The Film Daily (1945)

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DAILY Thursday, September 27, 1945 = Rosenberg Directs "Victory" Publicity (Continued from Page 1) the WAC office. He will have contact with the national field through state publicity directors. Roster of the Victory Loan "cabinet" now comprises: Fabian; Doob; Special trade paper editions for the Victory Loan Campaign were discussed yesterday at a meeting of publishers and their representatives with S. H. Fabian, Oscar A. Doob, "Chick" Lewis, Max A. Cohen, Frank P. Rosenberg and Bill Ornstein of the industry's committee. Papers pledged full support in making the final Bond drive an all-out effort. "Chick" Lewis, campaign co-ordinator; Charles M. Reagan, distribution chairman; Max A. Cohen, assistant to Fabian; Louis B. Mayer, chairman Hollywood Victory Loan Committee; the following co-chairmen: Charles P. Skouras, West; Bob O'Donnell, South; Harry Brandt, East; Sam Pinanski, New England; John J. Friedl, Mid-west and L. C. Griffith, Central, and the co-chairmen on industry sales: Henry Ginsberg, West and Sam Schneider, East. Herman Robbins is special consultant; Tom W. Baily, Washington liaison, Bill Ornstein, trade press contact; Si Seadler, handling trade paper ads; Walton C. Ament, newsreel representative, and Richard F. Walsh, chairman of labor participation. Newsreels Now Develop Their Own Footage Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Newsreel footage from the newsreel pool cameramen overseas is now being developed directly by the reels, with copies furnished the Army for review. This new system is expected to speed up release of the footage, and was adopted by the Army for that reason as well as, primarily, the cutting down of War Department personnel rolls. Sokolove Joins Para. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Richard Sokolove, formerly with M-G-M and prior to that story editor at Columbia, has joined Paramount studio as an executive in the story and writing department under Richard Mealand. SERD BIRTHDRV GREETinCSTO: Sept. 27 George Raft Mickey Mouse Edmund Burns Gaston Wyler Ben Drexler HOLLYWOOD *•**•*** ^^==^====^====^ By RALPH WILK =^=^^^===^;=^^=; Republic Ramhlings HOLLYWOOD • • • SUNSET CARSON whose series oi Republic westerns is climbing iast and furious is the tallest western star in pictures Measures 6 feet 41/2 inches, without the cowboy -boot heels. . . • Grant Withers, suave villain of "Dakota" who shares his villainy with Ward Bond and Mike Mazurki, raised a full beard for his role, much to the disgust of head make-up man Bob Marks, an expert at false beards and mustachios. , . • Estrelita, recently the bride of Chu Chu Martinez, will have a baby within a year, a gypsy fortune teller has predicted. • Roman Freulich, head still-lenser at Republic receiving accolades from the stars and players for his excellent work T T T • • • MARIAN KERRIGAN, one of the 18 Republic dancing girls has on offer for an ingenue role in a Shubert show on Broadway. • Catalina Soler, ace script girl of all time and favorite of the lot ilew to New York, to marry Capt. Don Cook, of the AAF. . . • Adele Mara, blonde figurette at Republic, has been declared the Perfect PinUp by Roman Freulich whose estimation of the situation (militarily speaking) has been echoed a thousandfold by the G. I. publications reproducing her pix. . . • Linda Stirling, serial queen, has recouped from an attack of flu. . . • Eddie White, associate producer, working on six scripts simultaneously, conferring daily with, eight writers George Blair another associate producer with plenty of scripts in work With Herman Milakowsky readying "Murder. in the Music Hall," "The Uninvited Guest," and two others for production within eight months ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • BILL MARSHALL, set for starring role opposite Vera Hruba Ralston in "Murder in the Music Hall," off to Arrowhead with his wife. Michele Morgan, for a sail in their 18-foot boat and armed with the final script. . . • The great Rachmaninoff's own music bench has found its way into Borzage's "Concerto," thanks to the watchful eye ol head propman John McCarthy Walter Scharf, musical director, has lined up an all-lime record score for the picture, based on Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto, but including some 25 other noted