The Film Daily (1945)

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DAILY Thursday, September 27, 1945 Vol.88, No. 61 Thurs., Sept. 27, 1945 10 Cents )OHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. iBAHN :::::: Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, SecretaryTreasurer ; Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16, D. C. Phone: Wisconsin 3271. CHICAGO, 45, 111., Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. I. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. MOSCOW— Raymond Davies, Hotel Metropole. ALGIERS — Paul Saffar, Filmafric. STOCKHOLM— Armas Morby, Mastersamuelsg 25, HONOLULU — Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY— Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compte 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN — 'E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL — Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER— Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg. nnnnciflL OVednesday, Sept. 26) NEW YORK Am. Seat Col. Plots, vtc. (21/2%) Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. East. Kodak 1 Cen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO RKO $6 pfd 1 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd. Universal Picts Warner Bros NEW YORK Monogram Picts Monogram Picts. pfd. Radio-Keith cvs. . . . Sonotone Corp Technicolor STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 30 291/4 297/8 267/8 261/2 263/4 41/2 43/8 41/2 31 301/2 31 — 1/4 951/4 1943/4 195 285/8 285/8 285/8 — 1/8 27 263/4 27 + 1/8 38 363/s 377/8 + 11/2 111/4 101/2 111/4 + 5/8 035/8 1021/2 1035/8 303/4 297/8 305/8 381/8 371/4 381/8 -f 7/8 277/8 275/8 277/8 + l/s I81/4 173/4 181/8 + 1/4 CURB MARKET 4 37/8 37/8 91/4 91/4 91/4 3 27/8 3 -1 1/8 33/4 31/2 33/4 + 1/8 227/8 223/4 227/8 Rodgers to Address SCTOA West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Southern California Theater Owners Assn. will hold its initial open forum meeting Oct. 4 with William F. Rodgers, general sales manager of M-G-M, as guest speaker. ART FOR ADVERTISING 165 WEST 46i« ST. N.V. C. PH(h BR.m 9-4153-4 ACLU Picks Arnold for APC Advisory Committee Nominees for the six-man committee to advise the Alien Property Custodian on the disposition of German and Austrian films held by the Government agency, have been announced. Custodian requested appointment of the committee after receiving protests from opposing groups. Named by the American Civil Liberties Union, which holds that all films except those with Nazi propaganda should be released, were: Thurman Arnold, former Circuit Court of Appeals judge, one-time assistant U. S. Attorney General and head of the anti-trust division; Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, former president of Amherst, and Charles A. H or sky, Washington attorney. Representatives of Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, who opposes release of the films on the ground that they are bound to reflect pro-German and pro-Nazi sentiments, are: Ulric Bell, chairman of American United; Louis Dolivet, editor of Free World Magazine, and Robei't K. Lamb, legislative representative of the United Steel Work Elevator Strike Delays SLRB's MPTOMG Hearing The elevator strike yesterday compelled postponement of the State Labor Relations Board hearing on the petition of the Motion Picture Theater Operating Managers and Assistant Managers Guild for certification as collective bargaining agent for managers, assistant managers and relief managers employed by the Cinema Circuit Corp. The new date is expected to be Oct. 3. "Dolly Sisters" to Bow In Chicago on Oct. 5 The world premiere of 20th-Fox's "The Dolly Sisters," Technicolor musical, will take place in Chicago on Oct. 5, instead of Oct. 18. Plans for the opening are being made by Balaban & Katz in co-operation with 20th-Fox. George Jessel, producer of the film, will be on hand, along with such company stars as are able to. Truman Picks Wilcox As Revenue Collector New Albany, Ind.