The Film Daily (1945)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILV :>L. 88. NO. 81 NEW YORK, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1945 TEN CENTS E. W. HAMMONS TO HEAD ROSS FEDERAL Joseph Bernhard Resigns Warner Pictures Post Heads USP, Formed With Sperling; Kalmine Due to Succeed in Theater Spot Resignation of Joseph Bernhard as a Warner Bros. Pictures director and vice-president to permit his election as president of United States Pictures, Inc., new producing organization formed in association with Milton Sperling was formally announced yesterday by WB, following acceptance Tuesday of the tendered resignations by the WB (Continued on Page 6) Rosenberg Directs "Victory" Pubiicity Appointment of Prank P. Rosenberg, assistant director of publicityexploitation for Columbia, to the post of national publicity director of the Victory Loan Drive, completes organization of the industry headquarters' "cabinet," S. H. Fabian, national chairman, announced yesterday before leaving for Hollywood. Rosenberg has already taken up his duties as associate of Oscar A. D o 0 b , campaign director, with headquarters in (Continued on Page 4) FRANK ROSENBERG PRC Plans iVat'I Ad Cantpmgn for ^Forest" PRC's initial national advertising campaign will be on "The Enchanted Forest," company's first color film. Ads will be carried in fan magazines and other publications with copy to be placed by Weiss & Geller Agency. Other national campaigns are planned on forthcoming PRC pix. LESSER, KINZLER HEAD N. Y. DRIVE First Campaign Leaders to Repeat Effort Pledge Full Co-operation of Metropolitan Workers Irving Lesser, associate general manager of the Roxy Theater, and Morris Kinzler, of the Kayton-Spiero Co., Inc. whose ■ -^ efforts in the < ''V^'^^ 'area's Seventh War Loan Drive sparked the setting of an alltime record for Bond campaigns, will again be general chairman and campaign director for the Victory Loan, it was announced y e s terday by Charles C. M o s k 0 w itz, W A C chairman for Greater New York. Appointment marks the first time that the N. Y. campaign has been headed by the same men for two successive campaigns. IRVING LESSER Expressing his gratitude for the honor, in accepting the post Lesser declared the Victory Campaign "is a 'challenge' drive. We shall express our gratitude and appreciation to the men who won the war by driving to an 0 utstanding record of achievement and making the Victory Loan a rousing success." Stating that he knows he can pledge the u n limited co-operation of the thousands of N. Y. workers, Lesser pledged that "They will do an unprecedented War Bond selling job, and I am certain that (Continued on Page 6) MORRIS KINZLER Coast Striice Up At Exec. Board Meet The studio strike situation, the main topic on the agenda of the lATSE executive board's mid-summer conference being held at the Hotel Astor, is expected to be reached tomorrow. Representatives of a num(Continued on Page 7) Says Griffitlis Sought Pix at Lowest Price Oklahoma City— H. R. Falls, chief buyer for Griffith Amusement Co. since 1926, stated on the stand yesterday that it was his company's policy to obtain product from distributors at the lowest possible price (Continued on Page 7) Lust Trust Suit Names Warners Indie Operator Asks Receiver's Appointment Fabian Will Acidress N. J. Allied Convention Si H. Fabian, head of the industry's Victory Loan Drive, will be the principal speaker at the one-day con(Continued en Pzge 6) Washington Bureau of THE FILM "DAILY Washington — Charging a continuous drive over a period of years by Warners to drive him and other independents into subordinate roles in the local area, Sidney B. Lust, circuit operator, filed an anti-trust ac( Continued on Page 6) Ross to Be Chairman of Board; Plan Change in Checking System Election of E. W. Hammons as president of Ross Federal Service, E.W. HAMMONS H.A.ROSS with H. A. Ross as chairman of the (Continued on Page 5) BSEIU Tlieater Help To Aid "EHIrilce! Possibility that film theaters in New York might be affected by the elevator strike presented itself yes(Continued on Page 7) 31 Listed for Dais of Tonight's Colin Dinner On the dais at tonight^s Joint Defense Appeal and Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith testimonial dinner to Jack Cohn will be: Barney Balaban, Joseph Bernhard, Nate J. Blumberg, Harry Brandt, Jules Brulatour, Rabbi Judah L. Cahn, Philip Chasen, Max A. Cohen, Emil Friedlander, Leopold Friedman, Abel Green, Will H. Hays, Marcus Heiman, Dr. Herbert Kalmus, Malcolm Kingsberg, Lawrence Langner, Carl Leserman, Jack H. Levin, Lou Levy, Paul Moss, Ferdinand Pecora, Herman Robbins, M. A. Schlesinger, Albert Senft, Spyros P. Skouras, Nate B. Spingold, Maj. Albert Warner, Edmund Waterman, Edwin L. WeisI and Robert Weitman.