masters' compositions Dan Bloomberg, chief engineer, and his staff, working out tricks galore for the "Concerto" sound tracks, all aimed at Academy prospects T T T • • • WALTER BRENNAN, featured comic in "Dakota" in one of his inimitable characterizations, has promised to return again and again to Republic for future assignments He kept the "Dakota" cast in stitches throughout production with his off-screen rematks and dialects. . . • Virginia Bruce, lovelier than ever, dropped over to the studio for the first time since she finished "Love, Honor and Goodby" with Edward Ashley Virginia visited Joe Kane and his crew. . . • Looks like a director's spot shortly for Mike Doyle, now assisting Tony Gaudio on "Concerto" T ▼ T • • • ANDY McLAGLEN, Vic's youngster, active in behind-thecamera production ...... while his dad did tricks in "Love, Honor and Goodbe" for director Al Rogell Andy's reported engaged to starlet Veda Ann. Borg, but the lad's not talking. . . • Al Santell is practically ready to go on his next, "That Brennan Girl" from an original yam by Adele Rogers St. John. . . • Joseph Schildkraut, whose starring role in "The Cheaters" has been reaping plaudits galore set now for "The Uninvited Guest" and the role of "Spanish Jack," in Joe Kane's forthcoming film, "In Old Sacramento" T ▼ T • • m NOW LET'S WIN THE PEACE! ! ! cominc and come CEHRINC, 20th-Fox's Central has arrived in Detroit from :he V^ 3, calvj WILLIAM C. sales manager, Chicago. ROY M. BREWER, lATSE Coast representative, is in New York. A. J. O'KEEFE, Universal's Western sales manager, arrives at the home office today from Chicago. S. H. FABIAN, national chairman of thi tory Loan Drive, and OSCAR A. DOOB, paign director, left for Hollywrood yesterday' for conferences on "Stars Over America." Fabian starts back for New York tomorrow night while Doob will stay over until Monday. JAMES COSTON, JACK FLYNN and SAM SHIRLEY are the guests of Eddie Silverman at his Lake Geneva, Wis. home. S. J. and JAMES GRECQiRY, P. J. DEE, PETiE PANACOS, LOU HARRIS, JOHN DOERR, R. H. BRANDT, Alliance executives, go to Indianapolis for opening of the circuit's Fall business drive. JACK HOVICK, father of Gypsy Rose Lee and June Havoc, and one-time Seattle theater man is in Seattle from California visiting his sister, Mrs. Fred Braid. JOEL LEVY, out-of-town booker for Loew's, has returned from a vacation. VICTOR FRANCEN, arrives in New York this week-end from the Coast. He is driving East with MRS. FRANCEN. LUCIA PERRIGO, of Warners' Midwest field staff. Is in Milwaukee working on "Rhapsody in Blue" and "Christmas in Connecticut" openings. DICK STEPHENS, field rep. for Warners out of Buffalo, Is in Syracuse for "Rhapsody in Blue" campaign at RKO Keith's. ALFRED LUNT and LYNNE FONTANNE are Chicago visitors. The PHILIP SASLAUS, of the Fishman circuit, New Haven, are visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Eli Becker, at Lexington, Ky. JOAN CRAWFORD has arrived in New York. LOUIS J. KAUFMAN, Warner Theaters executive, is on a trip to Cleveland, and Is due back at the home office tomorrow. ELLIOTT FORMAN, M-G-M exploiteer, left yesterday for a Schroon Lake vacation. MARIO LUPORINI, 20th-Fox's manager for Italy, has left for Rome. CLAUDE MORRIS, director of exploitation for Samuel Coldwyn, has returned from a threeweek tour setting up advance campaigns on 'Wonder Man," an RKO release. MRS. MARY NOSSAMAN, WAC assistant publicity director, is in Hollywood for about three weeks. DANNY KAYE has arrived in Chicago where he will officially open the National War Fund on his radio program tomorrow, immediately following, he will leave for San Francisco where he will be joined by LEO DUROCHER, to entertain troopsin the Pacific area. LESTER RETCH IN, former owner of the Howard, Chicago, returned there after an extended trip to the Coast. NATE GUMeiMER returned to Chicago from a month's auto trip to the West Coast. AL BURKS, M-G-M's Charlotte exploiteer, is In town for a week's vacation. KS (SS el itli bu iiij [lie iiial Ilia Mill lys (SS lUEDDIRG BELLS Calegmon-Horwitz New Haven — Sam Horwitz, assistant at the Poli, Hartford, and Estelle Calegman, assistant at the local Bijou, will be married here Sunday. Pierce-Leewood Seattle — John^ Leewood, exploitation rep. for Warners in the Northwest, who came here recently from Denver, was married to Marian Pierce, of Denver.