry, A. E. Chadwick, J. R. Salyer, Reed Ray, W. H. Ringold, W. F. Hunter, W. Hardy Hendren, W. D. Zeiger, Opal McGliee, A. V. Ganger, Gus Christian, J. Don Alexander, D. M. Alexander, Don Alexander, Jr., W. A. Hillhouse, K. N. Rice, L. E. Wysong, Kathryn Keogh, M. J. Mclnaney, Frank Gibbs and B. C. Alexander. Mich. Allied Switches Parley Dates to Nov. 5-7 Detroit — Allied Theaters of Michigan has changed its convention dates because of conflicting events the first part of October. The new dates are Nov. 5-6-7 at which time Allied will hold its annual business meetings with a banquet set for Nov. 7. The convention will be held at the Hotel Statler in Detroit. Dates originally scheduled for the convention were Oct. 8-9-10. Local 666, Chi. Operators, Asking 15% Pay Jump Chicago — Claiming that the basic scale for operators has not been changed since 1941, W. H. Strafford, business agent for Local 666, lATSE, said that operators want a 15 per cent increase. He noted that Chicago operators get $120 weekly for a 40-hour week, compared with $200 in California and $150 in New York. 31 Soviet Pix Play in Czechoslovakia in 3 Mos. Moscow (By Cable) — Tass, official news agency, reports from Prague that a fifth lof that city's population, or 200,000 people, have seen the Soviet film, "Man 217." During the past three months, 31 Soviet attractions have been exhibited in Czechoslovakia. Luporini To Rome for Fox Mario Luporini, 20th-Fox manager for Italy, is scheduled to leave for Rome today to re-establish his company as a going concern in the Italian market. At the same time he will supervise the establishment of an industry film pool in Italy to operate until facilities in that country permit the American distributors to handle their product independently there. FOR SALE 35 MM. SOUND TRUCK UNLICENSED WRITE OR WIRE: BOX 700, FILM DAILY HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIFORNIA COminG and GOIHG HOWARD DIETZ, M-C-M's vice-president i charge of advertising, publicity and exploitatioi will leave here Friday for the Coast. MORT BLUMENSTOCK, newly appointed d rector of Warner Bros, advertising and publicit' has extended his Coast stay until next week 1 participate in further conferences with H. and J. L. Warner. E. W. AARON, M-C-M circuit sales K? will leave Kansas City today for Denver, ar will head for Los Angeles Sunday with a sto[ over at Salt Lake Cit. DAVID 0. SELZNICK is at the Waldorf-Astor from the Coast. ,l BEN KALMENSON, Warners' general sal, manager, left yesterday from the Coast New York with stopovers scheduled in Kans City and Chicago. RICHARD F. WALSH, lATSE head, is ba( from Washington. JOEL BEZAHLER, home office assistant |. E. Flynn, mid-Western sales manager f M-C-M, is due back tomorrow from a to four exchanges. REX HARRISON, star of UA-Rank's fi "Blithe Spirit," will leave England this week attend the American premiere at the New Yo| Winter Garden, Oct. 3. JAMES A. FITZPATRICK, producer M-C-M's Traveltalks, arrived on the Coast y< terday. SIR ALEXANDER KORDA, M-C-M Brit producer, is due to arrive on the Coast tomorri from New York for several weeks' visit brother, VINCENT KORDA, will leave for iHollj wood today. E. K. TED O'SHEA, M-C-M's Eastern manager, will leave today for conferences at t{ Boston exchange and will return Saturday. SAMUEL BURGER, director of Latin Amer for Loew's International, left yesterday three-month trip to Mexico, Guatemala, Pan' ma, and Colombia. LOUIS J. KAUFMAN, Warner's circuit exec five, will return here tomorrow from Clevelat SAMEL SCHNEIDER, Warner Bros.' executii w.ll leave for New York today from the Coas WILLIAM R. FERGUSON, M-G-M's exploii tion director, will return from iBoston today. MARGARET ETTINCER left the Coast yestt day for New York and Washington on a busini trip. WILLIAM C. GEHRING, 20th-Fox Cent sales manager, leaves Chicago today for D troit and a swing over the Central territory DANNY KAYE will headline Chicago's F| day conference on the Community and anm Fund drives. JOAN CRAWFORD, and her husband PHIL TERRY, were visitors in Chicago yesterday ALBERT DEZEL, Film Classics and Scr Guild manager, returned to Detroit yesten after a business trip to New York. BEN SIMON, 20th-Fox manager. New Havj TED JACOCKS, Branford Theater, and S ROSEN of Rosen Film Deliveries, are back in N| Haven with tall stories from a fishing trip Buzzard's Bay. CHESTER LAUCK and NORRIS GOFF, (Lum Abner), returned to Hollywood from Chic to start preparations on their next RKO fi ■'Partners in Time," which Ben Hersh will p duce. "i The NEW YORK UNIVERSITY] course In MOTION PICTURE THEATER MANAGEMEN1 Publicity, .Advertising and Explcifation starts on Thursday, September 27 at 6:15 p.m. REGISTER NOW DIVISION OF GENERAL EDUCATION NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 100 Washington Sq. E., N. Y. 3, N. Y, Telephone SPrIng 7-2000, Ext 291 .1