— F. Shirley Wilcox, manager of the Grand Elks and Indiana Theaters, operated here by the Switow Theatrical Co., Louisville, Ky., has been nominated by President Harry S. Truman as Collector of Internal Revenue for Indiana. Copeland in New WB Post Herbert Copeland, formerly manager of the Warner Circuit houses in Atlantic City, has returned to the theater department staff at the Warner home office following his discharge from the service. Rhoden Silver Jubilee Dinner in K. C. Oct. 24 Kansas City — Elmer C. Rhoden, Fox Midwest president, will be honored at a Silver Jubilee Banquet to be held at the Hotel Muehlebach, Oct. 24. Commemorating Rhoden's 25 years in the industry, banquet is being sponsored by local industry men. Committee handling the event includes Ben Shlyen, chairman; Arthur H. Cole, co-chairman, George Baker, R. R. Biechele, M. D. Cohn, Lon Cox, Tom Edwards, Bernie Evans, H. J. Griffith, Harold Harris, Frank J. Hensler, Barney Joffee, Finton H. Jones, Senn Lawler, Ralph C. LiBeau, Edward Mansfield, 0. K. Mason, Clarence A. Schultz, Ward Scott, T. R. Thompson, W. E. Truog and Robert A. Withers. Kansas City Indies Unite; Elect Illmer President Kansas City — Herman Illmer, operator of four neighborhood houses here, has been elected president of the newly organized Kansas City Independent Theater Owners Association. Other officers are Herbert E. Walters, manager of the Strand and Vogue, vice-president, and Ed Hartman, manager of Motion Picture Booking Agency, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors comprises these officers and Charles Potter, Rube Finkelstein and Dan Bodney, the last an operator. The organization is in process of incorporation. Membership is limited to independent exhibitors here and in nearby communities. The first regular meeting will be next Wednesday. Warner Club Meeting Set Here for Oct. 20 Annual meeting of the Wai'ner Club, Inc., social and welfare organization for Warners' employes, will be held at the home office on Oct. 20. Martin F. Bennett is president of the club. Delegates elected to attend . the meeting include Philip Abrahams, J. H. Barry, Ted Bodwell, Rae Braman, Ralph I3udd, Charles Davis, John Foy, Frank L. Gates, Ella Glennon, L. B. Griffin, Samuel R. Kahn, Frank Kiernan, Charles Kontulis, Walter R. Koppe, Louis Levine, Barry O'Connor, Elkan Reiner, Robert S. Salomons, William Schoenfelder, Elsie Torbach and Jack Wuhrman. Milner Leaves Universal To Join Arthur Aronson Seattle — Sam Milner, branch manager here for Universal for the last three years, and with the company for nine years, has resigned and will become associated with Arthur Aronson in his general advertising, theater costuming and uniform venture in Los Angeles. Milner expects to leave Oct.l for Los Angeles with his family. N. Y. THEATERS RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Showplace of the Nation Rockefeller Center EDWARD G. ROBINSON MARGARET O'BRIEN "OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES" with Jackie "BUTCH" Jenkins A Metro-Coldwyn-Mayer Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION Paramount presents ED GARDNER'S "DUFFY'S TAVERN" Featuring 32 Hollywood Stars IN PERSON The Andrews Sisters • Tim Herbert VIC SHOEN And His Recording Orchestra P/IMMOi/A^r %Kitauel Goldvryn present* Danny Kaye in "Wonder Man" in Technicolor mm B'way & AS 8t. Continuous • PopularPrices M33SIR B'WAY & 47th St. "BACK TO BATAAN" Starring JOHN WAYNE ANTHONYQUINN An RKO RADIO PICTURE William Lloyd Signe Leo. C. EYTHE NOLAN HASSO CARROLL 'THE HOUSE on g2nd STREET' A 20th Century-Fox Picture In Technicolor PLUS ON STAGE— CARL RAVAZZA Monte Proser's Rosario & Copacabana Extra! Antonio Review BUY MORE R r^ Y V 7th Ave. & n W A I 50fh St. BONDS Also at the ROXY [ The Palestine Problem THE NEW. MARCH ofTIME t^ ON SCREEN Robt. CUMMINGS LIzabeth SCOTT Don DeFore 'YOU CAME ALONG' IN PERSON S Orch. ,,o«>»' RIVOLI Oprn 9;30 A. M. mmmf